Source code for cle.loader

import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from import Iterable, Iterator
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import archinfo
from archinfo.arch_soot import ArchSoot

from cle import Symbol
from cle.address_translator import AT
from cle.errors import CLECompatibilityError, CLEError, CLEFileNotFoundError, CLEOperationError
from cle.memory import Clemory
from cle.utils import ALIGN_UP, key_bisect_floor_key, key_bisect_insort_right, stream_or_path

from .backends import ALL_BACKENDS, ELF, PE, Backend, Blob, ELFCore, MetaELF, Minidump
from .backends.externs import ExternObject, KernelObject
from .backends.tls import (

__all__ = ("Loader",)

log = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

    from .backends import Region, Section, Segment
    from .backends.relocation import Relocation

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class Loader: """ The loader loads all the objects and exports an abstraction of the memory of the process. What you see here is an address space with loaded and rebased binaries. """
[docs] def __init__( self, main_binary: str | BinaryIO | Path | Backend, auto_load_libs: bool = True, concrete_target=None, force_load_libs: Iterable[str | BinaryIO | Path] = (), skip_libs: Iterable[str] = (), main_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, lib_opts: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, ld_path: Iterable[str | Path] = (), use_system_libs: bool = True, ignore_import_version_numbers: bool = True, case_insensitive: bool = False, rebase_granularity: int = 0x100000, except_missing_libs: bool = False, aslr: bool = False, perform_relocations: bool = True, load_debug_info: bool = False, page_size: int = 0x1, preload_libs: Iterable[str | BinaryIO | Path] = (), arch: archinfo.Arch | str | None = None, ): """ :param main_binary: The path to the main binary you're loading, or a file-like object with the binary in it. :param auto_load_libs: Whether to automatically load shared libraries that loaded objects depend on. :param load_debug_info: Whether to automatically parse DWARF data and search for debug symbol files. :param concrete_target: Whether to instantiate a concrete target for a concrete execution of the process. if this is the case we will need to instantiate a SimConcreteEngine that wraps the ConcreteTarget provided by the user. :param force_load_libs: A list of libraries to load regardless of if they're required by a loaded object. :param skip_libs: A list of libraries to never load, even if they're required by a loaded object. :param main_opts: A dictionary of options to be used loading the main binary. :param lib_opts: A dictionary mapping library names to the dictionaries of options to be used when loading them. :param ld_path: A list of paths in which we can search for shared libraries. :param use_system_libs: Whether or not to search the system load path for requested libraries. Default True. :param ignore_import_version_numbers: Whether libraries with different version numbers in the filename will be considered equivalent, for example and :param case_insensitive: If this is set to True, filesystem loads will be done case-insensitively regardless of the case-sensitivity of the underlying filesystem. :param rebase_granularity: The alignment to use for rebasing shared objects :param except_missing_libs: Throw an exception when a shared library can't be found. :param aslr: Load libraries in symbolic address space. Do not use this option. :param page_size: The granularity with which data is mapped into memory. Set to 0x1000 if you are working in an environment where data will always be memory mapped in a page-graunlar way. :param preload_libs: Similar to `force_load_libs` but will provide for symbol resolution, with precedence over any dependencies. :ivar memory: The loaded, rebased, and relocated memory of the program. :vartype memory: cle.memory.Clemory :ivar main_object: The object representing the main binary (i.e., the executable). :ivar shared_objects: A dictionary mapping loaded library names to the objects representing them. :ivar all_objects: A list containing representations of all the different objects loaded. :ivar requested_names: A set containing the names of all the different shared libraries that were marked as a dependency by somebody. :ivar initial_load_objects: A list of all the objects that were loaded as a result of the initial load request. When reference is made to a dictionary of options, it requires a dictionary with zero or more of the following keys: - backend : "elf", "pe", "mach-o", "blob" : which loader backend to use - arch : The archinfo.Arch object to use for the binary - base_addr : The address to rebase the object at - entry_point : The entry point to use for the object More keys are defined on a per-backend basis. """ if hasattr(main_binary, "seek") and hasattr(main_binary, "read"): self._main_binary_path = None self._main_binary_stream = main_binary elif isinstance(main_binary, Path): self._main_binary_path = str(main_binary.resolve()) self._main_binary_stream = None else: self._main_binary_path = os.path.realpath(str(main_binary)) self._main_binary_stream = None # whether we are presently in the middle of a load cycle self._juggling = False # auto_load_libs doesn't make any sense if we have a concrete target. if concrete_target: auto_load_libs = False self._auto_load_libs = auto_load_libs self._load_debug_info = load_debug_info self._satisfied_deps: dict[str, Literal[False] | Backend] = {x: False for x in skip_libs} self._main_opts = {} if main_opts is None else main_opts self._lib_opts = {} if lib_opts is None else lib_opts self._custom_ld_path = [ld_path] if isinstance(ld_path, str) else ld_path force_load_libs = [force_load_libs] if isinstance(force_load_libs, str) else force_load_libs preload_libs = [preload_libs] if isinstance(preload_libs, str) else preload_libs self._use_system_libs = use_system_libs self._ignore_import_version_numbers = ignore_import_version_numbers self._case_insensitive = case_insensitive self._rebase_granularity = rebase_granularity self._except_missing_libs = except_missing_libs self._relocated_objects = set() self._perform_relocations = perform_relocations # case insensitivity setup if sys.platform == "win32": # TODO: a real check for case insensitive filesystems if self._main_binary_path: self._main_binary_path = self._main_binary_path.lower() force_load_libs = [x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in force_load_libs] for x in list(self._satisfied_deps): self._satisfied_deps[x.lower()] = self._satisfied_deps[x] for x in list(self._lib_opts): self._lib_opts[x.lower()] = self._lib_opts[x] self._custom_ld_path = [x.lower() for x in self._custom_ld_path] self.aslr = aslr self.page_size = page_size self._memory = None self._main_object = None self._tls = None self._kernel_object: KernelObject | None = None self._extern_object: ExternObject | None = None self.shared_objects = OrderedDict() self.all_objects: list[Backend] = [] self.requested_names = set() if arch is not None: self._main_opts.update({"arch": arch}) self.preload_libs = [] self.initial_load_objects = self._internal_load( main_binary, *preload_libs, *force_load_libs, preloading=(main_binary, *preload_libs) ) # cache self._last_object = None if self._extern_object and self._extern_object._warned_data_import: log.warning( 'For more information about "Symbol was allocated without a known size",' "see" )
# Basic functions and properties @property def main_object(self) -> Backend: result = self._main_object if result is None: raise ValueError("Cannot access main_object before loading is complete") return result @property def memory(self) -> Clemory: result = self._memory if result is None: raise ValueError("Cannot access memory before loading is complete") return result @property def tls(self) -> "ThreadManager": result = self._tls if result is None: raise ValueError("Cannot access tls before loading is complete") return result
[docs] def close(self): log.warning("You don't need to close the loader anymore :)")
def __repr__(self): if self._main_binary_stream is None and self._main_binary_path is not None: return f"<Loaded {os.path.basename(self._main_binary_path)}, maps [{self.min_addr:#x}:{self.max_addr:#x}]>" else: return f"<Loaded from stream, maps [{self.min_addr:#x}:{self.max_addr:#x}]>" @property def max_addr(self) -> int: """ The maximum address loaded as part of any loaded object (i.e., the whole address space). """ return self.all_objects[-1].max_addr @property def min_addr(self) -> int: """ The minimum address loaded as part of any loaded object (i.e., the whole address space). """ return self.all_objects[0].min_addr @property def initializers(self) -> list[int]: """ Return a list of all the initializers that should be run before execution reaches the entry point, in the order they should be run. """ return sum((x.initializers for x in self.all_objects), []) @property def finalizers(self) -> list[int]: """ Return a list of all the finalizers that should be run before the program exits. I'm not sure what order they should be run in. """ return sum((x.finalizers for x in self.all_objects), []) @property def linux_loader_object(self) -> Backend | None: """ If the linux dynamic loader is present in memory, return it """ for obj in self.all_objects: if obj.provides is None: continue if self._is_linux_loader_name(obj.provides) is True: return obj return None @property def elfcore_object(self) -> ELFCore | None: """ If a corefile was loaded, this returns the actual core object instead of the main binary """ for obj in self.all_objects: if isinstance(obj, ELFCore): return obj return None @property def extern_object(self) -> ExternObject: """ Return the extern object used to provide addresses to unresolved symbols and angr internals. Accessing this property will load this object into memory if it was not previously present. proposed model for how multiple extern objects should work: 1) extern objects are a linked list. the one in loader._extern_object is the head of the list 2) each round of explicit loads generates a new extern object if it has unresolved dependencies. this object has exactly the size necessary to hold all its exports. 