#!/usr/bin/env python
Pythonic interface to SLEIGH
import os.path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import cast, Dict, Generator, Sequence, Optional, Mapping, Tuple, Union
from .__version__ import __version__
from .pypcode_native import __version__ as __pypcode_native_version__ # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module
assert __version__ == __pypcode_native_version__
from .pypcode_native import ( # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module
from .pypcode_native import Context as _Context # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module
__all__ = [
class TranslateFlags(IntEnum):
Flags that can be passed to Context::translate
PKG_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
SPECFILES_DIR = os.path.join(PKG_SRC_DIR, "processors")
class ArchLanguage:
A specific language for an architecture. Provides access to language, pspec, and cspecs.
__slots__ = (
archdir: str
ldef: ET.Element
def __init__(self, archdir: str, ldef: ET.Element):
self.archdir = archdir
self.ldef = ldef
self._pspec: Optional[ET.Element] = None
self._cspecs: Optional[Dict[Tuple[str, str], ET.Element]] = None
def pspec_path(self) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.archdir, self.processorspec)
def slafile_path(self) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.archdir, self.slafile)
def description(self) -> str:
elem = self.ldef.find("description")
if elem is not None:
return elem.text or ""
return ""
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.ldef.attrib:
return self.ldef.attrib[key]
raise AttributeError(key)
def pspec(self) -> Optional[ET.Element]:
if self._pspec is None:
self._pspec = ET.parse(self.pspec_path).getroot()
return self._pspec
def cspecs(self) -> Mapping[Tuple[str, str], ET.Element]:
if self._cspecs is None:
self._cspecs = {}
for e in self.ldef.findall("compiler"):
path = os.path.join(self.archdir, e.attrib["spec"])
cspec = ET.parse(path).getroot()
self._cspecs[(e.attrib["id"], e.attrib["name"])] = cspec
return self._cspecs
def init_context_from_pspec(self, ctx: "Context") -> None:
if self.pspec is None:
cd = self.pspec.find("context_data")
if cd is None:
cs = cd.find("context_set")
if cs is None:
for e in cs:
assert e.tag == "set"
ctx.setVariableDefault(e.attrib["name"], int(e.attrib["val"]))
def from_id(cls, langid: str) -> Optional["ArchLanguage"]:
Return language with given id, or None if the language could not be found.
for arch in Arch.enumerate():
for lang in arch.languages:
if lang.id == langid:
return lang
return None
class Arch:
Main class representing an architecture describing available languages.
__slots__ = (
archpath: str
archname: str
ldefpath: str
ldef: ET.ElementTree
languages: Sequence[ArchLanguage]
def __init__(self, name: str, ldefpath: str):
Initialize the Arch.
:param name: The name of the architecture
:param ldefpath: Path to language definition files (.ldefs)
self.archpath = os.path.dirname(ldefpath)
self.archname = name
self.ldefpath = ldefpath
self.ldef = ET.parse(ldefpath)
self.languages = [ArchLanguage(self.archpath, e) for e in self.ldef.getroot()]
def enumerate(cls) -> Generator["Arch", None, None]:
Enumerate all available architectures and languages.
Language definitions are sourced from definitions shipped with pypcode and
can be found in processors/<architecture>/data/languages/<variant>.ldefs
for archname in os.listdir(SPECFILES_DIR):
langdir = os.path.join(SPECFILES_DIR, archname, "data", "languages")
if not (os.path.exists(langdir) and os.path.isdir(langdir)):
for langname in os.listdir(langdir):
if not langname.endswith(".ldefs"):
ldefpath = os.path.join(langdir, langname)
yield Arch(archname, ldefpath)
class Context(_Context):
Context for translation.
__slots__ = (
language: ArchLanguage
registers: Dict[str, Varnode]
def __init__(self, language: Union[ArchLanguage, str]):
Initialize a context for translation or disassembly.
:param language: The ``ArchLanguage`` to initialize the context with, or a language id ``str``
if isinstance(language, ArchLanguage):
self.language = language
elif isinstance(language, str):
_l = ArchLanguage.from_id(cast(str, language))
assert _l is not None
self.language = _l
assert False, "Context must be initialized with a language or language id"
self.registers = {n: v for v, n in self.getAllRegisters().items()}
class PcodePrettyPrinter:
P-code pretty-printer.
