Source code for cle.backends.elf.elfcore

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import struct
from collections import defaultdict

import elftools

from cle.address_translator import AT
from cle.backends import register_backend
from cle.backends.blob import Blob
from cle.backends.region import Segment
from cle.errors import CLECompatibilityError, CLEError
from cle.memory import Clemory

from .elf import ELF

log = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

# TODO: yall know struct.unpack_from exists, right? maybe even bitstream?

[docs] class ELFCore(ELF): """ Loader class for ELF core files. One key pain point when analyzing a core dump generated on a remote machine is that the paths to binaries are absolute (and may not exist or be the same on your local machine). Therefore, you can use the options ```remote_file_mapping`` to specify a ``dict`` mapping (easy if there are a small number of mappings) or ``remote_file_mapper`` to specify a function that accepts a remote file name and returns the local file name (useful if there are many mappings). If you specify both ``remote_file_mapping`` and ``remote_file_mapper``, ``remote_file_mapping`` is applied first, then the result is passed to ``remote_file_mapper``. :param executable: Optional path to the main binary of the core dump. If not supplied, ELFCore will attempt to figure it out automatically from the core dump. :param remote_file_mapping: Optional dict that maps specific file names in the core dump to other file names. :param remote_file_mapper: Optional function that is used to map every file name in the core dump to whatever is returned from this function. """ is_default = True # Tell CLE to automatically consider using the ELFCore backend
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, executable=None, remote_file_mapping=None, remote_file_mapper=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.filename_lookup = [] self.__current_thread = None self._threads = [] self.auxv = {} self.pr_fname = None self._main_filepath = executable self._page_size = 0x1000 # a default page size, will be changed later by parsing notes self._main_object = None if remote_file_mapping is not None: self._remote_file_mapper = lambda x: remote_file_mapping.get(x, x) else: self._remote_file_mapper = lambda x: x if remote_file_mapper is not None: orig = self._remote_file_mapper self._remote_file_mapper = lambda x: remote_file_mapper(orig(x)) self.__extract_note_info() self.__reload_children() self._remote_file_mapper = None
[docs] @staticmethod def is_compatible(stream): identstring = if identstring.startswith(b"\x7fELF"): if elftools.elf.elffile.ELFFile(stream).header["e_type"] == "ET_CORE": return True return False return False
def __cycle_thread(self): if self.__current_thread is not None: self._threads.append(self.__current_thread) self.__current_thread = {} @property def threads(self): return list(range(len(self._threads)))
[docs] def thread_registers(self, thread=None): if thread is None: thread = 0 return self._threads[thread]["registers"]
def __extract_note_info(self): """ All meaningful information about the process's state at crashtime is stored in the note segment. """ for seg_readelf in self._reader.iter_segments(): if seg_readelf.header.p_type == "PT_NOTE": for note in seg_readelf.iter_notes(): if note.n_type == "NT_PRSTATUS": self.__cycle_thread() n_desc = note.n_desc.encode("latin-1") if isinstance(note.n_desc, str) else note.n_desc self.__parse_prstatus(n_desc) elif note.n_type == "NT_PRPSINFO": self.__parse_prpsinfo(note.n_desc) elif note.n_type == "NT_AUXV": n_desc = note.n_desc.encode("latin-1") if isinstance(note.n_desc, str) else note.n_desc self.__parse_auxv(n_desc) elif note.n_type == "NT_FILE": self.__parse_files(note.n_desc) elif note.n_type == 512 and == "X86": n_desc = note.n_desc.encode("latin-1") if isinstance(note.n_desc, str) else note.n_desc self.__parse_x86_tls(n_desc) self._replace_main_object_path() self.__cycle_thread() if not self._threads: log.warning("Could not find thread info, cannot initialize registers") elif == "X86" and "segments" not in self._threads[0]: if "AT_RANDOM" in self.auxv: log.warning( "This core dump does not contain TLS information. " "threads will be matched to TLS regions via heuristics" ) pointer_rand = self.auxv["AT_RANDOM"][4:8] all_locations = [ addr - 0x18 for addr in self.__dummy_clemory.find(pointer_rand) if self.