Source code for cle.backends.macho.macho

# This file is part of Mach-O Loader for CLE.
# Contributed December 2016 by Fraunhofer SIT (
import ctypes
import logging
import struct
import sys
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from io import BufferedReader, BytesIO
from os import SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET
from typing import DefaultDict, Union

import archinfo
from sortedcontainers import SortedKeyList

from cle.backends.backend import AT, Backend, register_backend
from cle.backends.macho.binding import BindingHelper, MachOPointerRelocation, MachOSymbolRelocation, read_uleb
from cle.backends.regions import Regions
from cle.errors import CLECompatibilityError, CLEInvalidBinaryError, CLEOperationError

from .macho_enums import LoadCommands as LC
from .macho_enums import MachoFiletype, MH_flags
from .section import MachOSection
from .segment import MachOSegment
from .structs import (
from .symbol import AbstractMachOSymbol, DyldBoundSymbol, SymbolTableSymbol

log = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

__all__ = ("MachO", "MachOSection", "MachOSegment", "SymbolList")

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
[docs] class SymbolList(SortedKeyList): """ Special data structure that extends SortedKeyList to allow looking up a MachO library by name and ordinal quickly without having to iterate over the whole list """ _symbol_cache: DefaultDict[tuple[str, int], list[AbstractMachOSymbol]]
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._symbol_cache = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def add(self, value: AbstractMachOSymbol): super().add(value) self._symbol_cache[ (, value.library_ordinal, ) ].append(value)
[docs] def get_by_name_and_ordinal(self, name: str, ordinal: int, include_stab=False) -> list[AbstractMachOSymbol]: if include_stab: return self._symbol_cache[(name, ordinal)] else: return [symbol for symbol in self._symbol_cache[(name, ordinal)] if not symbol.is_stab]
# pylint: enable =abstract-method
[docs] class MachO(Backend): """ Mach-O binaries for CLE ----------------------- The Mach-O format is notably different from other formats. Specifically: - Sections are always part of a segment, so `self.sections` will be empty. - Symbols cannot be categorized like in ELF. - Symbol resolution must be handled by the binary. - Rebasing in dyld is implemented by adding a small slide to addresses inside the binary, instead of changing the base address of the binary. Consequently, the addresses are absolute rather than relative. CLE requires relative addresses, leading to numerous `AT.from_lva().to_rva()` calls in this backend. """ is_default = True # Tell CLE to automatically consider using the MachO backend MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xFEEDFACF MH_CIGAM_64 = 0xCFFAEDFE MH_MAGIC = 0xFEEDFACE MH_CIGAM = 0xCEFAEDFE ncmds: int sizeofcmds: int
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): log.warning("The Mach-O backend is not well-supported. Good luck!") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.symbols = SymbolList(key=self._get_symbol_relative_addr) self.struct_byteorder = None # holds byteorder for struct.unpack(...) self._mapped_base = None # temporary holder für mapped base derived via loading self.cputype = None self.cpusubtype = None self.filetype: int = None self.flags = None # binary flags self.imported_libraries = ["Self"] # ordinal 0 = SELF_LIBRARY_ORDINAL self.sections_by_ordinal = [None] # ordinal 0 = None == Self self.exports_by_name = {} # note exports is currently a raw and unprocessed datastructure. # If we intend to use it we must first upgrade it to a class or somesuch self.entryoff = None self.unixthread_pc = None self.os = "macos" self.lc_data_in_code = [] # data from LC_DATA_IN_CODE (if encountered). Format: (offset,length,kind) self.lc_function_starts: list[int] | None = None # data from LC_FUNCTION_STARTS (if encountered) self.mod_init_func_pointers = [] # may be TUMB interworking self.mod_term_func_pointers = [] # may be THUMB interworking self.export_blob: bytes | None = None # exports trie self.binding_blob: bytes | None = None # binding information self.lazy_binding_blob: bytes | None = None # lazy binding information self.weak_binding_blob: bytes | None = None # weak binidng information self.rebase_blob: bytes | None = None # rebasing information self.symtab_offset = None # offset to the symtab self.symtab_nsyms = None # number of symbols in the symtab self.binding_done = False # if true binding was already done and do_bind will be a no-op self.strtab: bytes | None = None self._indexed_strtab: dict[int, bytes] | None = None self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset: int | None = None self._dyld_imports: list[AbstractMachOSymbol] = [] # For some analysis the insertion order of the symbols is relevant and needs to be kept. # This is has to be separate from self.symbols because the latter is sorted by address self._ordered_symbols: list[AbstractMachOSymbol] = [] # The minimum version encoded by the LC_BUILD_VERSION command self._minimum_version: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None # Begin parsing the file try: binary_file = self._binary_stream # get magic value and determine endianness self.struct_byteorder = self._detect_byteorder(struct.unpack("=I",[0]) # parse the mach header: # (ignore all irrelevant fields) (_, self.cputype, self.cpusubtype, self.filetype, self.ncmds, self.sizeofcmds, self.flags) = self._unpack( "7I", binary_file, 0, 28 ) # Libraries are always implicitly PIC self.pic = bool(self.flags & MH_flags.MH_PIE) or bool(self.filetype & MachoFiletype.MH_DYLIB) if not bool(self.flags & MH_flags.MH_TWOLEVEL): # ensure MH_TWOLEVEL log.error( "Binary is not using MH_TWOLEVEL namespacing." "This isn't properly implemented yet and will degrade results in unpredictable ways." "Please open an issue if you encounter this with a binary you can share" ) # determine architecture arch_ident = self._detect_arch_ident() if not arch_ident: raise CLECompatibilityError(f"Unsupported architecture: 0x{self.cputype:X}:0x{self.cpusubtype:X}") # Create archinfo # Note that this should be customized for Apple ABI (TODO) self.set_arch(archinfo.arch_from_id(arch_ident, endness="lsb" if self.struct_byteorder == "<" else "msb")) # Determine the base address the binary was linked against # and set the values for the Backend and Loader accordingly if self.pic and self.filetype == MachoFiletype.MH_EXECUTE: assert self.is_main_bin, "An file of type MH_EXECUTE should be the main bin, this should not happen" # a Position Independent Main binary would later be loaded at 0x400000, which isn't legal for Mach-O # Also, its segment vaddrs are relative to 0x100000000, so we set this as the linked base # and the MachO Backend code uses the AdressTranslator to translate linked addresses to relative ones # In theory this is the place where the slide for rebasing should be added, but this isn't supported yet if self.arch.bits == 64: self.linked_base = self.mapped_base = 2**32 elif self.arch.bits == 32: self.linked_base = self.mapped_base = 0x4000 elif self.filetype == MachoFiletype.MH_DYLIB and self.is_main_bin: # the segments of dylibs are just relative to the load address, i.e. the lowest segment addr is 0 # we need to set the load address to something because otherwise the loader will try to map the # file to 0x400000, which is technically illegal for Mach-O because of PAGEZERO # # The problem is that libraries also tend to have relative pointers (e.g. inside ObjC Metadata), # which are rebased by parsing the rebase_blob, which isn't supported yet (but coming soon) # so we set the base addr to 0 to make them work out without having to deal with this # IDA and Ghidra both seem to handle it this way too # AFAIU this isn't a problem with iOS15+ binaries anymore that use the new binding fixups # but for now we just load all libraries, that are loaded as the main object, at address 0 # # We can't set the linked base to request this, because the MachO Backend implementation # uses this to recalculate the addresses self._custom_base_addr = 0 elif self.filetype == MachoFiletype.MH_DYLIB and not self.is_main_bin: # A Library is loaded as a dependency, this is fine, the loader will map it to somewhere above the main # binary, so we don't need to do anything pass else: # This case is not explicitly supported yet. # There are various other MachoFiletypes, which might have different quirks in their loading raise CLECompatibilityError( f"Unsupported Mach-O file type: {MachoFiletype(self.filetype)}. " "Please open an issue if you need support for this" ) # Start reading load commands lc_offset = (7 if self.arch.bits == 32 else 8) * 4 self._parse_load_commands(lc_offset) except OSError as e: log.exception(e) raise CLEOperationError(e) from e # File is read, begin populating internal fields"Parsing exports") self._parse_exports() if "__mh_execute_header" in self.exports_by_name: assert self.exports_by_name["__mh_execute_header"][1] == self.linked_base, ( "This binary doesn't have a proper __mh_execute_header export, " "this breaks assumptions, please report this" ) self._resolve_entry()"Parsing %s symbols", self.symtab_nsyms) self._parse_symbols(binary_file)"Parsing module init/term function pointers") self._parse_mod_funcs() if self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset:"Parsing dyld bound symbols and fixup chains (ios15 and above)") self._parse_dyld_chained_fixups() else:"Parsing binding bytecode stream") self.do_binding()
