Source code for cle.backends.backend

from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import logging
import os
from io import BufferedReader
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, BinaryIO

import archinfo
import sortedcontainers

from cle.address_translator import AT
from cle.errors import CLEError, CLEOperationError
from cle.memory import Clemory

from .regions import Regions
from .relocation import Relocation
from .symbol import Symbol

    from cle.backends import Section, Segment
    from cle.loader import Loader

log = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] class FunctionHintSource: """ Enums that describe the source of function hints. """ EH_FRAME = 0 EXTERNAL_EH_FRAME = 1
[docs] class FunctionHint: """ Describes a function hint. :ivar int addr: Address of the function. :ivar int size: Size of the function. :ivar source: Source of this hint. :vartype source: int """ __slots__ = ("addr", "size", "source")
[docs] def __init__(self, addr, size, source): self.addr = addr self.size = size self.source = source
def __repr__(self): return f"<FuncHint@{self.addr:#x}, {self.size} bytes>"
[docs] class ExceptionHandling: """ Describes an exception handling. Exception handlers are usually language-specific. In C++, it is usually implemented as try {} catch {} blocks. :ivar int start_addr: The beginning of the try block. :ivar int size: Size of the try block. :ivar Optional[int] handler_addr: Address of the exception handler code. :ivar type: Type of the exception handler. Optional. :ivar Optional[int] func_addr: Address of the function. Optional. """ __slots__ = ( "start_addr", "size", "handler_addr", "type", "func_addr", )
[docs] def __init__(self, start_addr, size, handler_addr=None, type_=None, func_addr=None): self.start_addr = start_addr self.size = size self.handler_addr = handler_addr self.type = type_ self.func_addr = func_addr
def __repr__(self): if self.handler_addr is not None: return ( f"<ExceptionHandling@{self.start_addr:#x}-{self.start_addr + self.size:#x}: " f"handler@{self.handler_addr:#x}>" ) else: return f"<ExceptionHandling@{self.start_addr:#x}-{self.start_addr + self.size:#x}: no handler>"
[docs] class Backend: """ Main base class for CLE binary objects. An alternate interface to this constructor exists as the static method :meth:`cle.loader.Loader.load_object` :ivar binary: The path to the file this object is loaded from :ivar binary_basename: The basename of the filepath, or a short representation of the stream it was loaded from :ivar is_main_bin: Whether this binary is loaded as the main executable :ivar segments: A listing of all the loaded segments in this file :ivar sections: A listing of all the demarked sections in the file :ivar sections_map: A dict mapping from section name to section :ivar imports: A mapping from symbol name to import relocation :ivar resolved_imports: A list of all the import symbols that are successfully resolved :ivar relocs: A list of all the relocations in this binary :ivar irelatives: A list of tuples representing all the irelative relocations that need to be performed. The first item in the tuple is the address of the resolver function, and the second item is the address of where to write the result. The destination address is an RVA. :ivar jmprel: A mapping from symbol name to the address of its jump slot relocation, i.e. its GOT entry. :ivar arch: The architecture of this binary :vartype arch: archinfo.arch.Arch :ivar str os: The operating system this binary is meant to run under :ivar int mapped_base: The base address of this object in virtual memory :ivar deps: A list of names of shared libraries this binary depends on :ivar linking: 'dynamic' or 'static' :ivar linked_base: The base address this object requests to be loaded at :ivar bool pic: Whether this object is position-independent :ivar bool execstack: Whether this executable has an executable stack :ivar str provides: The name of the shared library dependancy that this object resolves :ivar list symbols: A list of symbols provided by this object, sorted by address :ivar has_memory: Whether this backend is backed by a Clemory or not. As it stands now, a backend should still define `min_addr` and `max_addr` even if `has_memory` is False. """ is_default = False is_outer = False