3) All requests for size are passed down the chain until they reach an object which has the space to service it or an object which has not yet been mapped. If all objects have been mapped and are full, a new extern object is mapped with a fixed size. """ if self._extern_object is None: if self.main_object.arch.bits < 32: extern_size = 0x200 elif self.main_object.arch.bits == 32: extern_size = 0x8000 else: extern_size = 0x80000 self._extern_object = ExternObject(self, map_size=extern_size) self._internal_load(self._extern_object) return self._extern_object @property def kernel_object(self) -> "KernelObject": """ Return the object used to provide addresses to syscalls. Accessing this property will load this object into memory if it was not previously present. """ if self._kernel_object is None: self._kernel_object = KernelObject(self) self._map_object(self._kernel_object) return self._kernel_object @property def all_elf_objects(self) -> list[MetaELF]: """ Return a list of every object that was loaded from an ELF file. """ return [o for o in self.all_objects if isinstance(o, MetaELF)] @property def all_pe_objects(self) -> list[PE]: """ Return a list of every object that was loaded from an ELF file. """ return [o for o in self.all_objects if isinstance(o, PE)] @property def missing_dependencies(self) -> set[str]: """ Return a set of every name that was requested as a shared object dependency but could not be loaded """ return self.requested_names - {k for k, v in self._satisfied_deps.items() if v is not False} @property def auto_load_libs(self) -> bool: return self._auto_load_libs
[docs] def describe_addr(self, addr: int) -> str: """ Returns a textual description of what's in memory at the provided address """ o = self.find_object_containing(addr) if o is None: return "not part of a loaded object" options = [] rva = AT.from_va(addr, o).to_rva() idx = o.symbols.bisect_key_right(rva) - 1 # type: ignore while idx >= 0: sym = o.symbols[idx] if not or sym.is_import: idx -= 1 continue options.append((sym.relative_addr, "%s+" % break if isinstance(o, ELF): try: plt_addr, plt_name = max((a, n) for n, a in o._plt.items() if a <= rva) except ValueError: pass else: options.append((plt_addr, "PLT.%s+" % plt_name)) options.append((0, "offset ")) if o.provides: objname = o.provides elif o.binary: objname = os.path.basename(o.binary) elif self.main_object is o: objname = "main binary" else: objname = "object loaded from stream" best_offset, best_prefix = max(options, key=lambda v: v[0]) return f"{best_prefix}{rva - best_offset:#x} in {objname} ({AT.from_va(addr, o).to_lva():#x})"
# Search functions
[docs] def find_object(self, spec: Backend | str, extra_objects: Iterable[Backend] = ()) -> Backend | None: """ If the given library specification has been loaded, return its object, otherwise return None. """ if isinstance(spec, Backend): for obj in self.all_objects: if obj is spec: return obj return None if self._case_insensitive: spec = spec.lower() extra_idents = {} for obj in extra_objects: for ident in self._possible_idents(obj): extra_idents[ident] = obj for ident in self._possible_idents(spec): if ident in self._satisfied_deps: result = self._satisfied_deps[ident] if result is not False: return result if ident in extra_idents: return extra_idents[ident] return None
[docs] def find_object_containing(self, addr: int, membership_check: bool = True) -> Backend | None: """ Return the object that contains the given address, or None if the address is unmapped. :param int addr: The address that should be contained in the object. :param bool membership_check: Whether a membership check should be performed or not (True by default). This option can be set to False if you are certain that the target object does not have "holes". :return: The object or None. """ def _check_object_memory(obj_): if isinstance(obj_.memory, Clemory): if AT.from_va(addr, obj_).to_rva() in obj_.memory: self._last_object = obj_ return obj_ return None elif isinstance(obj_.memory, str): self._last_object = obj_ return obj_ else: raise CLEError("Unsupported memory type %s" % type(obj_.memory)) # check the cache first if self._last_object is not None and self._last_object.min_addr <= addr <= self._last_object.max_addr: if not membership_check: return self._last_object if not self._last_object.has_memory: return self._last_object o = _check_object_memory(self._last_object) if o: return o if addr > self.max_addr or addr < self.min_addr: return None obj = key_bisect_floor_key(self.all_objects, addr, keyfunc=lambda x: x.min_addr) if obj is None: return None if not obj.min_addr <= addr <= obj.max_addr: return None if not membership_check: self._last_object = obj return obj if not obj.has_memory: self._last_object = obj return obj return _check_object_memory(obj)
[docs] def find_segment_containing(self, addr: int, skip_pseudo_objects: bool = True) -> Optional["Segment"]: """ Find the section object that the address belongs to. :param int addr: The address to test :param bool skip_pseudo_objects: Skip objects that CLE adds during loading. :return: The section that the address belongs to, or None if the address does not belong to any section, or if section information is not available. :rtype: cle.Segment """ obj = self.find_object_containing(addr, membership_check=False) if obj is None: return None if skip_pseudo_objects and isinstance(obj, (ExternObject, KernelObject, TLSObject)): # the address is from a section allocated by angr. return None return obj.find_segment_containing(addr)