OpCode.BOOL_AND: OpFormatBinary("&&"),
OpCode.BOOL_NEGATE: OpFormatUnary("!"),
OpCode.BOOL_OR: OpFormatBinary("||"),
OpCode.BOOL_XOR: OpFormatBinary("^^"),
OpCode.BRANCH: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.BRANCHIND: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.CALL: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.CALLIND: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.CBRANCH: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.COPY: OpFormatUnary(""),
OpCode.CPOOLREF: OpFormatFunc("cpool"),
OpCode.FLOAT_ABS: OpFormatFunc("abs"),
OpCode.FLOAT_ADD: OpFormatBinary("f+"),
OpCode.FLOAT_CEIL: OpFormatFunc("ceil"),
OpCode.FLOAT_DIV: OpFormatBinary("f/"),
OpCode.FLOAT_EQUAL: OpFormatBinary("f=="),
OpCode.FLOAT_FLOAT2FLOAT: OpFormatFunc("float2float"),
OpCode.FLOAT_FLOOR: OpFormatFunc("floor"),
OpCode.FLOAT_INT2FLOAT: OpFormatFunc("int2float"),
OpCode.FLOAT_LESS: OpFormatBinary("f<"),
OpCode.FLOAT_LESSEQUAL: OpFormatBinary("f<="),
OpCode.FLOAT_MULT: OpFormatBinary("f*"),
OpCode.FLOAT_NAN: OpFormatFunc("nan"),
OpCode.FLOAT_NEG: OpFormatUnary("f- "),
OpCode.FLOAT_NOTEQUAL: OpFormatBinary("f!="),
OpCode.FLOAT_ROUND: OpFormatFunc("round"),
OpCode.FLOAT_SQRT: OpFormatFunc("sqrt"),
OpCode.FLOAT_SUB: OpFormatBinary("f-"),
OpCode.FLOAT_TRUNC: OpFormatFunc("trunc"),
OpCode.INT_2COMP: OpFormatUnary("-"),
OpCode.INT_ADD: OpFormatBinary("+"),
OpCode.INT_AND: OpFormatBinary("&"),
OpCode.INT_CARRY: OpFormatFunc("carry"),
OpCode.INT_DIV: OpFormatBinary("/"),
OpCode.INT_EQUAL: OpFormatBinary("=="),
OpCode.INT_LEFT: OpFormatBinary("<<"),
OpCode.INT_LESS: OpFormatBinary("<"),
OpCode.INT_LESSEQUAL: OpFormatBinary("<="),
OpCode.INT_MULT: OpFormatBinary("*"),
OpCode.INT_NEGATE: OpFormatUnary("~"),
OpCode.INT_NOTEQUAL: OpFormatBinary("!="),
OpCode.INT_OR: OpFormatBinary("|"),
OpCode.INT_REM: OpFormatBinary("%"),
OpCode.INT_RIGHT: OpFormatBinary(">>"),
OpCode.INT_SBORROW: OpFormatFunc("sborrow"),
OpCode.INT_SCARRY: OpFormatFunc("scarry"),
OpCode.INT_SDIV: OpFormatBinary("s/"),
OpCode.INT_SEXT: OpFormatFunc("sext"),
OpCode.INT_SLESS: OpFormatBinary("s<"),
OpCode.INT_SLESSEQUAL: OpFormatBinary("s<="),
OpCode.INT_SREM: OpFormatBinary("s%"),
OpCode.INT_SRIGHT: OpFormatBinary("s>>"),
OpCode.INT_SUB: OpFormatBinary("-"),
OpCode.INT_XOR: OpFormatBinary("^"),
OpCode.INT_ZEXT: OpFormatFunc("zext"),
OpCode.LOAD: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.NEW: OpFormatFunc("newobject"),
OpCode.POPCOUNT: OpFormatFunc("popcount"),
OpCode.LZCOUNT: OpFormatFunc("lzcount"),
OpCode.RETURN: OpFormatSpecial(),
OpCode.STORE: OpFormatSpecial(),
def fmt_op(cls, op: PcodeOp) -> str:
fmt = cls.OP_FORMATS.get(op.opcode, cls.DEFAULT_OP_FORMAT)
return (f"{fmt.fmt_vn(op.output)} = " if op.output else "") + fmt.fmt(op)