[docs] def __init__( self, binary, binary_stream, loader=None, is_main_bin=False, entry_point=None, arch=None, base_addr=None, force_rebase=False, has_memory=True, **kwargs, ): """ :param binary: The path to the binary to load :param binary_stream: The open stream to this binary. The reference to this will be held until you call close. :param is_main_bin: Whether this binary should be loaded as the main executable """ self.load_args: dict[str, Any] = {} | kwargs self.set_load_args( loader=loader, is_main_bin=is_main_bin, entry_point=entry_point, arch=arch, base_addr=base_addr, force_rebase=force_rebase, has_memory=has_memory, ) self.binary = binary self._binary_stream: BufferedReader = binary_stream if self.binary is not None: self.binary_basename = os.path.basename(self.binary) elif hasattr(self._binary_stream, "name"): self.binary_basename = os.path.basename( else: self.binary_basename = str(self._binary_stream) # if the backend unpacks another file, this field will hold the name of the file self.unpacked_name: str | None = None for k in list(kwargs.keys()): if k == "custom_entry_point": entry_point = kwargs.pop(k) elif k == "custom_arch": arch = kwargs.pop(k) elif k == "custom_base_addr": base_addr = kwargs.pop(k) else: continue log.critical("Deprecation warning: the %s parameter has been renamed to %s", k, k[7:]) if kwargs != {}: log.warning("Unused kwargs for loading binary %s: %s", self.binary, ", ".join(kwargs.keys())) self.is_main_bin = is_main_bin self.has_memory = has_memory self._loader: Loader | None = loader self._entry = 0 self._segments: Regions[Segment] = Regions() # List of segments self._sections: Regions[Section] = Regions() # List of sections self.sections_map = {} # Mapping from section name to section self.symbols = sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList(key=self._get_symbol_relative_addr) self.imports: dict[str, Relocation] = {} self.resolved_imports = [] self.relocs: list[Relocation] = [] self.irelatives = [] # list of tuples (resolver, destination), dest w/o rebase self.jmprel = {} self._arch: archinfo.Arch | None = None self.os = None # Let other stuff override this self.compiler = None, None # compiler name, version self._symbol_cache = {} # a list of directories to search for libraries specified by the object self.extra_load_path = [] # attributes to enable SimProcedure guessing self.guess_simprocs = False self.guess_simprocs_hint = None # if we want one of our children to be the main object of the loader, we set this field to the child, and the # loader will pick it up self.force_main_object = None # checksums self.md5 = None self.sha256 = None self.mapped_base_symbolic = 0 # These are set by cle, and should not be overriden manually self.mapped_base = self.linked_base = 0 # not to be set manually - used by CLE self.deps = [] # Needed shared objects (libraries dependencies) self.child_objects: list[Backend] = [] # any objects loaded directly out of this self.parent_object = None self.linking = None # Dynamic or static linking self.pic = force_rebase self.execstack = False self.aslr = False # tls info set by backend to communicate with thread manager self.tls_used = False self.tls_block_size = None self.tls_data_size = None self.tls_data_start = None # tls info set by thread manager self.tls_module_id = None # self.tls_block_offset = None # this is an ELF-only attribute # exception handling # they should be rebased when .rebase() is called self.exception_handlings: list[ExceptionHandling] = [] # Hints # they should be rebased when .rebase() is called self.function_hints: list[FunctionHint] = [] # line number mapping self.addr_to_line = {} # Custom options self._custom_entry_point = entry_point self._custom_base_addr = base_addr self.provides = os.path.basename(self.binary) if self.binary is not None else None self.memory: Clemory # should be set inside `cle.Loader.add_object` self._is_mapped = False # cached max_addr self._max_addr = None # cached last section self._last_section = None # cached last segment self._last_segment = None self.cached_content: bytes | None = None if arch is None: pass elif isinstance(arch, str): self.set_arch(archinfo.arch_from_id(arch)) elif isinstance(arch, archinfo.Arch): self.set_arch(arch) elif isinstance(arch, type) and issubclass(arch, archinfo.Arch): self.set_arch(arch()) # type: ignore else: raise CLEError(f"Bad parameter: arch={arch}") self._cache_content() self._checksum()
@property def arch(self) -> archinfo.Arch: result = self._arch if result is None: raise ValueError("No arch is assigned yet") return result @property def loader(self) -> Loader: result = self._loader if result is None: raise ValueError("Backend does not have a loader associated") return result
[docs] def close(self) -> None: del self._binary_stream