[docs] def find_section_containing(self, addr: int, skip_pseudo_objects=True) -> Optional["Section"]: """ Find the section object that the address belongs to. :param int addr: The address to test. :param bool skip_pseudo_objects: Skip objects that CLE adds during loading. :return: The section that the address belongs to, or None if the address does not belong to any section, or if section information is not available. :rtype: cle.Section """ obj = self.find_object_containing(addr, membership_check=False) if obj is None: return None if skip_pseudo_objects and isinstance(obj, (ExternObject, KernelObject, TLSObject)): # the address is from a special CLE section return None return obj.find_section_containing(addr)
[docs] def find_loadable_containing(self, addr: int, skip_pseudo_objects=True) -> Optional["Region"]: """ Find the section or segment object the address belongs to. Sections will only be used if the corresponding object does not have segments. :param addr: The address to test :param skip_pseudo_objects: Skip objects that CLE adds during loading. :return: The section or segment that the address belongs to, or None if the address does not belong to any section or segment. """ obj = self.find_object_containing(addr, membership_check=False) if obj is None: return None if skip_pseudo_objects and isinstance(obj, (ExternObject, KernelObject, TLSObject)): # the address is from a special CLE section return None return obj.find_loadable_containing(addr)
[docs] def find_section_next_to(self, addr: int, skip_pseudo_objects=True) -> Optional["Section"]: """ Find the next section after the given address. :param int addr: The address to test. :param bool skip_pseudo_objects: Skip objects that CLE adds during loading. :return: The next section that goes after the given address, or None if there is no section after the address, or if section information is not available. :rtype: cle.Section """ obj = self.find_object_containing(addr, membership_check=False) if obj is None: return None if skip_pseudo_objects and isinstance(obj, (ExternObject, KernelObject, TLSObject)): # the address is from a special CLE section return None return obj.sections.find_region_next_to(addr)
[docs] def find_symbol(self, thing, fuzzy=False) -> Symbol | None: """ Search for the symbol with the given name or address. :param thing: Either the name or address of a symbol to look up :param fuzzy: Set to True to return the first symbol before or at the given address :returns: A :class:`cle.backends.Symbol` object if found, None otherwise. """ if isinstance(thing, archinfo.arch_soot.SootAddressDescriptor): # Soot address # TODO launch this shit into the sun return thing.method.fullname # type: ignore elif isinstance(thing, int): # address if fuzzy: so = self.find_object_containing(thing) if so is None: return None objs = [so] else: objs = self.all_objects for so in objs: idx = so.symbols.bisect_key_right(AT.from_mva(thing, so).to_rva()) - 1 # type: ignore while idx >= 0 and (fuzzy or so.symbols[idx].rebased_addr == thing): if so.symbols[idx].is_import: idx -= 1 continue return so.symbols[idx] else: # name for so in self.all_objects: if so is self._extern_object: continue sym = so.get_symbol(thing) if sym is None: continue if sym.is_import: if sym.resolvedby is not None: if sym.resolvedby.is_forward and sym.resolvedby.resolvedby is not None: return sym.resolvedby.resolvedby return sym.resolvedby else: if sym.is_forward and sym.resolvedby is not None: return sym.resolvedby return sym if self._extern_object is not None: sym = self.extern_object.get_symbol(thing) if sym is not None: return sym return None
@property def symbols(self) -> Iterator[Symbol]: peeks = [] for so in self.all_objects: if so.symbols: i = iter(so.symbols) n = next(i) peeks.append((n, i)) while peeks: element = min( peeks, key=lambda x: x[0].rebased_addr ) # if we don't do this it might crash on comparing iterators n, i = element idx = peeks.index(element) yield n try: peeks[idx] = next(i), i except StopIteration: peeks.pop(idx)
[docs] def find_all_symbols( self, name: str, exclude_imports=True, exclude_externs=False, exclude_forwards=True ) -> Iterable[Symbol]: """ Iterate over all symbols present in the set of loaded binaries that have the given name :param name: The name to search for :param exclude_imports: Whether to exclude import symbols. Default True. :param exclude_externs: Whether to exclude symbols in the extern object. Default False. :param exclude_forwards: Whether to exclude forward symbols. Default True. """ for so in self.all_objects: for sym in so.symbols: if sym is None: continue if != name: continue if sym.is_import and exclude_imports: continue if sym.owner is self._extern_object and exclude_externs: continue if sym.is_forward and exclude_forwards: continue yield sym
