Source code for angr.knowledge_plugins.variables.variable_manager

from typing import Set, List, Tuple, Dict, Union, Optional, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import count, chain

import networkx

from cle.backends.elf.compilation_unit import CompilationUnit
from cle.backends.elf.variable import Variable
from claripy.utils.orderedset import OrderedSet

from ...protos import variables_pb2
from ...serializable import Serializable
from ...sim_variable import SimVariable, SimStackVariable, SimMemoryVariable, SimRegisterVariable
from ...sim_type import (
from ...keyed_region import KeyedRegion
from ..plugin import KnowledgeBasePlugin
from ..types import TypesStore
from .variable_access import VariableAccess, VariableAccessSort

    from ...knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
    from angr.code_location import CodeLocation

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class VariableType: """ Describes variable types. """ REGISTER = 0 MEMORY = 1
[docs]class LiveVariables: """ A collection of live variables at a program point. """ __slots__ = ( "register_region", "stack_region", )
[docs] def __init__(self, register_region, stack_region): self.register_region = register_region self.stack_region = stack_region
def _defaultdict_set(): return defaultdict(set)
[docs]class VariableManagerInternal(Serializable): """ Manage variables for a function. It is meant to be used internally by VariableManager, but it's common to be given a reference to one in response to a query for "the variables for a given function". Maybe a better name would be "VariableManagerScope". """
[docs] def __init__(self, manager, func_addr=None): self.manager: "VariableManager" = manager self.func_addr = func_addr self._variables: Set[SimVariable] = OrderedSet() # all variables that are added to any region self._global_region = KeyedRegion() self._stack_region = KeyedRegion() self._register_region = KeyedRegion() self._live_variables = {} # a mapping between addresses of program points and live variable collections self._variable_accesses: Dict[SimVariable, Set[VariableAccess]] = defaultdict(set) self._insn_to_variable: Dict[int, Set[Tuple[SimVariable, int]]] = defaultdict(set) self._stmt_to_variable: Dict[Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]], Set[Tuple[SimVariable, int]]] = ( defaultdict(set) ) self._variable_to_stmt: Dict[SimVariable, Set[Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]]] = defaultdict(set) self._atom_to_variable: Dict[ Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]], Dict[int, Set[Tuple[SimVariable, int]]] ] = defaultdict(_defaultdict_set) self._ident_to_variable: Dict[str, SimVariable] = {} self._variable_counters = { "register": count(), "stack": count(), "argument": count(), "phi": count(), "global": count(), } self._unified_variables: Set[SimVariable] = set() self._variables_to_unified_variables: Dict[SimVariable, SimVariable] = {} self._phi_variables = {} self._variables_to_phivars = defaultdict(set) self._phi_variables_by_block = defaultdict(set) self.types = TypesStore(self.manager._kb) self.variable_to_types: Dict[SimVariable, SimType] = {} self.variables_with_manual_types = set() # optimization self._variables_without_writes = set() self.ret_val_size = None
# # Serialization # def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) d["manager"] = None d["types"].kb = None return d
[docs] def set_manager(self, manager: "VariableManager"): self.manager = manager self.types.kb = manager._kb
@classmethod def _get_cmsg(cls): return variables_pb2.VariableManagerInternal()
[docs] def serialize_to_cmessage(self): # pylint:disable=no-member,unused-variable cmsg = self._get_cmsg() # variables register_variables = [] stack_variables = [] memory_variables = [] for variable in self._variables: vc = variable.serialize_to_cmessage() if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): register_variables.append(vc) elif isinstance(variable, SimStackVariable): stack_variables.append(vc) elif isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): memory_variables.append(vc) else: raise NotImplementedError() for variable in self._phi_variables: vc = variable.serialize_to_cmessage() vc.base.is_phi = True