__dummy_clemory.unpack_word(addr - 0x18) == addr - 0x18 ] # the heuristic is that generally threads are allocated with descending tls addresses for thread, loc in zip(self._threads, reversed(all_locations)): thread["segments"] = {thread["registers"]["gs"] >> 3: (loc, 0xFFFFF, 0x51)} else: log.warning("This core dump does not contain TLS or auxv information. TLS information will be wrong.") for thread in self._threads: thread["segments"] = {thread["registers"]["gs"] >> 3: (0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x51)} def _replace_main_object_path(self): """ try to replace path of the main_object with the specified one """ if not self._main_filepath or not self.filename_lookup: return # identify the original path and assuming pr_fname always exists matched = None for i, (a, b, c, fn) in enumerate(self.filename_lookup): if os.path.basename(fn).startswith( self.pr_fname ): # pr_fname is defined to be the first 16 bytes of the executable name matched = fn break else: raise CLEError("Fail to find the main object, is this core dump malformed?") # replace the path for i, (a, b, c, fn) in enumerate(self.filename_lookup): if fn == matched: self.filename_lookup[i] = (a, b, c, self._main_filepath) @property def __dummy_clemory(self): dummy_clemory = Clemory(self.arch, root=True) dummy_clemory.add_backer(self.linked_base, self.memory) return dummy_clemory def __parse_prstatus(self, desc): """ Parse out the prstatus, accumulating the general purpose register values. Supports AMD64, X86, ARM, AArch64, MIPS and MIPSEL at the moment. :param prstatus: a note object of type NT_PRSTATUS. """ # TODO: support all architectures angr supports arch_bytes = self.arch.bytes if arch_bytes == 4: fmt = "I" elif arch_bytes == 8: fmt = "Q" else: raise CLEError("Architecture must have a bitwidth of either 64 or 32") end = ">" if self.arch.memory_endness == "Iend_BE" else "<" pos = 0 def read_longs(n): fin = pos + n * arch_bytes return (fin, *struct.unpack(end + fmt * n, desc[pos:fin])) def read_ints(n): fin = pos + n * 4 return (fin, *struct.unpack(end + "I" * n, desc[pos:fin])) def read_timeval(): sec, usec = struct.unpack(end + fmt * 2, desc[pos : pos + 2 * arch_bytes]) return (pos + 2 * arch_bytes, sec * 1000000 + usec) result = {} pos, result["si_signo"], result["si_code"], result["si_errno"] = read_ints(3) # this field is a short, but it's padded to an int (result["pr_cursig"],) = struct.unpack(end + "H", desc[pos : pos + 2]) pos += 4 pos, result["pr_sigpend"], result["pr_sighold"] = read_longs(2) pos, result["pr_pid"], result["pr_ppid"], result["pr_pgrp"], result["pr_sid"] = read_ints(4) pos, result["pr_utime_usec"] = read_timeval() pos, result["pr_stime_usec"] = read_timeval() pos, result["pr_cutime_usec"] = read_timeval() pos, result["pr_cstime_usec"] = read_timeval() # parse out general purpose registers if == "AMD64": # register names as they appear in dump rnames = [ "r15", "r14", "r13", "r12", "rbp", "rbx", "r11", "r10", "r9", "r8", "rax", "rcx", "rdx", "rsi", "rdi", "xxx", "rip", "cs", "eflags", "rsp", "ss", "fs_base", "gs_base", "ds", "es", "xxx", "xxx", ] nreg = 27 elif == "X86": rnames = [ "ebx", "ecx", "edx", "esi", "edi", "ebp", "eax", "ds", "es", "fs", "gs", "xxx", "eip", "cs", "eflags", "esp", "ss", ] nreg = 17 elif == "ARMHF" or == "ARMEL": rnames = [ "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", "xxx", "xxx", ] nreg = 18 elif == "AARCH64": rnames = [f"x{i}" for i in range(32)] rnames.append("pc") rnames.append("xxx") nreg = 34 elif == "MIPS32": rnames = [ "xxx", "xxx", "xxx", "xxx", "xxx", "xxx", "zero", "at", "v0", "v1", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7", "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7", "t8", "t9", "k0", "k1", "gp", "sp", "s8", "ra", "lo", "hi", "pc", "bad", "sr", "status", "cause", ] nreg = 45 else: raise CLECompatibilityError(f"Architecture '{}' unsupported by ELFCore") assert nreg == len(rnames), "Please create an issue with this core-file attached to get this fixed." pos, *regvals = read_longs(nreg) result["registers"] = dict(zip(rnames, regvals)) del result["registers"]["xxx"] pos, result["pr_fpvalid"] = read_ints(1) assert ( pos <= len(desc) < pos + arch_bytes ), "Please create an issue with this core-file attached to get this fixed." self.__current_thread.update(result) def __parse_prpsinfo(self, desc): pr_fname = desc.pr_fname.split(b"\x00", 1)[0] try: self.pr_fname = pr_fname.