@property def min_addr(self): return self.mapped_base
[docs] @classmethod def check_compatibility(cls, spec, obj): # TODO: Check properly, but for now libs are just used via force load libs anyway return True
def _parse_load_commands(self, lc_offset): # Possible optimization: Remove all unecessary calls to seek() # Load commands have a common structure: First 4 bytes identify the command by a magic number # second 4 bytes determine the commands size. Everything after this generic "header" is command-specific # this makes parsing the commands easy. # The documentation for Mach-O is at # binary_file = self._binary_stream count = 0 offset = lc_offset while count < self.ncmds and (offset - lc_offset) < self.sizeofcmds: count += 1 (cmd, size) = self._unpack("II", binary_file, offset, 8) # check for segments that interest us if cmd in [LC.LC_SEGMENT, LC.LC_SEGMENT_64]: # LC_SEGMENT,LC_SEGMENT_64 log.debug("Found LC_SEGMENT(_64) @ %#x", offset) self._load_segment(binary_file, offset) elif cmd == LC.LC_SYMTAB: # LC_SYMTAB log.debug("Found LC_SYMTAB @ %#x", offset) self._load_symtab(binary_file, offset) elif cmd in [LC.LC_DYLD_INFO, LC.LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY]: # LC_DYLD_INFO(_ONLY) log.debug("Found LC_DYLD_INFO(_ONLY) @ %#x", offset) self._load_dyld_info(binary_file, offset) elif cmd in [LC.LC_LOAD_DYLIB, LC.LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB, LC.LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB]: log.debug("Found LC_*_DYLIB @ %#x", offset) self._load_dylib_info(binary_file, offset) elif cmd == LC.LC_RPATH: # LC_RPATH log.debug("Found LC_RPATH @ %#x", offset) elif cmd == LC.LC_MAIN: # LC_MAIN log.debug("Found LC_MAIN @ %#x", offset) self._load_lc_main(binary_file, offset) elif cmd == LC.LC_UNIXTHREAD: # LC_UNIXTHREAD log.debug("Found LC_UNIXTHREAD @ %#x", offset) self._load_lc_unixthread(binary_file, offset) elif cmd == LC.LC_FUNCTION_STARTS: # LC_FUNCTION_STARTS log.debug("Found LC_FUNCTION_STARTS @ %#x", offset) self._load_lc_function_starts(binary_file, offset) elif cmd == LC.LC_DATA_IN_CODE: # LC_DATA_IN_CODE log.debug("Found LC_DATA_IN_CODE @ %#x", offset) self._load_lc_data_in_code(binary_file, offset) elif cmd in [LC.LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO, LC.LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64]: # LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO(_64) log.debug("Found LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO @ %#x", offset) # self._assert_unencrypted(binary_file, offset) elif cmd in [LC.LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS]:"Found LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS @ %#x", offset) (_, _, dataoff, datasize) = self._unpack("4I", binary_file, offset, 16) self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset: int = dataoff elif cmd in [LC.LC_BUILD_VERSION]:"Found LC_BUILD_VERSION @ %#x", offset) (_, _, _platform, minos, _sdk, _ntools) = self._unpack("6I", binary_file, offset, 6 * 4) patch = (minos >> (8 * 0)) & 0xFF minor = (minos >> (8 * 1)) & 0xFF major = (minos >> (8 * 2)) & 0xFFFF self._minimum_version = (major, minor, patch)"Found minimum version %s", ".".join([str(i) for i in self._minimum_version])) elif cmd in [LC.LC_DYLD_EXPORTS_TRIE]:"Found LC_DYLD_EXPORTS_TRIE @ %#x", offset) (_, _, dataoff, datasize) = self._unpack("4I", binary_file, offset, 16) self.export_blob = self._read(binary_file, dataoff, datasize) elif cmd in [LC.LC_DYSYMTAB]: # TODO: This probably relevant for library loading and symbols, but it isn't clear how yet pass else: try: command_name = LC(cmd) log.warning("%s is not handled yet", str(command_name)) except ValueError: log.error("Command %s is not recognized!", hex(cmd)) # update bookkeeping offset += size # Assertion to catch malformed binaries - YES this is needed! if count < self.ncmds or (offset - lc_offset) < self.sizeofcmds: raise CLEInvalidBinaryError( "Assertion triggered: {} < {} or {} < {}".format( count, self.ncmds, (offset - lc_offset), self.sizeofcmds ) )
[docs] @classmethod def is_compatible(cls, stream): identstring = if ( identstring.startswith(struct.pack("I", MachO.MH_MAGIC_64)) or identstring.startswith(struct.pack("I", MachO.MH_CIGAM_64)) or identstring.startswith(struct.pack("I", MachO.MH_MAGIC)) or identstring.startswith(struct.pack("I", MachO.MH_CIGAM)) ): return True return False
