from __future__ import annotations
import struct
from claripy import operations
from claripy.ast.base import _make_name
from claripy.fp import FSORT_FLOAT, RM, FSort
from .bits import Bits
from .bool import Bool
from .bv import BV
class FP(Bits):
An AST representing a set of operations culminating in an IEEE754 floating point number.
Do not instantiate this class directly, instead use FPV or FPS to construct a value or symbol, and then use
operations to construct more complicated expressions.
:ivar length: The length of this value
:ivar sort: The sort of this value, usually either FSORT_FLOAT or FSORT_DOUBLE
__slots__ = ()
def to_fp(self, sort, rm=None) -> FP:
Convert this float to a different sort
:param sort: The sort to convert to
:param rm: Optional: The rounding mode to use
:return: An FP AST
if rm is None:
rm = RM.default()
return fpToFP(rm, self, sort)
def raw_to_fp(self) -> FP:
A counterpart to BV.raw_to_fp - does nothing and returns itself.
return self
def raw_to_bv(self) -> BV:
Interpret the bit-pattern of this IEEE754 floating point number as a bitvector.
The inverse of this function is to_bv.
:return: A BV AST whose bit-pattern is the same as this FP
return fpToIEEEBV(self)
def to_bv(self) -> BV:
return self.raw_to_bv()
def val_to_bv(self, size, signed=True, rm=None) -> BV:
Convert this floating point value to an integer.
:param size: The size of the bitvector to return
:param signed: Optional: Whether the target integer is signed
:param rm: Optional: The rounding mode to use
:return: A bitvector whose value is the rounded version of this FP's value
if rm is None:
rm = RM.default()
op = fpToSBV if signed else fpToUBV
return op(rm, self, size)
def sort(self) -> FSort:
return FSort.from_size(self.length)
def _from_float(like, value) -> FP:
return FPV(float(value), like.sort)
_from_int = _from_float
_from_str = _from_float
def FPS(name, sort, explicit_name=None) -> FP:
Creates a floating-point symbol.
:param name: The name of the symbol
:param sort: The sort of the floating point
:param explicit_name: If False, an identifier is appended to the name to ensure uniqueness.
:return: An FP AST.
n = _make_name(name, sort.length, False if explicit_name is None else explicit_name, prefix="FP_")
return FP("FPS", (n, sort), variables=frozenset((n,)), symbolic=True, length=sort.length)
def FPV(value, sort) -> FP:
Creates a concrete floating-point value.
:param value: The value of the floating point.
:param sort: The sort of the floating point.
:return: An FP AST.
if isinstance(value, int):
value = float(value)
elif not isinstance(value, float):
raise TypeError("Must instanciate FPV with a numerical value")
if not isinstance(sort, FSort):
raise TypeError("Must instanciate FPV with a FSort")
if sort == FSORT_FLOAT:
# By default, Python treats all floating-point numbers as double-precision. However, a single-precision float is
# being created here. Hence, we need to convert value to single-precision.
value = struct.unpack("f", struct.pack("f", value))[0]
return FP("FPV", (value, sort), length=sort.length)
# unbound floating point conversions
def _fp_length_calc(a1, a2, a3=None):
if isinstance(a1, RM) and a3 is None:
raise Exception
if a3 is None:
return a2.length
return a3.length
fpToFP = operations.op("fpToFP", object, FP, calc_length=_fp_length_calc)
fpToFPUnsigned = operations.op("fpToFPUnsigned", (RM, BV, FSort), FP, calc_length=_fp_length_calc)
fpFP = operations.op("fpFP", (BV, BV, BV), FP, calc_length=lambda a, b, c: a.length + b.length + c.length)
fpToIEEEBV = operations.op("fpToIEEEBV", (FP,), BV, calc_length=lambda fp: fp.length)
fpToSBV = operations.op("fpToSBV", (RM, FP, int), BV, calc_length=lambda _rm, _fp, len: len)
fpToUBV = operations.op("fpToUBV", (RM, FP, int), BV, calc_length=lambda _rm, _fp, len: len)
# unbound float point comparisons
def _fp_cmp_check(a, b):
return a.length == b.length, "FP lengths must be the same"
fpEQ = operations.op("fpEQ", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
fpGT = operations.op("fpGT", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
fpGEQ = operations.op("fpGEQ", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
fpLT = operations.op("fpLT", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
fpLEQ = operations.op("fpLEQ", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
fpIsNaN = operations.op("fpIsNaN", (FP,), Bool)
fpIsInf = operations.op("fpIsInf", (FP,), Bool)
# unbound floating point arithmetic
def _fp_binop_check(rm, a, b): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
return a.length == b.length, "Lengths must be equal"
def _fp_binop_length(rm, a, b): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
return a.length
fpAbs = operations.op("fpAbs", (FP,), FP, calc_length=lambda x: x.length)
fpNeg = operations.op("fpNeg", (FP,), FP, calc_length=lambda x: x.length)
fpSub = operations.op("fpSub", (RM, FP, FP), FP, extra_check=_fp_binop_check, calc_length=_fp_binop_length)
fpAdd = operations.op("fpAdd", (RM, FP, FP), FP, extra_check=_fp_binop_check, calc_length=_fp_binop_length)
fpMul = operations.op("fpMul", (RM, FP, FP), FP, extra_check=_fp_binop_check, calc_length=_fp_binop_length)
fpDiv = operations.op("fpDiv", (RM, FP, FP), FP, extra_check=_fp_binop_check, calc_length=_fp_binop_length)
fpSqrt = operations.op("fpSqrt", (RM, FP), FP, calc_length=lambda _, x: x.length)
# bound fp operations
FP.__eq__ = operations.op("fpEQ", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
FP.__ne__ = operations.op("fpNE", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
FP.__ge__ = operations.op("fpGEQ", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
FP.__le__ = operations.op("fpLEQ", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
FP.__gt__ = operations.op("fpGT", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
FP.__lt__ = operations.op("fpLT", (FP, FP), Bool, extra_check=_fp_cmp_check)
FP.__abs__ = fpAbs
FP.__neg__ = fpNeg
FP.__add__ = fpAdd
FP.__sub__ = fpSub
FP.__mul__ = fpMul
FP.__truediv__ = fpDiv
FP.Sqrt = fpSqrt
FP.__radd__ = operations.reversed_op(FP.__add__)
FP.__rsub__ = operations.reversed_op(FP.__sub__)
FP.__rmul__ = operations.reversed_op(FP.__mul__)
FP.__rtruediv__ = operations.reversed_op(FP.__truediv__)
FP.fpAbs = fpAbs
FP.fpNeg = fpNeg
FP.fpSub = fpSub
FP.fpAdd = fpAdd
FP.fpMul = fpMul
FP.fpDiv = fpDiv
FP.fpSqrt = fpSqrt
FP.fpEQ = fpEQ
FP.fpNE = fpEQ
FP.fpGT = fpGT
FP.fpGEQ = fpGEQ
FP.fpLT = fpLT
FP.fpLEQ = fpLEQ
FP.isNaN = fpIsNaN
FP.isInf = fpIsInf
FP.fpToFP = fpToFP