if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): register_variables.append(vc) elif isinstance(variable, SimStackVariable): stack_variables.append(vc) elif isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): memory_variables.append(vc) else: raise NotImplementedError() cmsg.regvars.extend(register_variables) cmsg.stackvars.extend(stack_variables) cmsg.memvars.extend(memory_variables) # accesses accesses = [] for variable_accesses in self._variable_accesses.values(): for variable_access in variable_accesses: accesses.append(variable_access.serialize_to_cmessage()) cmsg.accesses.extend(accesses) # unified variables unified_register_variables = [] unified_stack_variables = [] unified_memory_variables = [] for variable in self._unified_variables: if isinstance(variable, SimRegisterVariable): unified_register_variables.append(variable.serialize_to_cmessage()) elif isinstance(variable, SimStackVariable): unified_stack_variables.append(variable.serialize_to_cmessage()) elif isinstance(variable, SimMemoryVariable): unified_memory_variables.append(variable.serialize_to_cmessage()) else: raise NotImplementedError() cmsg.unified_regvars.extend(unified_register_variables) cmsg.unified_stackvars.extend(unified_stack_variables) cmsg.unified_memvars.extend(unified_memory_variables) relations = [] for variable, unified in self._variables_to_unified_variables.items(): relation = variables_pb2.Var2Unified() relation.var_ident = variable.ident relation.unified_var_ident = unified.ident relations.append(relation) cmsg.var2unified.extend(relations) # phi vars phi_relations = [] for phi, vars_ in self._phi_variables.items(): for var in vars_: if var not in self._variables and var not in self._phi_variables: l.error("Ignore variable %s because it is not in the registered list.", var.ident) continue relation = variables_pb2.Phi2Var() relation.phi_ident = phi.ident relation.var_ident = var.ident phi_relations.append(relation) cmsg.phi2var.extend(phi_relations) # TODO: Types return cmsg
[docs] @classmethod def parse_from_cmessage( cls, cmsg, variable_manager=None, func_addr=None, **kwargs ) -> "VariableManagerInternal": # pylint:disable=arguments-differ model = VariableManagerInternal(variable_manager, func_addr=func_addr) variable_by_ident = {} # variables all_vars = [] for regvar_pb2 in cmsg.regvars: all_vars.append((regvar_pb2.base.is_phi, SimRegisterVariable.parse_from_cmessage(regvar_pb2))) for stackvar_pb2 in cmsg.stackvars: all_vars.append((stackvar_pb2.base.is_phi, SimStackVariable.parse_from_cmessage(stackvar_pb2))) for memvar_pb2 in cmsg.memvars: all_vars.append((memvar_pb2.base.is_phi, SimMemoryVariable.parse_from_cmessage(memvar_pb2))) for is_phi, var in all_vars: variable_by_ident[var.ident] = var if is_phi: model._phi_variables[var] = set() else: model._variables.add(var) model._ident_to_variable[var.ident] = var # variable accesses for varaccess_pb2 in cmsg.accesses: variable_access = VariableAccess.parse_from_cmessage(varaccess_pb2, variable_by_ident=variable_by_ident) variable = variable_access.variable offset = variable_access.offset tpl = (variable, offset) model._variable_accesses[variable_access.variable].add(variable_access) model._insn_to_variable[variable_access.location.ins_addr].add(tpl) loc = ( (variable_access.location.block_addr, variable_access.location.stmt_idx) if variable_access.location.block_idx is None else ( variable_access.location.block_addr, variable_access.location.block_idx, variable_access.location.stmt_idx, ) ) model._stmt_to_variable[loc].add(tpl) model._variable_to_stmt[variable].add(loc) if variable_access.atom_hash is not None: model._atom_to_variable[loc][variable_access.atom_hash].add(tpl) # unified variables unified_variable_by_ident = {} for regvar_pb2 in cmsg.unified_regvars: regvar = SimRegisterVariable.parse_from_cmessage(regvar_pb2) unified_variable_by_ident[regvar.ident] = regvar model._unified_variables.add(regvar) for stackvar_pb2 in cmsg.unified_stackvars: stackvar = SimStackVariable.parse_from_cmessage(stackvar_pb2) unified_variable_by_ident[stackvar.ident] = stackvar model._unified_variables.add(stackvar) for memvar_pb2 in cmsg.unified_memvars: memvar = SimMemoryVariable.parse_from_cmessage(memvar_pb2) unified_variable_by_ident[memvar.ident] = memvar