[docs] def is_thumb_interworking(self, address): """Returns true if the given address is a THUMB interworking address""" # Note: Untested return self.arch.bits != 64 and address & 1
[docs] def decode_thumb_interworking(self, address): """Decodes a thumb interworking address""" # Note: Untested return address & ~1 if self.is_thumb_interworking(address) else address
def _parse_mod_funcs(self): log.debug("Parsing module init/term function pointers") fmt = "Q" if self.arch.bits == 64 else "I" size = 8 if self.arch.bits == 64 else 4 # factoring out common code def parse_mod_funcs_internal(s, target): for i in range(s.vaddr, s.vaddr + s.memsize, size): rel_address = AT.from_lva(i, self).to_rva() addr = self._unpack_with_byteorder(fmt, self.memory.load(rel_address, size))[0] log.debug("Addr: %#x", addr) target.append(addr) for seg in self.segments: seg: MachOSection | MachOSegment for sec in seg.sections: if sec.type == 0x9: # S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS log.debug("Section %s contains init pointers", sec.sectname) parse_mod_funcs_internal(sec, self.mod_init_func_pointers) elif sec.type == 0xA: # S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS log.debug("Section %s contains term pointers", sec.sectname) parse_mod_funcs_internal(sec, self.mod_term_func_pointers) log.debug("Done parsing module init/term function pointers")
[docs] def find_segment_by_name(self, name): for s in self.segments: s: MachOSection | MachOSegment if s.segname == name: return s return None
def _resolve_entry(self): if self.entryoff: self._entry = self.linked_base + self.entryoff elif self.unixthread_pc: self._entry = self.unixthread_pc else: log.warning("No entry point found") self._entry = 0 @staticmethod def _read(fp: BufferedReader, offset: int, size: int) -> bytes: """ Simple read abstraction, reads size bytes from offset in file :param offset: Offset to seek() to :param size: number of bytes to be read :return: string of bytes or "" for EOF """ return def _unpack_with_byteorder(self, fmt, data) -> tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """ Appends self.struct_byteorder before fmt to ensure usage of correct byteorder :return: struct.unpack(self.struct_byteorder+fmt,input) """ return struct.unpack(self.struct_byteorder + fmt, data) def _unpack(self, fmt: str, fp: BufferedReader, offset: FilePointer, size: int) -> tuple[typing.Any, ...]: """Convenience""" return self._unpack_with_byteorder(fmt, self._read(fp, offset, size)) @staticmethod def _detect_byteorder(magic): """Determines the binary's byteorder""" log.debug("Magic is %#x", magic) host_is_little = sys.byteorder == "little" if host_is_little: if magic in [MachO.MH_MAGIC_64, MachO.MH_MAGIC]: log.debug("Detected little-endian") return "<" elif magic in [MachO.MH_CIGAM, MachO.MH_CIGAM_64]: log.debug("Detected big-endian") return ">" else: log.debug("Not a mach-o file") raise CLECompatibilityError() else: if magic in [MachO.MH_MAGIC_64, MachO.MH_MAGIC]: log.debug("Detected big-endian") return ">" elif magic in [MachO.MH_CIGAM_64, MachO.MH_CIGAM]: log.debug("Detected little-endian") return "<" else: log.debug("Not a mach-o file") raise CLECompatibilityError()
[docs] def do_binding(self): # Perform binding if self.binding_done: log.warning("Binding already done, reset self.binding_done to override if you know what you are doing") return bh = BindingHelper(self) # TODO: Make this configurable bh.do_normal_bind(self.binding_blob) bh.do_lazy_bind(self.lazy_binding_blob) bh.do_rebases(self.rebase_blob) if self.weak_binding_blob is not None and len(self.weak_binding_blob) > 0: "Found weak binding blob. According to current state of knowledge, weak binding " "is only sensible if multiple binaries are involved and is thus skipped." ) self.binding_done = True