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__} Object {self.binary_basename}, maps [{self.min_addr:#x}:{self.max_addr:#x}]>" )
[docs] def set_arch(self, arch): self._arch = arch self.memory = Clemory(arch) # Private virtual address space, without relocations
[docs] def set_load_args(self, **kwargs) -> None: self.load_args |= kwargs
@property def image_base_delta(self): return self.mapped_base - self.linked_base @property def entry(self): if self._custom_entry_point is not None: return AT.from_lva(self._custom_entry_point, self).to_mva() return AT.from_lva(self._entry, self).to_mva() @property def segments(self) -> Regions[Segment]: return self._segments @segments.setter def segments(self, v: Regions[Segment] | list[Segment]): if isinstance(v, list): self._segments = Regions(lst=v) elif isinstance(v, Regions): self._segments = v else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(v)} set as sections.") @property def sections(self) -> Regions[Section]: return self._sections @sections.setter def sections(self, v: Regions[Section] | list[Section]): if isinstance(v, list): self._sections = Regions(lst=v) elif isinstance(v, Regions): self._sections = v else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(v)} set as sections.") @property def symbols_by_addr(self): log.critical( "Deprecation warning: symbols_by_addr is deprecated - use loader.find_symbol() for lookup " "and .symbols for enumeration" ) return {s.rebased_addr: s for s in self.symbols}
[docs] def rebase(self, new_base): """ Rebase backend's regions to the new base where they were mapped by the loader """ if self._is_mapped: # we could rebase an object twice if we really wanted... no need though, right? raise CLEOperationError(f"Image already rebased from {self.linked_base:#x} to {self.mapped_base:#x}") self.mapped_base = new_base if self.sections: self.sections._rebase(self.image_base_delta) if self.segments and self.sections is not self.segments: self.segments._rebase(self.image_base_delta) for handling in self.exception_handlings: if handling.func_addr is not None: handling.func_addr += self.image_base_delta if handling.handler_addr is not None: handling.handler_addr += self.image_base_delta handling.start_addr += self.image_base_delta for hint in self.function_hints: hint.addr = hint.addr + self.image_base_delta
[docs] def relocate(self): """ Apply all resolved relocations to memory. The meaning of "resolved relocations" is somewhat subtle - there is a linking step which attempts to resolve each relocation, currently only present in the main internal loading function since the calculation of which objects should be available """ for reloc in self.relocs: if reloc.resolved: reloc.relocate()
[docs] def contains_addr(self, addr): """ Is `addr` in one of the binary's segments/sections we have loaded? (i.e. is it mapped into memory ?) """ return self.find_loadable_containing(addr) is not None
[docs] def find_loadable_containing(self, addr): lookup = self.find_segment_containing if self.segments else self.find_section_containing return lookup(addr)
[docs] def find_segment_containing(self, addr: int) -> Segment | None: """ Returns the segment that contains `addr`, or ``None``. """ if self._last_segment is not None and self._last_segment.contains_addr(addr): return self._last_segment r = self.segments.find_region_containing(addr) if r is not None: self._last_segment = r return r
[docs] def find_section_containing(self, addr: int) -> Section | None: """ Returns the section that contains `addr` or ``None``. """ if self._last_section is not None and self._last_section.contains_addr(addr): return self._last_section r = self.sections.find_region_containing(addr) if r is not None: self._last_section = r return r
[docs] def addr_to_offset(self, addr: int) -> int | None: loadable = self.find_loadable_containing(addr) if loadable is not None: return loadable.addr_to_offset(addr) else: return None
[docs] def offset_to_addr(self, offset: int) -> int | None: if self.segments: for s in self.segments: if s.contains_offset(offset): return s.offset_to_addr(offset) else: for s in self.sections: if s.contains_offset(offset): return s.offset_to_addr(offset) return None