model._unified_variables.add(memvar) for var2unified in cmsg.var2unified: variable = variable_by_ident[var2unified.var_ident] unified = unified_variable_by_ident[var2unified.unified_var_ident] model._variables_to_unified_variables[variable] = unified for phi2var in cmsg.phi2var: phi = variable_by_ident.get(phi2var.phi_ident, None) if phi is None: l.warning("Phi variable %s is not found in variable_by_ident.", phi2var.phi_ident) continue var = variable_by_ident.get(phi2var.var_ident, None) if var is None: l.warning("Variable %s is not found in variable_by_ident.", phi2var.var_ident) continue model._phi_variables[phi].add(var) model._variables_to_phivars[var].add(phi) # TODO: Types for var in model._variables: if isinstance(var, SimStackVariable): region = model._stack_region offset = var.offset elif isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable): region = model._register_region offset = var.reg elif isinstance(var, SimMemoryVariable): region = model._global_region offset = var.addr else: raise ValueError("Unsupported sort %s in parse_from_cmessage()." % type(var)) region.add_variable(offset, var) model._variables_without_writes = set(model.get_variables_without_writes()) return model
# # Public methods #
[docs] def next_variable_ident(self, sort): if sort not in self._variable_counters: raise ValueError("Unsupported variable sort %s" % sort) if sort == "register": prefix = "r" elif sort == "stack": prefix = "s" elif sort == "argument": prefix = "arg" elif sort == "global": prefix = "g" else: prefix = "m" ident = "i%s_%d" % (prefix, next(self._variable_counters[sort])) return ident
[docs] def add_variable(self, sort, start, variable: SimVariable): if sort == "stack": region = self._stack_region elif sort == "register": region = self._register_region elif sort == "global": region = self._global_region else: raise ValueError("Unsupported sort %s in add_variable()." % sort) # find if there is already an existing variable with the same identifier if variable.ident in self._ident_to_variable: existing_var = self._ident_to_variable[variable.ident] if is not None and not variable.renamed: = variable.renamed = existing_var.renamed self._ident_to_variable[variable.ident] = variable region.add_variable(start, variable) self._variables.add(variable) self._variables_without_writes.add(variable)
[docs] def set_variable(self, sort, start, variable: SimVariable): if sort == "stack": region = self._stack_region elif sort == "register": region = self._register_region elif sort == "global": region = self._global_region else: raise ValueError("Unsupported sort %s in set_variable()." % sort) # find if there is already an existing variable with the same identifier if variable.ident in self._ident_to_variable: existing_var = self._ident_to_variable[variable.ident] if is not None and not variable.renamed: = variable.renamed = existing_var.renamed region.set_variable(start, variable) self._variables.add(variable) self._variables_without_writes.add(variable)
[docs] def write_to(self, variable, offset, location, overwrite=False, atom=None): self._record_variable_access( VariableAccessSort.WRITE, variable, offset, location, overwrite=overwrite, atom=atom )
[docs] def read_from(self, variable, offset, location, overwrite=False, atom=None): self._record_variable_access( VariableAccessSort.READ, variable, offset, location, overwrite=overwrite, atom=atom )
[docs] def reference_at(self, variable, offset, location, overwrite=False, atom=None): self._record_variable_access( VariableAccessSort.REFERENCE, variable, offset, location, overwrite=overwrite, atom=atom )
def _record_variable_access( self, sort: int, variable, offset, location: "CodeLocation", overwrite=False, atom=None, ): atom_hash = (hash(atom) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) if atom is not None else None if overwrite: self._variable_accesses[variable] = {VariableAccess(variable, sort, location, offset, atom_hash=atom_hash)} else: self._variable_accesses[variable].add(VariableAccess(variable, sort, location, offset, atom_hash=atom_hash)) self.record_variable(location, variable, offset, overwrite=overwrite, atom=atom) if sort == VariableAccessSort.WRITE and variable in self._variables_without_writes: self._variables_without_writes.discard(variable)