def _parse_exports(self): """ Parses the exports trie """ log.debug("Parsing exports") blob = self.export_blob if blob is None: log.debug("Parsing exports done: No exports found") return # Note some of these fields are currently not used, keep them in to make used variables explicit index = 0 sym_str = b"" # index,str nodes_to_do = [(0, b"")] blob_f = BytesIO(blob) # easier to handle seeking here # constants # FLAGS_KIND_MASK = 0x03 # FLAGS_KIND_REGULAR = 0x00 # FLAGS_KIND_THREAD_LOCAL = 0x01 # FLAGS_WEAK_DEFINITION = 0x04 FLAGS_REEXPORT = 0x08 FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER = 0x10 try: while True: index, sym_str = nodes_to_do.pop() log.debug("Processing node %#x %r", index, sym_str), SEEK_SET) info_len = struct.unpack("B",[0] if info_len > 127: # special case, SEEK_CUR) tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell()) # a bit kludgy info_len = tmp[0][1], SEEK_CUR) if info_len > 0: # a symbol is complete tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell())[1], SEEK_CUR) flags = tmp[0] if flags & FLAGS_REEXPORT: # REEXPORT: uleb:lib ordinal, zero-term str tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell())[1], SEEK_CUR) lib_ordinal = tmp[0] lib_sym_name = b"" char = while char != b"\0": lib_sym_name += char char ="Found REEXPORT export %r: %d,%r", sym_str, lib_ordinal, lib_sym_name) self.exports_by_name[sym_str.decode()] = (flags, lib_ordinal, lib_sym_name.decode()) elif flags & FLAGS_STUB_AND_RESOLVER: # STUB_AND_RESOLVER: uleb: stub offset, uleb: resovler offset log.warning("EXPORT: STUB_AND_RESOLVER found") tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell())[1], SEEK_CUR) stub_offset = tmp[0] tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell())[1], SEEK_CUR) resolver_offset = tmp[0]"Found STUB_AND_RESOLVER export %r: %#x,%#x'", sym_str, stub_offset, resolver_offset) self.exports_by_name[sym_str.decode()] = (flags, stub_offset, resolver_offset) else: # normal: offset from mach header tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell())[1], SEEK_CUR) symbol_offset = tmp[0] + self.linked_base log.debug("Found normal export %r: %#x", sym_str, symbol_offset) self.exports_by_name[sym_str.decode()] = (flags, symbol_offset) child_count = struct.unpack("B",[0] for i in range(0, child_count): child_str = sym_str char = while char != b"\0": child_str += char char = tmp = read_uleb(blob, blob_f.tell())[1], SEEK_CUR) next_node = tmp[0] log.debug("%d. child: (%#x, %r)", i, next_node, child_str) nodes_to_do.append((next_node, child_str)) except IndexError: # List is empty we are done! log.debug("Done parsing exports") def _detect_arch_ident(self): """ Determines the binary's architecture by inspecting cputype and cpusubtype. :return: archinfo.arch_from_id-compatible ident string """ # determine architecture by major CPU type try: arch_lookup = { # contains all supported architectures. Note that apple deviates from standard ABI, see Apple docs 0x100000C: "aarch64", 0xC: "arm", 0x7: "x86", 0x1000007: "x64", } return arch_lookup[self.cputype] # subtype currently not needed except KeyError: return None def _load_lc_data_in_code(self, f, off): log.debug("Parsing data in code") (_, _, dataoff, datasize) = self._unpack("4I", f, off, 16) for i in range(dataoff, datasize, 8): blob = self._unpack("IHH", f, i, 8) self.lc_data_in_code.append(blob) log.debug("Done parsing data in code") def _assert_unencrypted(self, f, off): log.debug("Asserting unencrypted file") (_, _, _, _, cryptid) = self._unpack("5I", f, off, 20) if cryptid > 0: log.error("Cannot load encrypted files") raise CLEInvalidBinaryError() def _load_lc_function_starts(self, f, off): # note that the logic below is based on Apple's dyldinfo.cpp, no official docs seem to exist log.debug("Parsing function starts") (_, _, dataoff, datasize) = self._unpack("4I", f, off, 16) i = 0 end = datasize blob = self._read(f, dataoff, datasize) self.lc_function_starts = [] address = None for seg in self.segments: if seg.offset == 0 and seg.filesize != 0: address = seg.vaddr break if address is None: log.error("Could not determine base-address for function starts") raise CLEInvalidBinaryError() log.debug("Located base-address: %#x", address) while i < end: uleb = read_uleb(blob, i) if blob[i] == 0: break # list is 0 terminated address += uleb[0] self.lc_function_starts.append(address) log.debug("Function start @ %#x (%#x)", uleb[0], address) i += uleb[1] log.debug("Done parsing function starts") def _load_lc_main(self, f, offset): if self.entryoff is not None or self.unixthread_pc is not None: log.error("More than one entry point for main detected, abort.") raise CLEInvalidBinaryError() (_, _, self.entryoff, _) = self._unpack("2I2Q", f, offset, 24) log.debug("LC_MAIN: entryoff=%#x", self.entryoff) def _load_lc_unixthread(self, f, offset): if self.entryoff is not None or self.unixthread_pc is not None: log.error("More than one entry point for main detected, abort.") raise CLEInvalidBinaryError() # parse basic structure # _, cmdsize, flavor, long_count _, _, flavor, _ = self._unpack("4I", f, offset, 16) # we only support 4 different types of thread state atm # TODO: This is the place to add x86 and x86_64 thread states if flavor == 1 and self.arch.bits != 64: # ARM_THREAD_STATE