[docs] def find_plt_stub_name(self, addr: int) -> str | None: """ Return the name of the PLT stub starting at ``addr``. """ so = self.find_object_containing(addr) if so is not None and isinstance(so, MetaELF): return so.reverse_plt.get(addr, None) return None
[docs] def find_relevant_relocations(self, name: str) -> Iterator["Relocation"]: """ Iterate through all the relocations referring to the symbol with the given ``name`` """ for so in self.all_objects: for reloc in so.relocs: if reloc.symbol is not None: if == name: yield reloc
# Complicated stuff
[docs] def perform_irelative_relocs(self, resolver_func): """ Use this method to satisfy ``IRelative`` relocations in the binary that require execution of loaded code. Note that this does NOT handle ``IFunc`` symbols, which must be handled separately. (this could be changed, but at the moment it's desirable to support lazy IFunc resolution, since emulation is usually slow) :param resolver_func: A callback function that takes an address, runs the code at that address, and returns the return value from the emulated function. """ for obj in self.all_objects: for resolver, dest in obj.irelatives: val = resolver_func(resolver) if val is not None: obj.memory.pack_word(dest, val)
[docs] def dynamic_load(self, spec): """ Load a file into the address space. Note that the sematics of ``auto_load_libs`` and ``except_missing_libs`` apply at all times. :param spec: The path to the file to load. May be an absolute path, a relative path, or a name to search in the load path. :return: A list of all the objects successfully loaded, which may be empty if this object was previously loaded. If the object specified in ``spec`` failed to load for any reason, including the file not being found, return None. """ try: return self._internal_load(spec) except CLEFileNotFoundError as e: log.warning("Dynamic load failed: %r", e) return None
[docs] def get_loader_symbolic_constraints(self): """ Do not use this method. """ if not self.aslr: return [] try: import claripy # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError: claripy = None if not claripy: log.error("Please install claripy to get symbolic constraints") return [] outputlist = [] for obj in self.all_objects: # TODO Fix Symbolic for tls whatever if obj.aslr and isinstance(obj.mapped_base_symbolic, claripy.ast.BV): outputlist.append(obj.mapped_base_symbolic == obj.mapped_base) return outputlist
# Private stuff @staticmethod def _is_linux_loader_name(name): """ ld can have different names such as or depending on symlinks and whatnot. This determines if `name` is a suitable candidate for ld. """ return "" in name or "" in name or "ld-linux" in name def _internal_load(self, *args, preloading=()): """ Pass this any number of files or libraries to load. If it can't load any of them for any reason, it will except out. Note that the semantics of ``auto_load_libs`` and ``except_missing_libs`` apply at all times. It will return a list of all the objects successfully loaded, which may be smaller than the list you provided if any of them were previously loaded. The ``main_binary`` has to come first, followed by any additional libraries to load this round. To create the effect of "preloading", i.e. ensuring symbols are resolved to preloaded libraries ahead of any others, pass ``preloading`` as a list of identifiers which should be considered preloaded. Note that the identifiers will be compared using object identity. """ # ideal loading pipeline: # - load everything, independently and recursively until dependencies are satisfied # - resolve symbol-based dependencies # - layout address space, including (as a prerequisite) coming up with the layout for tls and externs # - map everything into memory # - perform relocations # STEP 1 # Load everything. for each binary, load it in isolation so we end up with a Backend instance. # If auto_load_libs is on, do this iteratively until all dependencies is satisfied objects = [] preload_objects = [] dependencies = [] cached_failures = ( set() ) # this assumes that the load path is global and immutable by the time we enter this func for main_spec in args: is_preloading = any(spec is main_spec for spec in preloading) if self.find_object(main_spec, extra_objects=objects) is not None:"Skipping load request %s - already loaded", main_spec) continue obj = self._load_object_isolated(main_spec) objects.append(obj) objects.extend(obj.child_objects) dependencies.extend(obj.deps) if self._main_object is None: # this is technically the first place we can start to initialize things based on platform self._main_object = obj self._memory = Clemory(obj.arch, root=True) chk_obj = ( self.main_object if isinstance(self.main_object, ELFCore) or not self.main_object.child_objects else self.main_object.child_objects[0] ) if isinstance(chk_obj, ELFCore): self._tls = ELFCoreThreadManager(self, obj.arch) elif isinstance(obj, Minidump): self._tls = MinidumpThreadManager(self, obj.arch) elif isinstance(chk_obj, MetaELF): self._tls = ELFThreadManager(self, obj.arch) elif isinstance(chk_obj, PE): self._tls = PEThreadManager(self, obj.arch) else: self._tls = ThreadManager(self, obj.arch) elif is_preloading: self.preload_libs.append(obj) preload_objects.append(obj) while