[docs] def record_variable(self, location: "CodeLocation", variable, offset, overwrite=False, atom=None): if variable.ident not in self._ident_to_variable: self._ident_to_variable[variable.ident] = variable self._variables.add(variable) var_and_offset = variable, offset atom_hash = (hash(atom) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) if atom is not None else None key = ( (location.block_addr, location.stmt_idx) if location.block_idx is None else (location.block_addr, location.block_idx, location.stmt_idx) ) if overwrite: self._insn_to_variable[location.ins_addr] = {var_and_offset} self._stmt_to_variable[key] = {var_and_offset} self._variable_to_stmt[variable].add(key) if atom_hash is not None: self._atom_to_variable[key][atom_hash] = {var_and_offset} else: self._insn_to_variable[location.ins_addr].add(var_and_offset) self._stmt_to_variable[key].add(var_and_offset) self._variable_to_stmt[variable].add(key) if atom_hash is not None: self._atom_to_variable[key][atom_hash].add(var_and_offset)
[docs] def make_phi_node(self, block_addr, *variables): """ Create a phi variable for variables at block `block_addr`. :param int block_addr: The address of the current block. :param variables: Variables that the phi variable represents. :return: The created phi variable. """ existing_phis = set() non_phis = set() for var in variables: if self.is_phi_variable(var): existing_phis.add(var) else: non_phis.add(var) if var in self._variables_to_phivars: for phivar in self._variables_to_phivars[var]: existing_phis.add(phivar) if len(existing_phis) >= 1: # iterate through existing phi variables to see if any of it is already used as the phi variable for this # block. if so, we reuse it to avoid redundant variable allocations for phi in existing_phis: if block_addr in self._phi_variables_by_block and phi in self._phi_variables_by_block[block_addr]: if not non_phis.issubset(self.get_phi_subvariables(phi)): # Update the variables that this phi variable represents self._phi_variables[phi] |= non_phis return phi # allocate a new phi variable repre = next(iter(variables)) repre_type = type(repre) repre_size = max(var.size for var in variables) if repre_type is SimRegisterVariable: ident_sort = "register" a = SimRegisterVariable(repre.reg, repre_size, ident=self.next_variable_ident(ident_sort)) elif repre_type is SimMemoryVariable: ident_sort = "global" a = SimMemoryVariable(repre.addr, repre_size, ident=self.next_variable_ident(ident_sort)) elif repre_type is SimStackVariable: ident_sort = "stack" a = SimStackVariable(repre.offset, repre_size, ident=self.next_variable_ident(ident_sort)) else: raise TypeError('make_phi_node(): Unsupported variable type "%s".' % type(repre)) # Keep a record of all phi variables self._phi_variables[a] = set(variables) self._phi_variables_by_block[block_addr].add(a) for var in variables: self._variables_to_phivars[var].add(a) return a
[docs] def set_live_variables(self, addr, register_region, stack_region): lv = LiveVariables(register_region, stack_region) self._live_variables[addr] = lv
[docs] def find_variables_by_insn(self, ins_addr, sort): if ins_addr not in self._insn_to_variable: return None if sort in (VariableType.MEMORY, "memory"): vars_and_offset = [ (var, offset) for var, offset in self._insn_to_variable[ins_addr] if isinstance(var, (SimStackVariable, SimMemoryVariable)) ] elif sort in (VariableType.REGISTER, "register"): vars_and_offset = [ (var, offset) for var, offset in self._insn_to_variable[ins_addr] if isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable) ] else: l.error('find_variable_by_insn(): Unsupported variable sort "%s".', sort) return [] return vars_and_offset
[docs] def is_variable_used_at(self, variable: SimVariable, loc: Tuple[int, int]) -> bool: return loc in self._variable_to_stmt[variable]
[docs] def find_variable_by_stmt(self, block_addr, stmt_idx, sort, block_idx: Optional[int] = None): return next(iter(self.find_variables_by_stmt(block_addr, stmt_idx, sort, block_idx=block_idx)), None)
