Source code for

import logging
import time

from archinfo.arch_soot import ArchSoot, SootAddressDescriptor, SootMethodDescriptor

from cle.backends.backend import Backend
from cle.errors import CLEError

    import pysoot
    from pysoot.lifter import Lifter
except ImportError:
    pysoot = None
    Lifter = None

log = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] class Soot(Backend): """ The basis backend for lifting and loading bytecode from JARs and APKs to Soot IR. Note that self.min_addr will be 0 and self.max_addr will be 1. Hopefully no other object will be mapped at address 0. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, entry_point=None, entry_point_params=(), input_format=None, additional_jars=None, additional_jar_roots=None, jni_libs_ld_path=None, jni_libs=None, android_sdk=None, **kwargs, ): if not pysoot: raise ImportError("Cannot import PySoot. The Soot backend requires PySoot.") if kwargs.get("has_memory", False): raise CLEError('The parameter "has_memory" must be False for Soot backend.') super().__init__(*args, has_memory=False, **kwargs) if self.binary is None: raise ValueError("Cannot use the Soot backend loading from a stream") # load the classes log.debug("Lifting to Soot IR ...") start_time = time.time() pysoot_lifter = Lifter( self.binary, input_format=input_format, android_sdk=android_sdk, additional_jars=additional_jars, additional_jar_roots=additional_jar_roots, ) end_time = time.time() log.debug("Lifting completed in %ds", round(end_time - start_time, 2)) self._classes = pysoot_lifter.classes # find entry method if entry_point: try: ep_method = self.get_soot_method(entry_point, params=entry_point_params) ep_method_descriptor = SootMethodDescriptor.from_soot_method(ep_method) self._entry = SootAddressDescriptor(ep_method_descriptor, 0, 0) log.debug("Entry point set to %s", self._entry) except CLEError: log.warning("Couldn't find entry point %s.", entry_point) self._entry = None self.os = "javavm" self.rebase_addr = None self.set_arch(ArchSoot()) if jni_libs: # native libraries are getting loaded by adding them as a dependency of this object self.deps += [jni_libs] if type(jni_libs) in (str, bytes) else jni_libs # if available, add additional load path(s) if jni_libs_ld_path: path_list = [jni_libs_ld_path] if type(jni_libs_ld_path) in (str, bytes) else jni_libs_ld_path self.extra_load_path += path_list self.jni_support = True else: self.jni_support = False
@property def max_addr(self): # FIXME: This is a hack to satisfy checks elsewhere that max_addr must be greater than min_addr return self.min_addr + 1 @property def entry(self): return self._entry @property def classes(self): return self._classes
[docs] def get_soot_class(self, cls_name, none_if_missing=False): """ Get Soot class object. :param str cls_name: Name of the class. :return: The class object. :rtype: pysoot.soot.SootClass """ try: return self._classes[cls_name] except KeyError: if none_if_missing: return None else: raise CLEError('Class "%s" does not exist.' % cls_name)
[docs] def get_soot_method(self, thing, class_name=None, params=(), none_if_missing=False): """ Get Soot method object. :param thing: Descriptor or the method, or name of the method. :param str class_name: Name of the class. If not specified, class name can be parsed from method_name. :return: Soot method that satisfy the criteria. """ # Step 1: Parse input if isinstance(thing, SootMethodDescriptor): method_description = { "class_name": thing.class_name, "name":, "params": thing.params, } elif isinstance(thing, (str, bytes)): method_name = thing # if class_name is not set, parse it from the method name if class_name is None: last_dot = method_name.rfind(".") if last_dot >= 0: class_name = method_name[:last_dot] method_name = method_name[last_dot + 1 :] else: raise ValueError("Cannot parse class name from method %s." % method_name) method_description = { "class_name": class_name, "name": method_name, "params": params, } else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type "%s" for the first argument.' % thing) # Step 2: Load class containing the method try: cls = self.get_soot_class(method_description["class_name"]) except CLEError: if none_if_missing: return None else: raise # Step 3: Get all methods matching the description methods = [ soot_method for soot_method in cls.methods if self._description_matches_soot_method(soot_method, **method_description) ] if not methods: if none_if_missing: return None else: raise CLEError( "Method with description %s does not exist in class %s." % (method_description, method_description["class_name"]) ) if len(methods) > 1: # Warn if we found several matching methods log.warning( "Method with description %s is ambiguous in class %s.", method_description, method_description["class_name"], ) return methods[0]
@staticmethod def _description_matches_soot_method(soot_method, name=None, class_name=None, params=()): if name and != name: return False if class_name and soot_method.class_name != class_name: return False if soot_method.params != params: return False return True @property def main_methods(self): """ Find all Main methods in this binary. :return: All main methods in each class. :rtype: iterator """ for cls in self.classes.values(): for method in cls.methods: if == "main": # TODO: Check more attributes yield method
[docs] @staticmethod def is_zip_archive(stream): identstring = return identstring.startswith(b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04")