@property def min_addr(self) -> int: """ This returns the lowest virtual address contained in any loaded segment of the binary. """ # Loader maps the object at chosen mapped base anyway and independently of the internal structure return self.mapped_base @property def max_addr(self) -> int: """ This returns the highest virtual address contained in any loaded segment of the binary. """ if self._max_addr is None: out = self.mapped_base if self.segments or self.sections: out = max(x.max_addr for x in (self.segments or self.sections)) self._max_addr = out - self.mapped_base return self._max_addr + self.mapped_base @property def initializers(self) -> list[int]: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Stub function. Should be overridden by backends that can provide initializer functions that ought to be run before execution reaches the entry point. Addresses should be rebased. """ return [] @property def finalizers(self) -> list[int]: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Stub function. Like initializers, but with finalizers. """ return [] @property def threads(self) -> list: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ If this backend represents a dump of a running program, it may contain one or more thread contexts, i.e. register files. This property should contain a list of names for these threads, which should be unique. """ return []
[docs] def thread_registers(self, thread=None) -> dict[str, Any]: # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """ If this backend represents a dump of a running program, it may contain one or more thread contexts, i.e. register files. This method should return the register file for a given thread (as named in ``Backend.threads``) as a dict mapping register names (as seen in archinfo) to numbers. If the thread is not specified, it should return the context for a "default" thread. If there are no threads, it should return an empty dict. """ return {}
[docs] def initial_register_values(self): """ Deprecated """ log.critical( "Deprecation warning: initial_register_values is deprecated - " "use backend.thread_registers() instead" ) return self.thread_registers().items()
[docs] def get_symbol(self, name: str) -> Symbol | None: # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """ Stub function. Implement to find the symbol with name `name`. """ if name in self._symbol_cache: return self._symbol_cache[name] for sym in self.symbols: if == name: self._symbol_cache[name] = sym return sym return None
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_soname(path) -> str | None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Extracts the shared object identifier from the path, or returns None if it cannot. """ return None
[docs] @classmethod def is_compatible(cls, stream) -> bool: # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Determine quickly whether this backend can load an object from this stream """ return False
[docs] @classmethod def check_compatibility(cls, spec, obj) -> bool: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Performs a minimal static load of ``spec`` and returns whether it's compatible with other_obj """ return False
[docs] @classmethod def check_magic_compatibility(cls, stream: BinaryIO) -> bool: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Check if a stream of bytes contains the same magic number as the main object """ return False
@staticmethod def _get_symbol_relative_addr(value): return value.relative_addr def _cache_content(self): """ Cache the raw content of this object. """ if self._binary_stream is not None: data = self.cached_content = data def _checksum(self): """ Calculate MD5 and SHA256 checksum for the binary. """ if self._binary_stream is not None: data = self.md5 = hashlib.md5(data).digest() self.sha256 = hashlib.sha256(data).digest() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["symbols"] = list(state["symbols"]) return state def __setstate__(self, state): state["symbols"] = sortedcontainers.SortedKeyList(state["symbols"], key=self._get_symbol_relative_addr) self.__dict__.update(state) for sym in self.symbols: sym.owner = self def __contains__(self, thing: int) -> bool: """ This serves two purposes: 1. It's slightly more convenient than writing self.min_addr <= thing < self.max_addr yourself 2. If a Backend implements some form of __getitem__ that always returns False for an integer, running `0 in backend` will run into an infinite loop. This prevents that, by just defining sensible semantics for `in` This could also be extended to other types, in the future, if it makes sense. """ if isinstance(thing, int): return self.min_addr <= thing < self.max_addr raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(thing)} for containment check")
ALL_BACKENDS: dict[str, type[Backend]] = {}
[docs] def register_backend(name, cls): ALL_BACKENDS.update({name: cls})