[docs] def find_variables_by_stmt( self, block_addr: int, stmt_idx: int, sort: str, block_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[Tuple[SimVariable, int]]: key = (block_addr, stmt_idx) if block_idx is None else (block_addr, block_idx, stmt_idx) if key not in self._stmt_to_variable: return [] variables = self._stmt_to_variable[key] if not variables: return [] if sort == "memory": var_and_offsets = list( (var, offset) for var, offset in self._stmt_to_variable[key] if isinstance(var, (SimStackVariable, SimMemoryVariable)) ) elif sort == "register": var_and_offsets = list( (var, offset) for var, offset in self._stmt_to_variable[key] if isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable) ) else: l.error('find_variables_by_stmt(): Unsupported variable sort "%s".', sort) return [] return var_and_offsets
[docs] def find_variable_by_atom(self, block_addr, stmt_idx, atom, block_idx: Optional[int] = None): return next(iter(self.find_variables_by_atom(block_addr, stmt_idx, atom, block_idx=block_idx)), None)
[docs] def find_variables_by_atom( self, block_addr, stmt_idx, atom, block_idx: Optional[int] = None ) -> Set[Tuple[SimVariable, int]]: if block_idx is None: key = block_addr, stmt_idx else: key = block_addr, block_idx, stmt_idx if key not in self._atom_to_variable: return set() atom_hash = hash(atom) & 0xFFFF_FFFF if atom_hash not in self._atom_to_variable[key]: return set() return self._atom_to_variable[key][atom_hash]
[docs] def find_variables_by_stack_offset(self, offset: int) -> Set[SimVariable]: return self._stack_region.get_variables_by_offset(offset)
[docs] def find_variables_by_register(self, reg: Union[str, int]) -> Set[SimVariable]: if type(reg) is str: reg = self.manager._kb._project.arch.registers.get(reg)[0] return self._register_region.get_variables_by_offset(reg)
[docs] def get_variable_accesses(self, variable: SimVariable, same_name: bool = False) -> List[VariableAccess]: if not same_name: if variable in self._variable_accesses: return list(self._variable_accesses[variable]) return [] # find all variables with the same variable name vars_list = [] for var in self._variable_accesses.keys(): if == vars_list.append(var) accesses = [] for var in vars_list: accesses.extend(self.get_variable_accesses(var)) return accesses
[docs] def get_variables( self, sort: Optional[Literal["stack", "reg"]] = None, collapse_same_ident=False ) -> List[Union[SimStackVariable, SimRegisterVariable]]: """ Get a list of variables. :param sort: Sort of the variable to get. :param collapse_same_ident: Whether variables of the same identifier should be collapsed or not. :return: A list of variables. """ variables = [] if collapse_same_ident: raise NotImplementedError() for var in self._variables: if sort == "stack" and not isinstance(var, SimStackVariable): continue if sort == "reg" and not isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable): continue variables.append(var) return variables
[docs] def get_unified_variables( self, sort: Optional[Literal["stack", "reg"]] = None ) -> List[Union[SimStackVariable, SimRegisterVariable]]: """ Get a list of unified variables. :param sort: Sort of the variable to get. :return: A list of variables. """ variables = [] for var in self._unified_variables: if sort == "stack" and not isinstance(var, SimStackVariable): continue if sort == "reg" and not isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable): continue variables.append(var) return variables
[docs] def get_global_variables(self, addr): """ Get global variable by the address of the variable. :param int addr: Address of the variable. :return: A set of variables or an empty set if no variable exists. """ return self._global_region.get_variables_by_offset(addr)
[docs] def is_phi_variable(self, var): """ Test if `var` is a phi variable. :param SimVariable var: The variable instance. :return: True if `var` is a phi variable, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return var in self._phi_variables
[docs] def get_phi_subvariables(self, var): """ Get sub-variables that phi variable `var` represents. :param SimVariable var: The variable instance. :return: A set of sub-variables, or an empty set if `var` is not a phi variable. :rtype: set """ if not self.is_phi_variable(var): return set() return self._phi_variables[var]
