Source code for cle.backends.coff

Basic MS COFF object loader based on

import ctypes
import logging
import struct
from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag

import archinfo

from .backend import Backend, register_backend
from .region import Section, Segment
from .relocation import Relocation
from .symbol import Symbol, SymbolType

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE(IntEnum): """ Machine Types """ I386 = 0x14C AMD64 = 0x8664
[docs] class CoffFileHeader(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): """ COFF File Header """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("Machine", ctypes.c_uint16), ("NumberOfSections", ctypes.c_uint16), ("TimeDateStamp", ctypes.c_uint32), ("PointerToSymbolTable", ctypes.c_uint32), ("NumberOfSymbols", ctypes.c_uint32), ("SizeOfOptionalHeader", ctypes.c_uint16), ("Characteristics", ctypes.c_uint16), ]
[docs] class IMAGE_SCN(IntFlag): """ Section Flags (Characteristics field) """ MEM_EXECUTE = 0x20000000 MEM_READ = 0x40000000 MEM_WRITE = 0x80000000 CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA = 0x00000080
[docs] class CoffSectionTableEntry(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): """ COFF Section Header """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("Name", ctypes.c_uint8 * 8), ("VirtualSize", ctypes.c_uint32), ("VirtualAddress", ctypes.c_uint32), ("SizeOfRawData", ctypes.c_uint32), ("PointerToRawData", ctypes.c_uint32), ("PointerToRelocations", ctypes.c_uint32), ("PointerToLinenumbers", ctypes.c_uint32), ("NumberOfRelocations", ctypes.c_uint16), ("NumberOfLinenumbers", ctypes.c_uint16), ("Characteristics", ctypes.c_uint32), ]
[docs] class IMAGE_SYM_CLASS(IntEnum): """ Symbol Storage Class """ EXTERNAL = 2 STATIC = 3 LABEL = 6 FUNCTION = 101
[docs] class CoffSymbolTableEntry(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): """ COFF Symbol Table Entry """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("Name", ctypes.c_uint8 * 8), ("Value", ctypes.c_uint32), ("SectionNumber", ctypes.c_int16), ("Type", ctypes.c_uint16), ("StorageClass", ctypes.c_uint8), ("NumberOfAuxSymbols", ctypes.c_uint8), ]
[docs] class IMAGE_REL_I386(IntEnum): """ i386 Relocation Types """ DIR32 = 0x0006 DIR32NB = 0x0007 REL32 = 0x0014 SECTION = 0x000A SECREL = 0x000B
[docs] class IMAGE_REL_AMD64(IntEnum): """ AMD64 Relocation Types """ ADDR64 = 0x0001 ADDR32NB = 0x0003 REL32 = 0x0004 SECTION = 0x000A SECREL = 0x000B
[docs] class CoffRelocationTableEntry(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): """ COFF Relocations """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("VirtualAddress", ctypes.c_uint32), ("SymbolTableIndex", ctypes.c_uint32), ("Type", ctypes.c_uint16), ]
[docs] class CoffParser: """ Parses COFF object files. """ data: bytes header: CoffFileHeader sections: list[CoffSectionTableEntry] relocations: list[list[CoffRelocationTableEntry]] symbols: list[CoffSymbolTableEntry] # Note: Symbols are uniquely identified by their index. It is possible for multiple symbols to have the same name so # in idx_to_symbol_name and symbol_name_to_idx, numeric suffixes are appended when necessary. To get the true name # of a symbol at index `symbol_idx`, call get_symbol_name(symbol_idx, true_name=True). idx_to_symbol_name: dict[int, str] symbol_name_to_idx: dict[str, int]
[docs] def __init__(self, data: bytes): if data.startswith(b"\x00\x00\xff\xff"): raise ValueError( "This object file appears to have been compiled with whole program optimization (/GL flag)" " and cannot be parsed by this library" ) bytes = data self._parse()
def _parse(self) -> None: self.header = CoffFileHeader.from_buffer_copy( if self.header.Machine not in { IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.I386, IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.AMD64, }: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported machine type") strings_offset = ( self.header.PointerToSymbolTable + ctypes.sizeof(CoffSymbolTableEntry) * self.header.NumberOfSymbols ) strings_size = struct.unpack("<I",[strings_offset : strings_offset + 4])[0] self.strings: bytes =[strings_offset : strings_offset + strings_size] self.symbols = [] self.symbol_name_to_idx = {} self.idx_to_symbol_name = {} offset = self.header.PointerToSymbolTable aux = 0 for i in range(self.header.NumberOfSymbols): symbol = CoffSymbolTableEntry.from_buffer_copy(, offset) offset += ctypes.sizeof(CoffSymbolTableEntry) self.symbols.append(symbol) if aux: aux -= 1 continue idx = len(self.symbols) - 1 name = self.get_symbol_name(idx) aux = symbol.NumberOfAuxSymbols # Ensure unique symbol names i = 1 base_name = name while name in self.symbol_name_to_idx: name = base_name + f"__{i}" i += 1 self.symbol_name_to_idx[name] = idx self.idx_to_symbol_name[idx] = name self.sections = [] self.relocations = [] for i in range(self.header.NumberOfSections): offset = ctypes.sizeof(self.header) + ctypes.sizeof(CoffSectionTableEntry) * i section = CoffSectionTableEntry.from_buffer_copy(, offset) self.sections.append(section) # Relocations relocs = [] offset = section.PointerToRelocations for i in range(section.NumberOfRelocations): reloc = CoffRelocationTableEntry.from_buffer_copy(, offset) relocs.append(reloc) offset += ctypes.sizeof(reloc) self.relocations.append(relocs) @staticmethod def _decode_cstring(data: bytes, offset: int, encoding: str | None = None) -> str: name = bytearray() while True: x = data[offset] if x == 0: break name.append(x) offset += 1 return str(name, encoding=(encoding or "ascii"))
[docs] def get_symbol_name(self, symbol_idx: int, true_name: bool = False) -> str: if symbol_idx in self.idx_to_symbol_name and not true_name: return self.idx_to_symbol_name[symbol_idx] name_encoded = bytes(self.symbols[symbol_idx].Name) if name_encoded[0:4] == b"\x00\x00\x00\x00": offset = struct.unpack("<II", name_encoded)[1] return self._decode_cstring(self.strings, offset) return name_encoded.rstrip(b"\x00").decode("ascii")
[docs] def get_section_name(self, section_idx: int) -> str: name = bytes(self.sections[section_idx].Name).rstrip(b"\x00").decode("ascii") if name.startswith("/"): return self.get_symbol_name(int(name[1:])) return name
[docs] class CoffSection(Section): """ Section of the COFF object. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name: str, file_offset: int, file_size: int, virtual_addr: int, virtual_size: int, coff_sec: CoffSectionTableEntry, ): super().__init__(name, file_offset, virtual_addr, virtual_size) self.filesize = file_size self._coff_sec = coff_sec
@property def is_readable(self): return (self._coff_sec.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN.MEM_READ) != 0 @property def is_writable(self): return (self._coff_sec.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN.MEM_WRITE) != 0 @property def is_executable(self): return (self._coff_sec.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN.MEM_EXECUTE) != 0 @property def only_contains_uninitialized_data(self): return (self._coff_sec.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN.CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA) != 0
[docs] class CoffRelocation(Relocation): """ Relocation for a COFF object. """
[docs] def relocate(self): value = self.value if value is None: log.debug("Unresolved relocation with no symbol.") return, value)
[docs] class CoffRelocationREL32(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_*_REL32 """ @property def value(self): org_bytes = self.owner.memory.load(self.relative_addr, 4) org_value = struct.unpack("<I", org_bytes)[0] return struct.pack("<i", org_value + self.resolvedby.rebased_addr - (self.rebased_addr + 4))
[docs] class CoffRelocationDIR32(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_*_DIR32 """ @property def value(self): org_bytes = self.owner.memory.load(self.relative_addr, 4) org_value = struct.unpack("<I", org_bytes)[0] return struct.pack("<i", org_value + self.resolvedby.rebased_addr)
[docs] class CoffRelocationDIR32NB(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_*_DIR32 """ @property def value(self): org_bytes = self.owner.memory.load(self.relative_addr, 4) org_value = struct.unpack("<I", org_bytes)[0] return struct.pack("<i", org_value + self.resolvedby.relative_addr)
[docs] class CoffRelocationADDR32NB(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB """ @property def value(self): return struct.pack("<I", self.resolvedby.relative_addr)
[docs] class CoffRelocationADDR64(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64 """ @property def value(self): return struct.pack("<Q", self.resolvedby.rebased_addr)
[docs] class CoffRelocationSECTION(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_*_SECTION """ @property def value(self): assert isinstance(self.owner, Coff) section_idx = 0 # FIXME return struct.pack("<H", section_idx)
[docs] class CoffRelocationSECREL(CoffRelocation): """ Relocation for IMAGE_REL_*_SECREL """ @property def value(self): assert isinstance(self.owner, Coff) offset_to_symbol = 0 # FIXME return struct.pack("<I", offset_to_symbol)