self._auto_load_libs and dependencies: spec = dependencies.pop(0) if spec in cached_failures: log.debug("Skipping implicit dependency %s - cached failure", spec) continue if self.find_object(spec, extra_objects=objects) is not None: log.debug("Skipping implicit dependency %s - already loaded", spec) continue try:"Loading %s...", spec) obj = self._load_object_isolated(spec) # loading dependencies except CLEFileNotFoundError:"... not found") cached_failures.add(spec) if self._except_missing_libs: raise continue objects.append(obj) objects.extend(obj.child_objects) dependencies.extend(obj.deps) if isinstance(self.tls, ThreadManager): # ... java if isinstance(obj, MetaELF): self._tls = ELFThreadManager(self, obj.arch) elif isinstance(obj, PE): self._tls = PEThreadManager(self, obj.arch) # STEP 1.5 # produce dependency-ordered list of objects and soname map ordered_objects = [] soname_mapping = OrderedDict( (obj.provides if not self._ignore_import_version_numbers else obj.provides.rstrip(".0123456789"), obj) for obj in objects if obj.provides ) seen = set() def visit(obj): if id(obj) in seen: return seen.add(id(obj)) stripped_deps = [ dep if not self._ignore_import_version_numbers else dep.rstrip(".0123456789") for dep in obj.deps ] dep_objs = [soname_mapping[dep_name] for dep_name in stripped_deps if dep_name in soname_mapping] for dep_obj in dep_objs: visit(dep_obj) ordered_objects.append(obj) for obj in preload_objects + objects: visit(obj) # STEP 2 # Resolve symbol dependencies. Create an unmapped extern object, which may not be used # after this step, everything should have the appropriate references to each other and the extern # object should have all the space it needs allocated extern_obj = ExternObject(self) # tls registration for obj in objects: self.tls.register_object(obj) # link everything for obj in ordered_objects:"Linking %s", obj.binary) sibling_objs = list(obj.parent_object.child_objects) if obj.parent_object is not None else [] stripped_deps = [ dep if not self._ignore_import_version_numbers else dep.rstrip(".0123456789") for dep in obj.deps ] dep_objs = [soname_mapping[dep_name] for dep_name in stripped_deps if dep_name in soname_mapping] main_objs = [self.main_object] if self.main_object is not obj else [] for reloc in obj.relocs: reloc.resolve_symbol( main_objs + preload_objects + sibling_objs + dep_objs + [obj], extern_object=extern_obj ) # if the extern object was used, add it to the list of objects we're mapping # also add it to the linked list of extern objects if extern_obj.map_size: # resolve the extern relocs this way because they may produce more relocations as we go i = 0 while i < len(extern_obj.relocs): extern_obj.relocs[i].resolve_symbol(objects, extern_object=extern_obj) i += 1 objects.append(extern_obj) ordered_objects.insert(0, extern_obj) extern_obj._next_object = self._extern_object self._extern_object = extern_obj extern_obj._finalize_tls() self.tls.register_object(extern_obj) # STEP 3 # Map everything to memory for obj in objects: self._map_object(obj) # STEP 4 # Perform relocations if self._perform_relocations: for obj in ordered_objects: obj.relocate() # Step 5 # Insert each object into the appropriate mappings for lookup by name for obj in objects: self.requested_names.update(obj.deps) for ident in self._possible_idents(obj): self._satisfied_deps[ident] = obj if obj.provides is not None: self.shared_objects[obj.provides] = obj return objects def _load_object_isolated(self, spec): """ Given a partial specification of a dependency, this will return the loaded object as a backend instance. It will not touch any loader-global data. """ # STEP 1: identify file if isinstance(spec, Backend): return spec elif hasattr(spec, "read") and hasattr(spec, "seek"): binary_stream = spec binary = None close = False elif isinstance(spec, (bytes, str)): binary = self._search_load_path(spec) # this is allowed to cheat and do partial static loading log.debug("... using full path %s", binary) binary_stream = open(binary, "rb") close = True elif isinstance(spec, Path): binary = str(spec) binary_stream ="rb") close = True else: raise CLEError("Bad library specification: %s" % spec) try: # STEP 2: collect options if self._main_object is None: options = dict(self._main_opts) else: for ident in self._possible_idents( binary_stream if binary is None else binary ): # also allowed to cheat if ident in self._lib_opts: options = dict(self._lib_opts[ident]) break else: options = {} # STEP 3: identify backend backend_spec = options.pop("backend", None) backend_cls = self._backend_resolver(backend_spec) if backend_cls is None: backend_cls = self._static_backend(binary_stream if binary is None else binary) if backend_cls is None: raise CLECompatibilityError( "Unable to find a loader backend for %s. Perhaps try the 'blob' loader?" % spec ) # STEP 4: LOAD! log.debug("... loading with %s", backend_cls) result = backend_cls(binary, binary_stream, is_main_bin=self._main_object is None, loader=self, **options) result.close() return result finally: if close: binary_stream.close() def _map_object(self, obj: "Backend"): """ This will integrate the object into