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: self.pr_fname = repr(pr_fname) def __parse_files(self, desc): self._page_size = desc.page_size self.filename_lookup = [ (ent.vm_start, ent.vm_end, ent.page_offset * desc.page_size, self._remote_file_mapper(fn.decode())) for ent, fn in zip(desc.Elf_Nt_File_Entry, desc.filename) ] def __parse_x86_tls(self, desc): self.__current_thread["segments"] = {} for offset in range(0, len(desc), 4 * 4): index, base, limit, flags = struct.unpack_from("4I", desc, offset) self.__current_thread["segments"][index] = (base, limit, flags) def __parse_auxv(self, desc): for offset in range(0, len(desc), self.arch.bytes * 2): code = struct.unpack_from(self.arch.struct_fmt(), desc, offset)[0] value = struct.unpack_from(self.arch.struct_fmt(), desc, offset + self.arch.bytes)[0] code_str = auxv_codes.get(code, code) if code_str == "AT_RANDOM": value = self.__dummy_clemory.load(value, 0x10) elif code_str in ("AT_EXECFN", "AT_PLATFORM"): pos = value value = bytearray() while True: byte = self.__dummy_clemory[pos] if byte == 0: break value.append(byte) pos += 1 value = bytes(value) self.auxv[code_str] = value def __reload_children(self): self.loader.page_size = self._page_size self.loader._perform_relocations = False # hack: we are using a loader internal method in a non-kosher way which will cause our children to be # marked as the main binary if we are also the main binary # work around this by setting ourself here: if self.loader._main_object is None: self.loader._main_object = self child_patches = defaultdict(list) for vm_start, vm_end, offset, filename in self.filename_lookup: try: patch_data = self.__dummy_clemory.load(vm_start, vm_end - vm_start) except KeyError: pass else: child_patches[filename].append((vm_start, offset, patch_data)) remaining_segments = list(self.segments) for filename, patches in child_patches.items(): try: with open(filename, "rb") as fp: obj = self.loader._load_object_isolated(fp) except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, CLECompatibilityError) as ex: if isinstance(ex, FileNotFoundError): log.warning( "Dependency %s does not exist on the current system; this core may be incomplete.", filename ) elif isinstance(ex, CLECompatibilityError): log.warning("Could not find a compatible loader for %s; this core may be incomplete.", filename) else: log.warning("Could not load %s; this core may be incomplete.", filename) if self.loader._main_object is self: self.loader._main_object = None self.child_objects.clear() return # several ways to try to match the NT_FILE entries to the object # (not trivial because offsets can be mapped multiple places) # (and because there's no clear pattern for how mappings are included or omitted) base_addr = None # try one: use the delta between each allocation as a signature (works when the text segment is missing) if base_addr is None: vm_starts = [a for a, _, _ in patches] vm_deltas = [b - a for a, b in zip(vm_starts, vm_starts[1:])] segment_starts = [seg.vaddr for seg in obj.segments] segment_deltas = [b - a for a, b in zip(segment_starts, segment_starts[1:])] # funky lil algorithm to find substrings for match_idx in range(len(segment_deltas) - len(vm_deltas) + 1): for idx, vm_delta in enumerate(vm_deltas): if vm_delta != segment_deltas[match_idx + idx]: break else: base_addr = vm_starts[0] - AT.from_lva(obj.segments[match_idx].vaddr, obj).to_rva() break # try two: if the file is identity-mapped, it's easy (?) if base_addr is None: base_reccomendations = [a - b for a, b, _ in patches] if all(a == base_reccomendations[0] for a in base_reccomendations): base_addr = base_reccomendations[0] # try three: if we have the zero offset then it's easy (?) if base_addr is None: if patches[0][1] == 0: base_addr = patches[0][0] if base_addr is None: log.warning("Could not load %s (could not determine base); core may be incomplete", filename) if self.loader._main_object is self: self.loader._main_object = None self.child_objects.clear() return obj._custom_base_addr = base_addr self.child_objects.append(obj) # figure out how the core's data should affect the child object's data # iterate over all the core segments, since the only time we will need to make a change to the child's # memory is if the core has something to say about it # if there is ANY OVERLAP AT ALL, copy over the relevant data and nuke the segment # then, if