or ARM_UNIFIED_THREAD_STATE or ARM_THREAD_STATE32 blob = self._unpack("16I", f, offset + 16, 64) # parses only until __pc elif flavor == 1 and self.arch.bits == 64 or flavor == 6: # ARM_THREAD_STATE or ARM_UNIFIED_THREAD_STATE or ARM_THREAD_STATE64 blob = self._unpack("33Q", f, offset + 16, 264) # parses only until __pc else: log.error("Unknown thread flavor: %d", flavor) raise CLECompatibilityError() self.unixthread_pc = blob[-1] log.debug("LC_UNIXTHREAD: __pc=%#x", self.unixthread_pc) def _load_dylib_info(self, f, offset): (_, _, name_offset, _, _, _) = self._unpack("6I", f, offset, 24) lib_path = self.parse_lc_str(f, offset + name_offset) log.debug("Adding library %r", lib_path) lib_base_name = lib_path.decode("utf-8").rsplit("/", 1)[-1] self.deps.append(lib_base_name) self.imported_libraries.append(lib_path) def _load_dyld_info(self, f: BufferedReader, offset): """ Extracts information blobs for rebasing, binding and export """ (_, _, roff, rsize, boff, bsize, wboff, wbsize, lboff, lbsize, eoff, esize) = self._unpack("12I", f, offset, 48) def blob_or_None(f: BufferedReader, off: int, size: int) -> bytes | None: # helper return self._read(f, off, size) if off != 0 and size != 0 else None # Extract data blobs self.rebase_blob = blob_or_None(f, roff, rsize) self.binding_blob = blob_or_None(f, boff, bsize) self.weak_binding_blob = blob_or_None(f, wboff, wbsize) self.lazy_binding_blob = blob_or_None(f, lboff, lbsize) self.export_blob = blob_or_None(f, eoff, esize) def _load_symtab(self, f, offset): """ Handles loading of the symbol table :param f: input file :param offset: offset to the LC_SYMTAB structure :return: """ (_, _, symoff, nsyms, stroff, strsize) = self._unpack("6I", f, offset, 24) # load string table self.strtab = self._read(f, stroff, strsize) # Create Dictionary of offsets to strings for quick lookups e.g. during later symbol creation _indexed_strtab: dict[int, bytes] = {} idx = 0 for s in self.strtab.split(b"\x00"): _indexed_strtab[idx] = s idx += len(s) + 1 self._indexed_strtab = _indexed_strtab # store symtab info self.symtab_nsyms = nsyms self.symtab_offset = symoff def _parse_symbols(self, f): # parse the symbol entries and create (unresolved) MachOSymbols. if self.arch.bits == 64: packstr = "I2BHQ" structsize = 16 else: packstr = "I2BhI" structsize = 12 for i in range(0, self.symtab_nsyms): # The relevant struct is nlist_64 which is defined and documented in mach-o/nlist.h offset_in_symtab = i * structsize offset = offset_in_symtab + self.symtab_offset (n_strx, n_type, n_sect, n_desc, n_value) = self._unpack(packstr, f, offset, structsize) log.debug("Adding symbol # %d @ %#x: %s,%s,%s,%s,%s", i, offset, n_strx, n_type, n_sect, n_desc, n_value) sym = SymbolTableSymbol(self, offset_in_symtab, n_strx, n_type, n_sect, n_desc, n_value) self.symbols.add(sym) self._ordered_symbols.append(sym) log.debug("Symbol # %d @ %#x is '%s'", i, offset,
[docs] def get_string(self, start): """Loads a string from the string table""" if start in self._indexed_strtab: return self._indexed_strtab[start] end = start if end > len(self.strtab): raise ValueError() while end < len(self.strtab): if self.strtab[end] == 0: return self.strtab[start:end] end += 1 return self.strtab[start:]
[docs] def parse_lc_str(self, f, start, limit: int | None = None): """Parses a lc_str data structure""" tmp = self._unpack("c", f, start, 1)[0] s = b"" ctr = 0 while tmp != b"\0" and (limit is None or ctr < limit): s += tmp ctr += 1 tmp = self._unpack("c", f, start + ctr, 1)[0] return s
def _load_segment(self, f, offset): """ Handles LC_SEGMENT(_64) commands :param f: input file :param offset: starting offset of the LC_SEGMENT command :return: """ # determine if 64 or 32 bit segment is64 = self.arch.bits == 64 if not is64: segment_s_size = 56 (_, _, segname, vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize, maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags) = self._unpack( "2I16s8I", f, offset, segment_s_size ) else: segment_s_size = 72 (_, _, segname, vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize, maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags) = self._unpack( "2I16s4Q4I", f, offset, segment_s_size ) # Cleanup segname segname = segname.replace(b"\0", b"") log.debug("Processing segment %r", segname) # create segment seg = MachOSegment(fileoff, vmaddr, filesize, vmsize, segname, nsects, [], flags, initprot, maxprot) # Parse section datastructures if not is64: # 32 bit section_s_size = 68 section_s_packstr = "16s16s9I" else: # 64 bit section_s_size = 80 # The correct packstring is "16s16s2Q8I", however