[docs] def get_phi_variables(self, block_addr): """ Get a dict of phi variables and their corresponding variables. :param int block_addr: Address of the block. :return: A dict of phi variables of an empty dict if there are no phi variables at the block. :rtype: dict """ if block_addr not in self._phi_variables_by_block: return {} variables = {} for phi in self._phi_variables_by_block[block_addr]: variables[phi] = self._phi_variables[phi] return variables
[docs] def get_variables_without_writes(self) -> List[SimVariable]: """ Get all variables that have never been written to. :return: A list of variables that are never written to. """ def has_write_access(accesses): return any(acc for acc in accesses if acc.access_type == VariableAccessSort.WRITE) input_variables = [] for variable, accesses in self._variable_accesses.items(): if variable in self._phi_variables: # a phi variable is definitely not an input variable continue if not has_write_access(accesses): input_variables.append(variable) return input_variables
[docs] def input_variables(self, exclude_specials: bool = True): """ Get all variables that have never been written to. :return: A list of variables that are never written to. """ def has_read_access(accesses): return any(acc for acc in accesses if acc.access_type == VariableAccessSort.READ) input_variables = [] for variable in self._variables_without_writes: if variable in self._phi_variables: # a phi variable is definitely not an input variable continue accesses = self._variable_accesses[variable] if has_read_access(accesses): if not exclude_specials or not variable.category: input_variables.append(variable) return input_variables
[docs] def assign_variable_names(self, labels=None, types=None): """ Assign default names to all SSA variables. :param labels: Known labels in the binary. :return: None """ for var in self._variables: if (types is None or SimStackVariable in types) and isinstance(var, SimStackVariable): if is not None: continue if var.ident.startswith("iarg"): = "arg_%x" % var.offset else: = "s_%x" % (-var.offset) # = var.ident elif (types is None or SimRegisterVariable in types) and isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable): if is not None: continue = var.ident elif (types is None or SimMemoryVariable in types) and isinstance(var, SimMemoryVariable): if is not None: continue if labels is not None and var.addr in labels: = labels[var.addr] if "@@" in =[:"@@")] elif isinstance(var.addr, int): = "g_%x" % var.addr elif var.ident is not None: = var.ident else: = "g_%s" % var.addr
[docs] def assign_unified_variable_names( self, labels=None, arg_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, reset: bool = False ) -> None: """ Assign default names to all unified variables. :param labels: Known labels in the binary. :param arg_names: Known argument names. :param reset: Reset all variable names or not. """ def _id_from_varident(ident: str) -> int: return int(ident[ident.find("_") + 1 :]) if not self._unified_variables: return sorted_stack_variables = [] sorted_reg_variables = [] arg_vars = [] for var in self._unified_variables: if isinstance(var, SimStackVariable): if var.ident and var.ident.startswith("arg_"): arg_vars.append(var) else: sorted_stack_variables.append(var) elif isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable): if var.ident and var.ident.startswith("arg_"): arg_vars.append(var) else: sorted_reg_variables.append(var) elif isinstance(var, SimMemoryVariable): if not reset and is not None: continue # assign names directly if labels is not None and var.addr in labels: = labels[var.addr] if "@@" in =[:"@@")] elif var.ident: = var.ident else: = f"g_{var.addr:x}" # rename variables in a fixed order var_ctr = count(0) sorted_stack_variables = sorted(sorted_stack_variables, key=lambda v: v.offset) sorted_reg_variables = sorted(sorted_reg_variables, key=lambda v: _id_from_varident(v.ident)) for var in chain(sorted_stack_variables, sorted_reg_variables): idx = next(var_ctr) if is not None and not reset: continue if isinstance(var, SimStackVariable): = f"v{idx}" elif isinstance(var, SimRegisterVariable): = f"v{idx}" # clear the hash cache var._hash = None # rename arguments but keeping the original order arg_ctr = count(0) arg_vars = sorted(arg_vars, key=lambda v: _id_from_varident(v.ident)) for var in arg_vars: idx = next(arg_ctr) if is not None and not reset: continue = arg_names[idx] if arg_names else f"a{idx}" var._hash = None
