Source code for cle.backends.uefi_firmware

from __future__ import annotations

import io
import logging
import mmap
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from uuid import UUID

import archinfo

from cle.errors import CLEError, CLEUnknownFormatError

from . import Backend, register_backend
from .pe import PE
from .te import TE

    import uefi_firmware
except ImportError:
    uefi_firmware = None

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class UefiDriverLoadError(Exception): """ This error is raised (and caught internally) if the data contained in the UEFI entity tree doesn't make sense. """
[docs] class UefiFirmware(Backend): """ A UEFI firmware blob loader. Support is provided by the ``uefi_firmware`` package. """ is_default = True @classmethod def _to_bytes(cls, fileobj: io.IOBase): try: fileno = fileobj.fileno() except io.UnsupportedOperation: pass else: return mmap.mmap(fileno, 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) if isinstance(fileobj, io.BytesIO): return fileobj.getbuffer() # fuck it, we'll do it live return
[docs] @classmethod def is_compatible(cls, stream): if uefi_firmware is None: return False buffer = cls._to_bytes(stream) parser = uefi_firmware.AutoParser(buffer) return parser.type() != "unknown"
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if uefi_firmware is None: raise CLEError("run `pip install uefi_firmware==1.10` to load UEFI firmware") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # hack: we are using a loader internal method in a non-kosher way which will cause our children to be # marked as the main binary if we are also the main binary # work around this by setting ourself here: if self.loader._main_object is None: self.loader._main_object = self self._drivers: dict[UUID, UefiModuleMixin] = {} self._drivers_pending: dict[UUID, UefiModulePending] = {} self._current_file: UUID | None = None self.set_arch(archinfo.arch_from_id("x86_64")) # TODO: ??? buffer = self._to_bytes(self._binary_stream) parser = uefi_firmware.AutoParser(buffer) firmware = parser.parse() self._load(firmware) while self._drivers_pending: uuid, pending = self._drivers_pending.popitem() try: child =, uuid) except UefiDriverLoadError as e: log.warning("Failed to load %s: %s", uuid, e.args[0]) else: self._drivers[uuid] = child child.parent_object = self self.child_objects.append(child) if self.child_objects: self._arch = self.child_objects[0].arch else: log.warning("Loaded empty UEFI firmware?") self.has_memory = False self.pic = True # hack pt. 2 if self.loader._main_object is self: self.loader._main_object = None
@singledispatchmethod def _load(self, uefi_obj): # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise CLEUnknownFormatError(f"Can't load firmware object: {uefi_obj}") if uefi_firmware is not None: @_load.register def _load_generic(self, uefi_obj: uefi_firmware.FirmwareObject): for obj in uefi_obj.objects: self._load(obj) @_load.register def _load_none(self, uefi_obj: None): pass @_load.register def _load_firmwarefile(self, uefi_obj: uefi_firmware.uefi.FirmwareFile): old_uuid = self._current_file if uefi_obj.type == 7: # driver uuid = UUID(bytes=uefi_obj.guid) self._drivers_pending[uuid] = UefiModulePending() self._current_file = uuid self._load_generic(uefi_obj) self._current_file = old_uuid @_load.register def _load_firmwarefilesection(self, uefi_obj: uefi_firmware.uefi.FirmwareFileSystemSection): pending = self._drivers_pending.get(self._current_file, None) if pending is not None: if uefi_obj.type == 16: # pe32 image pending.pe_image = uefi_obj.content elif uefi_obj.type == 18: # te image pending.te_image = uefi_obj.content elif uefi_obj.type == 21: # user interface name = uefi_obj.content.decode("utf-16").strip("\0") self._load_generic(uefi_obj)
[docs] @dataclass class UefiModulePending: """ A worklist entry for the UEFI firmware loader. """ name: str | None = None pe_image: bytes | None = None te_image: bytes | None = None # version # dependencies
[docs] def build(self, parent: UefiFirmware, guid: UUID) -> UefiModuleMixin: count = (self.pe_image is not None) + (self.te_image is not None) if count > 1: raise UefiDriverLoadError("Multiple image sections") cls: type[UefiModuleMixin] if self.pe_image is not None: cls = UefiPE data = self.pe_image elif self.te_image is not None: cls = UefiTE data = self.te_image else: raise UefiDriverLoadError("Missing PE or TE image section") return cls(None, io.BytesIO(data), is_main_bin=False, loader=parent.loader,, guid=guid)
[docs] class UefiModuleMixin(Backend): """ A mixin to make other kinds of backends load as UEFI modules. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, guid: UUID, name: str | None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.guid = guid self.user_interface_name = name if self.linked_base == 0: self.pic = True
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<{type(self).__name__} Object " f'{self.guid}{f" {self.user_interface_name}" if self.user_interface_name else ""}, ' f"maps [{self.min_addr:#x}:{self.max_addr:#x}]>" )
[docs] class UefiPE(UefiModuleMixin, PE): """ A PE file contained in a UEFI image. """
[docs] class UefiTE(UefiModuleMixin, TE): """ A TE file contained in a UEFI image. """
register_backend("uefi", UefiFirmware)