we use a different one that merges the last two reserved # fields (reserved2,reserved3) because it makes the parsing logic below easier section_s_packstr = "16s16s2Q6IQ" section_start = offset + segment_s_size for i in range(0, nsects): # Read section log.debug("Processing section # %d in %r", i + 1, segname) ( section_sectname, section_segname, section_vaddr, section_vsize, section_foff, section_align, section_reloff, section_nreloc, section_flags, r1, r2, ) = self._unpack(section_s_packstr, f, (i * section_s_size) + section_start, section_s_size) # Clean segname and sectname section_sectname = section_sectname.replace(b"\0", b"") section_segname = section_segname.replace(b"\0", b"") # Create section sec = MachOSection( section_foff, section_vaddr, section_vsize, section_vsize, section_segname, section_sectname, section_align, section_reloff, section_nreloc, section_flags, r1, r2, parent_segment=seg, ) # Store section seg.sections.append(sec) self.sections.append(sec) # add to sections_by_ordinal self.sections_by_ordinal.extend(seg.sections) if segname == b"__PAGEZERO": # PAGEZERO is a complicated mess so we ignore it entirely # It would allocate 4GB of unneeded memory and also break rebasing # because now there is a segment that must be at address 0, while the other segments should be slid"Found PAGEZERO, skipping backer for memory conservation") elif seg.filesize > 0: # Append segment data to memory blob = self._read(f, seg.offset, seg.filesize) if seg.filesize < seg.memsize: blob += b"\0" * (seg.memsize - seg.filesize) # padding # The memory of the Backend itself should start at 0, where 0 is the lowest meaningful address # In our case this would be the Mach header magic # Later this will be loaded at an address like 0x1000000, but that's the job of the loader vaddr_offset = AT.from_lva(seg.vaddr, self).to_rva() self.memory.add_backer(vaddr_offset, blob) # Store segment self.segments.append(seg) S = typing.TypeVar("S", bound=Union[ctypes.Structure, ctypes.Union]) def _get_struct(self, struct_type: type[S], offset: int) -> S: data = self._read(self._binary_stream, offset, ctypes.sizeof(struct_type)) return struct_type.from_buffer_copy(data) def _read_cstring_from_file(self, start: FilePointer, max_length=None): """ This technically has unnecessary quadratic runtime behavior in `buffer.find` and `buffer+= ...` but this shouldn't be noticeable in practice. :param start: :param max_length: :return: """ end = -1 buffer = b"" while end == -1: buffer += self._read(self._binary_stream, start, 1024) end = buffer.find(b"\x00") if max_length is not None and len(buffer) > max_length: raise ValueError(f"Symbol name exceeds {max_length} bytes, giving up") return buffer[:end] def _parse_dyld_imports(self, header): # Address of Array of dyld_chained_import* structs imports_start_addr: FilePointer = self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset + header.imports_offset symbols_start_addr: FilePointer = self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset + header.symbols_offset import_struct = DyldImportStruct.get_struct(header.imports_format) # Parse Imports for i in range(header.imports_count): import_addr = imports_start_addr + i * ctypes.sizeof(import_struct) imp = self._get_struct(import_struct, import_addr) sym_name_addr = symbols_start_addr + imp.name_offset try: sym_name_bytes = self._read_cstring_from_file(sym_name_addr, max_length=2**21) sym_name = sym_name_bytes.decode("utf-8") except ValueError as e: # This symbol string is probably not null terminated, so we can't read it log.error("Failed to read symbol name at %x: %s", sym_name_addr, e) sym_name = f"<Excessively long symbol name at fileoffset 0x{sym_name_addr:x}>" symbols = self.symbols.get_by_name_and_ordinal(sym_name, imp.lib_ordinal) if len(symbols) == 1: self._dyld_imports.append(symbols[0]) elif len(symbols) == 0: try: log.debug( "Creating DyldBoundSymbol with name %s for library %s", sym_name, self.imported_libraries[imp.lib_ordinal], ) except IndexError: log.debug( "Creating DyldBoundSymbol with name %s and library ordinal %s (unknown library)", sym_name, imp.lib_ordinal, ) sym = DyldBoundSymbol(self, sym_name, imp.lib_ordinal) self.symbols.add(sym) self._dyld_imports.append(sym) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Multiple symbols with name {sym_name}" f"for library {self.imported_libraries[imp.lib_ordinal]}." ) def _parse_dyld_chained_fixups(self): header: dyld_chained_fixups_header = self._get_struct( dyld_chained_fixups_header, self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset ) if header.symbols_format != 