the global address space, but will not perform relocations. """ obj_size = obj.max_addr - obj.min_addr + 1 if obj.pic: if obj._custom_base_addr is not None and self._is_range_free(obj._custom_base_addr, obj_size): base_addr = obj._custom_base_addr elif obj.linked_base and self._is_range_free(obj.linked_base, obj_size): base_addr = obj.linked_base elif not obj.is_main_bin: base_addr = self._find_safe_rebase_addr(obj_size) else: log.debug( "The main binary is a position-independent executable. " "It is being loaded with a base address of 0x400000." ) base_addr = 0x400000 obj.rebase(base_addr) else: if ( obj._custom_base_addr is not None and obj.linked_base != obj._custom_base_addr and not isinstance(obj, Blob) ): log.warning( "%s: base_addr was specified but the object is not PIC. " "specify force_rebase=True to override", obj.binary_basename, ) base_addr = obj.linked_base if not self._is_range_free(obj.linked_base, obj_size): raise CLEError(f"Position-DEPENDENT object {obj.binary} cannot be loaded at {base_addr:#x}") assert obj.mapped_base >= 0 if obj.has_memory: assert obj.min_addr <= obj.max_addr"Mapping %s at %#x", obj.binary, base_addr) self.memory.add_backer(base_addr, obj.memory) obj._is_mapped = True key_bisect_insort_right(self.all_objects, obj, keyfunc=lambda x: x.min_addr) # Address space management def _find_safe_rebase_addr(self, size): """ Return a "safe" virtual address to map an object of size ``size``, i.e. one that won't overlap with anything already loaded. """ # this assumes that self.main_object exists, which should... definitely be safe if self.main_object.arch.bits < 32 or self.main_object.max_addr >= 2 ** (self.main_object.arch.bits - 1): # HACK: On small arches, we should be more aggressive in packing stuff in. gap_start = 0 else: gap_start = ALIGN_UP(self.main_object.max_addr + 1, self._rebase_granularity) for o in self.all_objects: if gap_start + size <= o.min_addr: break else: gap_start = ALIGN_UP(o.max_addr + 1, self._rebase_granularity) if gap_start + size > 2**self.main_object.arch.bits: # this may happen when loading an ELF core whose main object may occupy a large range of memory addresses # with large unoccupied holes left in the middle # we fall back to finding unoccupied holes for this_seg, next_seg in zip(self.main_object.segments.raw_list, self.main_object.segments.raw_list[1:]): gap_start = ALIGN_UP(this_seg.vaddr + this_seg.memsize, self._rebase_granularity) gap = next_seg.vaddr - gap_start if gap >= size: break else: raise CLEOperationError("Ran out of room in address space") return gap_start def _is_range_free(self, va, size): # self.main_object should not be None here if va < 0 or va + size > 2**self.main_object.arch.bits: return False for o in self.all_objects: if o.min_addr <= va <= o.max_addr or va <= o.min_addr < va + size: return False return True # Functions of the form "use some heuristic to tell me about this spec" def _search_load_path(self, spec): """ This will return the most likely full path that could satisfy the given partial specification. It will prefer files of a known filetype over files of an unknown filetype. """ # this could be converted to being an iterator pretty easily for path in self._possible_paths(spec): if self._main_object is not None: backend_cls = self._static_backend(path) if backend_cls is None: continue # If arch of main object is Soot ... if isinstance(self.main_object.arch, ArchSoot): # ... skip compatibility check, since it always evaluates to false # with native libraries (which are the only valid dependencies) return path if not backend_cls.check_compatibility(path, self.main_object): continue return path raise CLEFileNotFoundError("Could not find file %s" % spec) def _possible_paths(self, spec): """ This iterates through each possible path that could possibly be used to satisfy the specification. The only check performed is whether the file exists or not. """ dirs = [] dirs.extend(self._custom_ld_path) # if we say dirs = blah, we modify the original if self._main_object is not None: # add path of main binary if self.main_object.binary is not None: dirs.append(os.path.dirname(self.main_object.binary)) # if arch of main_object is Soot ... is_arch_soot = isinstance(self.main_object.arch, ArchSoot) if is_arch_soot: # ... extend with load path of native libraries dirs.extend(self.main_object.extra_load_path) if self._use_system_libs: log.debug( "Path to system libraries (usually added as dependencies of JNI libs) needs " "to be specified manually, by using the custom_ld_path option." ) # add path of system libraries if self._use_system_libs and not is_arch_soot: # Ideally this should be taken into account for each shared # object, not just the main object. dirs.extend(self.main_object.extra_load_path) if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): dirs.extend(self.main_object.arch.library_search_path()) elif sys.platform.startswith("openbsd"): dirs.extend(self.main_object.arch.library_search_path()) dirs.extend(["/usr/local/lib", "/usr/X11R6/lib"]) elif sys.platform == "win32": native_dirs = os.environ["PATH"].split(";") # simulate the wow64 filesystem redirect, working around the fact