def _register_struct_type(self, ty: SimStruct, name: Optional[str] = None) -> TypeRef: if not name: name = if not name: name = self.types.unique_type_name() if name in self.types: return self.types[name] ty = TypeRef(name, ty).with_arch(self.manager._kb._project.arch) self.types[name] = ty return ty
[docs] def set_variable_type( self, var: SimVariable, ty: SimType, name: Optional[str] = None, override_bot: bool = True, all_unified: bool = False, mark_manual: bool = False, ) -> None: if isinstance(ty, SimTypeBottom) and override_bot: # we fall back to assigning a default unsigned integer type for the variable if var.size is not None: size_to_type = { 1: SimTypeChar, 2: SimTypeShort, 4: SimTypeInt, 8: SimTypeLong, } if var.size in size_to_type: ty = size_to_type[var.size](signed=False, label=ty.label).with_arch(self.manager._kb._project.arch) if name: if name not in self.types: self.types[name] = TypeRef(name, ty).with_arch(self.manager._kb._project.arch) ty = self.types[name] elif isinstance(ty, SimTypePointer) and isinstance(ty.pts_to, SimStruct): typeref = self._register_struct_type(ty.pts_to) ty = ty.copy().with_arch(self.manager._kb._project.arch) ty.pts_to = typeref elif isinstance(ty, SimStruct): ty = self._register_struct_type(ty, name=name) self.variable_to_types[var] = ty if mark_manual: self.variables_with_manual_types.add(var) if all_unified: unified = self._variables_to_unified_variables.get(var, None) if unified is not None: for other_var, other_unified in self._variables_to_unified_variables.items(): if other_unified is unified and other_var is not var: self.variable_to_types[other_var] = ty if mark_manual: self.variables_with_manual_types.add(other_var)
[docs] def get_variable_type(self, var) -> Optional[SimType]: return self.variable_to_types.get(var, None)
[docs] def remove_types(self): self.types.clear() self.variable_to_types.clear()
[docs] def unify_variables(self) -> None: """ Map SSA variables to a unified variable. Fill in self._unified_variables. """ stack_vars: Dict[int, List[SimStackVariable]] = defaultdict(list) reg_vars: Set[SimRegisterVariable] = set() # unify stack variables based on their locations for v in self.get_variables(): if v in self._variables_to_unified_variables: # do not unify twice continue if isinstance(v, SimStackVariable): stack_vars[v.offset].append(v) elif isinstance(v, SimRegisterVariable): reg_vars.add(v) for _, vs in stack_vars.items(): unified = vs[0].copy() for v in vs: self.set_unified_variable(v, unified) # unify register variables based on phi nodes graph = networkx.DiGraph() # an edge v1 -> v2 means v2 is the phi variable for v1 for v, subvs in self._phi_variables.items(): if not isinstance(v, SimRegisterVariable): continue for subv in subvs: graph.add_edge(subv, v) # prune the graph: remove nodes that have never been used while True: unused_nodes = set() for node in [nn for nn in graph.nodes() if graph.out_degree[nn] == 0]: if not self.get_variable_accesses(node): # this node has never been used - discard it unused_nodes.add(node) if unused_nodes: graph.remove_nodes_from(unused_nodes) else: break # convert the directional graph into a non-directional graph graph_ = networkx.Graph() graph_.add_nodes_from(graph.nodes) graph_.add_edges_from(graph.edges) for nodes in networkx.connected_components(graph_): if len(nodes) <= 1: continue # side effect of sorting: arg_x variables are always in the front of the list nodes = list(sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: x.ident)) unified = nodes[0].copy() for v in nodes: self.set_unified_variable(v, unified) for v in nodes: reg_vars.discard(v) for v in reg_vars: self.set_unified_variable(v, v)
[docs] def set_unified_variable(self, variable: SimVariable, unified: SimVariable) -> None: """ Set the unified variable for a given SSA variable. :param variable: The SSA variable. :param unified: The unified variable. :return: None """ old_unified = self._variables_to_unified_variables.get(variable, None) if old_unified is not None and old_unified is not unified: self._unified_variables.discard(old_unified) if is not None and not unified.renamed: = unified.renamed = old_unified.renamed self._unified_variables.add(unified) self._variables_to_unified_variables[variable] = unified