0: raise NotImplementedError("Dyld fixup symbols are compressed, this isn't supported yet") self._parse_dyld_imports(header) # Address of the dyld_chained_starts_in_image struct segs_addr: FilePointer = self._dyld_chained_fixups_offset + header.starts_offset # The struct isn't straightforward to parse with ctypes, so we do it manually seg_count = self._unpack("I", self._binary_stream, segs_addr, 4)[0] segs: list[FileOffset] = [] for i in range(seg_count): s = self._unpack("I", self._binary_stream, (i * 4) + segs_addr + 4, 4)[0] segs.append(s) if segs[i] == 0: continue starts_addr: FilePointer = segs_addr + segs[i] starts = self._get_struct(dyld_chained_starts_in_segment, starts_addr) seg = self.find_segment_containing(starts.segment_offset) # There are weird binaries where the offsets inside the file # and inside the virtual addr space don't match anymore. # This isn't properly supported yet, and the only known case is the __PII section inside the __ETC segment # of rare binaries, which isn't that important for most purposes shift = seg.vaddr - (seg.offset) if shift != 0: assert isinstance(seg, MachOSegment) assert seg.segname == "__ETC", ( "Only __ETC segments are known to have this shift, please open an" " issue for this binary so it can be investigated" ) log.error("Segment shift detected in, not handling fixups here for now") continue page_starts_data = self._read(self._binary_stream, starts_addr + 22, starts.page_count * 2) page_starts = struct.unpack("<" + ("H" * starts.page_count), page_starts_data) pointer_format: DyldChainedPtrFormats = starts.pointer_format"Page has pointer_format: %s", pointer_format) for j, start in enumerate(page_starts): if start == DYLD_CHAINED_PTR_START_NONE: continue chain_entry_addr = starts.segment_offset + (j * starts.page_size) + start current_chain_addr = chain_entry_addr"Reading chain at %x", current_chain_addr) while True: chained_rebase_ptr: ChainedFixupPointerOnDisk = self._get_struct( ChainedFixupPointerOnDisk, current_chain_addr ) bind = chained_rebase_ptr.isBind(pointer_format) rebase = chained_rebase_ptr.isRebase(pointer_format, self.mapped_base) if bind is not None: libOrdinal, _addend = bind import_symbol = self._dyld_imports[libOrdinal] reloc = MachOSymbolRelocation(self, import_symbol, current_chain_addr, None) self.relocs.append(reloc) # Legacy Code uses bind_xrefs, explicitly add this to make this compatible for now import_symbol.bind_xrefs.append(reloc.dest_addr + self.linked_base) log.debug("Binding for %s found at %x", import_symbol, current_chain_addr) elif rebase is not None: target = self.linked_base + rebase location: MemoryPointer = self.linked_base + current_chain_addr anon_reloc = MachOPointerRelocation(owner=self, relative_addr=current_chain_addr, data=rebase) self.relocs.append(anon_reloc) log.debug("Rebase to %x found at %x", target, location) else: raise CLEInvalidBinaryError("FixupPointer was neither bind nor rebase, that shouldn't happen") skip = * 4 current_chain_addr += skip if skip == 0: break
[docs] def get_symbol_by_address_fuzzy(self, address): """ Locates a symbol by checking the given address against sym.addr, sym.bind_xrefs and sym.symbol_stubs """ for sym in self.symbols: if address == sym.relative_addr or address in sym.bind_xrefs or address in sym.symbol_stubs: return sym return None
[docs] def get_symbol(self, name, include_stab=False, fuzzy=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Returns all symbols matching name. Note that especially when include_stab=True there may be multiple symbols with the same name, therefore this method always returns an array. :param name: the name of the symbol :param include_stab: Include debugging symbols NOT RECOMMENDED :param fuzzy: Replace exact match with "contains"-style match """ result = [] for sym in self.symbols: if sym.is_stab and not include_stab: continue if fuzzy: if name in result.append(sym) else: if name == result.append(sym) return result
[docs] def get_symbol_by_insertion_order(self, idx: int) -> AbstractMachOSymbol: """ :param idx: idx when this symbol was inserted :return: """ return self._ordered_symbols[idx]
[docs] def get_segment_by_name(self, name): """ Searches for a MachOSegment with the given name and returns it :param name: Name of the sought segment :return: MachOSegment or None """ for seg in self.segments: seg: MachOSection | MachOSegment if seg.segname == name: return seg return None
def __getitem__(self, item): """ Syntactic sugar for get_segment_by_name """ return self.get_segment_by_name(item) segments: Regions[MachOSegment]
register_backend("mach-o", MachO)