there is any part of the segment which DOESN'T correspond to a child segment, inject a new memory # backer into the child for the relevant data max_addr = base_addr + (obj.max_addr - obj.min_addr) i = 0 while i < len(remaining_segments): seg = remaining_segments[i] # check for overlap (overapproximation) if base_addr <= seg.vaddr <= max_addr or seg.vaddr <= base_addr < seg.vaddr + seg.memsize: remaining_segments.pop(i) # if there is data before the beginning of the child or after the end, # make new artificial segments for it if seg.vaddr < base_addr: size = base_addr - seg.vaddr remaining_segments.insert(i, Segment(seg.offset, seg.vaddr, size, size)) i += 1 if seg.max_addr > max_addr: size = seg.max_addr - max_addr offset = seg.memsize - size remaining_segments.insert(i, Segment(seg.offset + offset, seg.vaddr + offset, size, size)) i += 1 # ohhhh this is SUCH a confusing address space-conversation problem! # we're going to enumerate the contents of the core segment. at each point we find the relevant # child backer. if this skips any content, inject a backer into the child. # then, copy the contents of the core segment that overlaps the child backer. cursor = max(0, base_addr - seg.vaddr) # use filesize and not memsize so we don't overwrite stuff with zeroes if it's omitted from the core while cursor < seg.filesize: child_cursor = cursor + seg.vaddr - base_addr try: child_offset, child_backer = next(obj.memory.backers(child_cursor)) except StopIteration: # is this right? is there any behavior we need to account for in the case that there is # somehow no backer past a point mapped by the core? break # have we skipped any part of the core? skip_size = child_offset - child_cursor if skip_size > 0: # inject it into the child obj.memory.add_backer( child_cursor, self.memory.load(AT.from_mva(cursor + seg.vaddr, self).to_rva(), skip_size), ) # how much of the child's segment have we skipped by # starting at the beginning of the core segment? child_backer_offset = max(0, -skip_size) # how much of the core's segment have we skipped and handled via injection? core_backer_offset = max(0, skip_size) # how much can we copy? copy_size = min( len(child_backer) - child_backer_offset, seg.memsize - (cursor + core_backer_offset) ) if copy_size > 0: # do the copy if we have anything to copy child_offset + child_backer_offset, self.memory.load( AT.from_mva(seg.vaddr + cursor + core_backer_offset, self).to_rva(), copy_size ), ) # advance cursor cursor += core_backer_offset + copy_size else: i += 1 # for all remaining segments, make blobs out of them mem = self.__dummy_clemory for seg in remaining_segments: if not seg.memsize: continue obj = Blob( self.binary, mem, segments=[(seg.vaddr, seg.vaddr, seg.memsize)], base_addr=seg.vaddr, arch=self.arch, entry_point=0, force_rebase=True, ) self.child_objects.append(obj) self.mapped_base = 0 self._max_addr = 0 self.has_memory = False if self.loader._main_object is self: self.loader._main_object = None self.__record_main_object() def __record_main_object(self): """ If children objects are reloaded, identify the main object for later use by loader """ for obj in self.child_objects: if self.pr_fname and obj.binary_basename.startswith(self.pr_fname): self._main_object = obj return if self._main_filepath is not None and os.path.basename(self._main_filepath) == obj.binary_basename: self._main_object = obj return log.warning("Failed to identify main object in ELFCore") self._main_object = self
auxv_codes = { 0x0: "AT_NULL", 0x1: "AT_IGNORE", 0x2: "AT_EXECFD", 0x3: "AT_PHDR", 0x4: "AT_PHENT", 0x5: "AT_PHNUM", 0x6: "AT_PAGESZ", 0x7: "AT_BASE", 0x8: "AT_FLAGS", 0x9: "AT_ENTRY", 0xA: "AT_NOTELF", 0xB: "AT_UID", 0xC: "AT_EUID", 0xD: "AT_GID", 0xE: "AT_EGID", 0x11: "AT_CLKTCK", 0xF: "AT_PLATFORM", 0x10: "AT_HWCAP", 0x12: "AT_FPUCW", 0x13: "AT_DCACHEBSIZE", 0x14: "AT_ICACHEBSIZE", 0x15: "AT_UCACHEBSIZE", 0x16: "AT_IGNOREPPC", 0x17: "AT_SECURE", 0x18: "AT_BASE_PLATFORM", 0x19: "AT_RANDOM", 0x1A: "AT_HWCAP2", 0x1F: "AT_EXECFN", 0x20: "AT_SYSINFO", 0x21: "AT_SYSINFO_EHDR", 0x22: "AT_L1I_CACHESHAPE", 0x23: "AT_L1D_CACHESHAPE", 0x24: "AT_L2_CACHESHAPE", 0x25: "AT_L3_CACHESHAPE", 0x28: "AT_L1I_CACHESIZE", 0x29: "AT_L1I_CACHEGEOMETRY", 0x2A: "AT_L1D_CACHESIZE", 0x2B: "AT_L1D_CACHEGEOMETRY", 0x2C: "AT_L2_CACHESIZE", 0x2D: "AT_L2_CACHEGEOMETRY", 0x2E: "AT_L3_CACHESIZE", 0x2F: "AT_L3_CACHEGEOMETRY", } register_backend("elfcore", ELFCore)