[docs] def unified_variable(self, variable: SimVariable) -> Optional[SimVariable]: """ Return the unified variable for a given SSA variable, :param variable: The SSA variable. :return: The unified variable, or None if there is no such SSA variable. """ return self._variables_to_unified_variables.get(variable, None)
[docs]class VariableManager(KnowledgeBasePlugin): """ Manage variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, kb): super().__init__() self._kb: "KnowledgeBase" = kb self.global_manager = VariableManagerInternal(self) self.function_managers: Dict[int, VariableManagerInternal] = {}
def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: if key == "global": return True return key in self.function_managers def __getitem__(self, key) -> VariableManagerInternal: """ Get the VariableManagerInternal object for a function or a region. :param str or int key: Key of the region. "global" for the global region, or a function address for the function. :return: The VariableManagerInternal object. """ if key == "global": # pylint:disable=no-else-return return self.global_manager else: # key refers to a function address return self.get_function_manager(key) def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: """ Remove the existing VariableManagerInternal object for a function or a region. :param Union[str,int] key: Key of the region. "global" for the global region, or a function address for the function. :return: None """ if key == "global": self.global_manager = VariableManagerInternal(self) else: del self.function_managers[key]
[docs] def has_function_manager(self, key: int) -> bool: return key in self.function_managers
[docs] def get_function_manager(self, func_addr) -> VariableManagerInternal: if isinstance(func_addr, str): func_addr = self._kb.labels.lookup(func_addr) elif not isinstance(func_addr, int): raise TypeError('Argument "func_addr" must be an int.') if func_addr not in self.function_managers: self.function_managers[func_addr] = VariableManagerInternal(self, func_addr=func_addr) return self.function_managers[func_addr]
[docs] def initialize_variable_names(self) -> None: self.global_manager.assign_variable_names() for manager in self.function_managers.values(): manager.assign_variable_names()
[docs] def get_variable_accesses(self, variable: SimVariable, same_name: bool = False) -> List[VariableAccess]: """ Get a list of all references to the given variable. :param variable: The variable. :param same_name: Whether to include all variables with the same variable name, or just based on the variable identifier. :return: All references to the variable. """ if variable.region == "global": return self.global_manager.get_variable_accesses(variable, same_name=same_name) elif variable.region in self.function_managers: return self.function_managers[variable.region].get_variable_accesses(variable, same_name=same_name) l.warning("get_variable_accesses(): Region %s is not found.", variable.region) return []
[docs] def copy(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_variable_list(vlist: List[Variable], manager: VariableManagerInternal): for v in vlist: simv = None if v.type is None: l.warning("skipped unknown type for %s", continue if v.sort == "global": simv = SimMemoryVariable(v.addr, v.type.byte_size) elif v.sort == "register": simv = SimRegisterVariable(v.addr, v.type.byte_size) elif v.sort == "stack": simv = SimStackVariable(v.addr, v.type.byte_size) else: l.warning("undefined variable sort %s for %s", v.sort, v.addr) continue = manager.add_variable(v.sort, v.addr, simv)
[docs] def load_from_dwarf(self, cu_list: List[CompilationUnit] = None): cu_list = cu_list or self._kb._project.loader.main_object.compilation_units if cu_list is None: l.warning("no CompilationUnit found") return for cu in cu_list: self.convert_variable_list(cu.global_variables, self.global_manager) for low_pc, subp in cu.functions.items(): manager = self.get_function_manager(low_pc) self.convert_variable_list(subp.local_variables, manager)
KnowledgeBasePlugin.register_default("variables", VariableManager)