RELOC_CLASSES: dict[IntEnum, dict[IntEnum, type[Relocation]]] = { IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.I386: { IMAGE_REL_I386.REL32: CoffRelocationREL32, IMAGE_REL_I386.DIR32: CoffRelocationDIR32, IMAGE_REL_I386.DIR32NB: CoffRelocationDIR32NB, IMAGE_REL_I386.SECTION: CoffRelocationSECTION, IMAGE_REL_I386.SECREL: CoffRelocationSECREL, }, IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.AMD64: { IMAGE_REL_AMD64.ADDR64: CoffRelocationADDR64, IMAGE_REL_AMD64.ADDR32NB: CoffRelocationADDR32NB, IMAGE_REL_AMD64.REL32: CoffRelocationREL32, IMAGE_REL_AMD64.SECTION: CoffRelocationSECTION, IMAGE_REL_AMD64.SECREL: CoffRelocationSECREL, }, } COFF_MACHINE_TO_ARCH_NAME = { IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.I386: "x86", IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.AMD64: "AMD64", }
[docs] class Coff(Backend): """ COFF object loader. """ is_default = True
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.binary is None: self._data = else: with open(self.binary, "rb") as f: self._data = self._coff = CoffParser(self._data) arch = archinfo.arch_from_id(COFF_MACHINE_TO_ARCH_NAME[self._coff.header.Machine]) self.set_arch(arch) # FIXME: Currently we just map the whole object file for convenience. Create a better memory map, discard object # file structure data. self._image_vmem = self._data # Add each section for section_idx, section in enumerate(self._coff.sections): section_name = self._coff.get_section_name(section_idx) vaddr = section.PointerToRawData vsize = section.SizeOfRawData self.segments.append(Segment(section.PointerToRawData, vaddr, section.SizeOfRawData, vsize)) self.sections.append( CoffSection( section_name, section.PointerToRawData, section.SizeOfRawData, vaddr, vsize, section, ) ) self.memory.add_backer(0, bytes(self._image_vmem)) self.mapped_base = self.linked_base = 0 self.pic = True # assume windows, this can be wrong, but is more often right. self.os = "windows" self._add_defined_symbols() self._add_relocs()
# FIXME: Expose __imp_* symbols through self.imports def _add_defined_symbols(self) -> None: for sym_name, sym_idx in self._coff.symbol_name_to_idx.items(): sym = self._coff.symbols[sym_idx] if sym.SectionNumber > 0 and sym.StorageClass in { IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.STATIC, IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.LABEL, IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.EXTERNAL, }: self.symbols.add(self.get_symbol(sym_name)) def _add_relocs(self) -> None: for section_idx, section in enumerate(self._coff.sections): for reloc in self._coff.relocations[section_idx]: sym = self._coff.symbols[reloc.SymbolTableIndex] sym_name = self._coff.get_symbol_name(reloc.SymbolTableIndex) patch_offset = section.PointerToRawData + reloc.VirtualAddress if sym.StorageClass in { IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.STATIC, IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.LABEL, IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.EXTERNAL, }: reloc_class = RELOC_CLASSES[self._coff.header.Machine].get(reloc.Type, None) if reloc_class is not None: cle_symbol = self.get_symbol(sym_name, produce_extern_symbols=True) self.relocs.append(reloc_class(self, cle_symbol, patch_offset)) continue log.warning("Skipped relocation type %#x at %#x for symbol %s", reloc.Type, patch_offset, sym_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_compatible(stream): identstring = return int.from_bytes(identstring, "little") in (IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.I386, IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE.AMD64)
[docs] def get_symbol(self, name: str, produce_extern_symbols: bool = False) -> Symbol | None: if name not in self._coff.symbol_name_to_idx: return None if name == "__ImageBase": return Symbol(self, name, 0, 0, SymbolType.TYPE_OTHER) sym = self._coff.symbols[self._coff.symbol_name_to_idx[name]] if sym.StorageClass in { IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.STATIC, IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.LABEL, IMAGE_SYM_CLASS.EXTERNAL, }: symbol_type = SymbolType.TYPE_FUNCTION if sym.Type == 0x20 else SymbolType.TYPE_OTHER if sym.SectionNumber > 0: sym_addr = self._coff.sections[sym.SectionNumber - 1].PointerToRawData + sym.Value return Symbol(self, name, sym_addr, 1, symbol_type) elif sym.SectionNumber == 0: if produce_extern_symbols: return Symbol(self, name, 0, sym.Value, symbol_type) return None raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported symbol")
register_backend("COFF", Coff)