that WE may be impacted by it as # a 32-bit python process....... python_is_32bit = platform.architecture()[0] == "32bit" guest_is_32bit = self.main_object.arch.bits == 32 if python_is_32bit != guest_is_32bit: redirect_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SystemRoot"], "system32").lower() target_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["SystemRoot"], "SysWOW64" if guest_is_32bit else "sysnative" ) i = 0 while i < len(native_dirs): if native_dirs[i].lower().startswith(redirect_dir): # replace the access to System32 with SysWOW64 or sysnative native_dirs[i] = target_dir + native_dirs[i][len(target_dir) :] i += 1 dirs.extend(native_dirs) dirs.append(".") if self._case_insensitive: spec = spec.lower() for libdir in dirs: if self._case_insensitive: insensitive_path = self._path_insensitive(os.path.join(libdir, spec)) if insensitive_path is not None: yield os.path.realpath(insensitive_path) else: fullpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(libdir, spec)) if os.path.exists(fullpath): yield fullpath if self._ignore_import_version_numbers: try: for libname in os.listdir(libdir): ilibname = libname.lower() if self._case_insensitive else libname if ilibname.strip(".0123456789") == spec.strip(".0123456789"): yield os.path.realpath(os.path.join(libdir, libname)) except OSError: pass @classmethod def _path_insensitive(cls, path): """ Get a case-insensitive path for use on a case sensitive system, or return None if it doesn't exist. From """ if path == "" or os.path.exists(path): return path base = os.path.basename(path) # may be a directory or a file dirname = os.path.dirname(path) suffix = "" if not base: # dir ends with a slash? if len(dirname) < len(path): suffix = path[: len(path) - len(dirname)] base = os.path.basename(dirname) dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) if not os.path.exists(dirname): dirname = cls._path_insensitive(dirname) if not dirname: return None # at this point, the directory exists but not the file try: # we are expecting dirname to be a directory, but it could be a file files = os.listdir(dirname) except OSError: return None baselow = base.lower() try: basefinal = next(fl for fl in files if fl.lower() == baselow) except StopIteration: return None if basefinal: return os.path.join(dirname, basefinal) + suffix else: return None def _possible_idents(self, spec, lowercase=False): """ This iterates over all the possible identifiers that could be used to describe the given specification. """ if isinstance(spec, Backend): if spec.provides is not None: yield spec.provides if self._ignore_import_version_numbers: yield spec.provides.rstrip(".0123456789") if spec.binary: yield spec.binary yield os.path.basename(spec.binary) yield os.path.basename(spec.binary).split(".")[0] if self._ignore_import_version_numbers: yield os.path.basename(spec.binary).rstrip(".0123456789") elif hasattr(spec, "read") and hasattr(spec, "seek"): backend_cls = self._static_backend(spec, ignore_hints=True) if backend_cls is not None: soname = backend_cls.extract_soname(spec) if soname is not None: yield soname if self._ignore_import_version_numbers: yield soname.rstrip(".0123456789") elif isinstance(spec, (bytes, str)): yield spec yield os.path.basename(spec) yield os.path.basename(spec).split(".")[0] if self._ignore_import_version_numbers: yield os.path.basename(spec).rstrip(".0123456789") if os.path.exists(spec): backend_cls = self._static_backend(spec, ignore_hints=True) if backend_cls is not None: soname = backend_cls.extract_soname(spec) if soname is not None: yield soname if self._ignore_import_version_numbers: yield soname.rstrip(".0123456789") if not lowercase and (sys.platform == "win32" or self._case_insensitive): for name in self._possible_idents(spec, lowercase=True): yield name.lower() def _static_backend(self, spec, ignore_hints=False) -> type[Backend] | None: """ Returns the correct loader for the file at `spec`. Returns None if it's a blob or some unknown type. TODO: Implement some binwalk-like thing to carve up blobs automatically """ if not ignore_hints: for ident in self._possible_idents(spec): try: return self._backend_resolver(self._lib_opts[ident]["backend"]) except KeyError: pass with stream_or_path(spec) as stream: for rear in [bk for bk in ALL_BACKENDS.values() if bk is not Blob] + [Blob]: if rear.is_default and rear.is_compatible(stream): return rear return None @staticmethod def _backend_resolver(backend: str | type[Backend], default: T | None = None) -> type[Backend] | T | None: if isinstance(backend, type) and issubclass(backend, Backend): return backend elif backend in ALL_BACKENDS: return ALL_BACKENDS[backend] elif backend is None: return default else: raise CLEError("Invalid backend: %s" % backend) # # Memory data loading methods #
[docs] def fast_memory_load_pointer(self, addr: int, size: int | None = None) -> int | None: """ Perform a fast memory loading of a pointer. :param addr: Address to read from. :param size: Size of the pointer. Default to machine-word size. :return: A pointer or None if the address does not exist. """ try: return self.memory.unpack_word(addr, size=size) except KeyError: return None