Source code for angr.knowledge_plugins.functions.function_manager

# pylint:disable=raise-missing-from
from typing import Dict, Set, Optional
import logging
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict

import networkx

from archinfo.arch_soot import SootMethodDescriptor

from ...errors import SimEngineError
from ..plugin import KnowledgeBasePlugin
from .function import Function
from .soot_function import SootFunction

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]class FunctionDict(SortedDict): """ FunctionDict is a dict where the keys are function starting addresses and map to the associated :class:`Function`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, backref, *args, **kwargs): self._backref = backref self._key_types = kwargs.pop("key_types", int) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, addr): try: return super().__getitem__(addr) except KeyError as ex: if not isinstance(addr, self._key_types): raise TypeError("FunctionDict only supports %s as key type" % self._key_types) from ex if isinstance(addr, SootMethodDescriptor): t = SootFunction(self._backref, addr) else: t = Function(self._backref, addr) try: self[addr] = t except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except pass self._backref._function_added(t) return t
[docs] def get(self, addr): return super().__getitem__(addr)
[docs] def floor_addr(self, addr): try: return next(self.irange(maximum=addr, reverse=True)) except StopIteration: raise KeyError(addr)
[docs] def ceiling_addr(self, addr): try: return next(self.irange(minimum=addr, reverse=False)) except StopIteration: raise KeyError(addr)
def __setstate__(self, state): for v, k in state.items(): self[k] = v def __getstate__(self): return {v: k for (v, k) in self.items()}
[docs]class FunctionManager(KnowledgeBasePlugin, """ This is a function boundaries management tool. It takes in intermediate results during CFG generation, and manages a function map of the binary. """
[docs] def __init__(self, kb): super().__init__() self._kb = kb self.function_address_types = self._kb._project.arch.function_address_types self.address_types = self._kb._project.arch.address_types self._function_map: Dict[int, Function] = FunctionDict(self, key_types=self.function_address_types) self.function_addrs_set: Set = set() self.callgraph = networkx.MultiDiGraph() self.block_map = {} # Registers used for passing arguments around self._arg_registers = kb._project.arch.argument_registers
def __setstate__(self, state): self._kb = state["_kb"] self.function_address_types = state["function_address_types"] self.address_types = state["address_types"] self._function_map = state["_function_map"] self.callgraph = state["callgraph"] self.block_map = state["block_map"] self._function_map._backref = self for func in self._function_map.values(): func._function_manager = self def __getstate__(self): s = { "_kb": self._kb, "function_address_types": self.function_address_types, "address_types": self.address_types, "_function_map": self._function_map, "callgraph": self.callgraph, "block_map": self.block_map, } return s
[docs] def copy(self): fm = FunctionManager(self._kb) fm._function_map = self._function_map.copy() for address, function in fm._function_map.items(): fm._function_map[address] = function.copy() fm.callgraph = networkx.MultiDiGraph(self.callgraph) fm._arg_registers = self._arg_registers.copy() fm.function_addrs_set = self.function_addrs_set.copy() return fm
[docs] def clear(self): self._function_map = FunctionDict(self, key_types=self.function_address_types) self.callgraph = networkx.MultiDiGraph() self.block_map.clear() self.function_addrs_set = set()
def _genenare_callmap_sif(self, filepath): """ Generate a sif file from the call map. :param filepath: Path of the sif file :return: None """ with open(filepath, "wb") as f: for src, dst in self.callgraph.edges(): f.write(f"{src:#x}\tDirectEdge\t{dst:#x}\n") def _add_node(self, function_addr, node, syscall=None, size=None): if isinstance(node, self.address_types): node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(node, size=size) dst_func = self._function_map[function_addr] if syscall in (True, False): dst_func.is_syscall = syscall dst_func._register_nodes(True, node) self.block_map[node.addr] = node def _add_call_to( self, function_addr, from_node, to_addr, retn_node=None, syscall=None, stmt_idx=None, ins_addr=None, return_to_outside=False, ): """ Add a call to a function. :param int function_addr: Address of the current function where this call happens. :param from_node: The source node. :param to_addr: Address of the target function, or None if unknown. :param retn_node: The node where the target function will return to if it returns. :param bool syscall: If this is a call to a syscall or not. :param int stmt_idx: ID of the statement where this call happens. :param int ins_addr: Address of the instruction where this call happens. :param bool return_to_outside: True if the return of the call is considered going to outside of the current function. :return: None """ if isinstance(from_node, self.address_types): from_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(from_node) if isinstance(retn_node, self.address_types): retn_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(retn_node) func = self._function_map[function_addr] func._add_call_site(from_node.addr, to_addr, retn_node.addr if retn_node else None) if to_addr is not None: dest_func = self._function_map[to_addr] if syscall in (True, False): dest_func.is_syscall = syscall func._call_to( from_node, dest_func, retn_node, stmt_idx=stmt_idx, ins_addr=ins_addr, return_to_outside=return_to_outside, ) if return_to_outside: func.add_retout_site(from_node) # is there any existing edge on the callgraph? edge_data = {"type": "call"} if to_addr is not None and ( function_addr not in self.callgraph or to_addr not in self.callgraph[function_addr] or edge_data not in self.callgraph[function_addr][to_addr].values() ): self.callgraph.add_edge(function_addr, to_addr, **edge_data) def _add_fakeret_to( self, function_addr, from_node, to_node, confirmed=None, syscall=None, to_outside=False, to_function_addr=None ): if isinstance(from_node, self.address_types): from_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(from_node) if isinstance(to_node, self.address_types): to_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(to_node) src_func = self._function_map[function_addr] if syscall in (True, False): src_func.is_syscall = syscall src_func._fakeret_to(from_node, to_node, confirmed=confirmed, to_outside=to_outside) if to_outside and to_function_addr is not None: # mark it on the callgraph edge_data = {"type": "fakeret"} if ( function_addr not in self.callgraph or to_function_addr not in self.callgraph[function_addr] or edge_data not in self.callgraph[function_addr][to_function_addr].values() ): self.callgraph.add_edge(function_addr, to_function_addr, **edge_data) def _remove_fakeret(self, function_addr, from_node, to_node): if type(from_node) is int: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck from_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(from_node) if type(to_node) is int: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck to_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(to_node) self._function_map[function_addr]._remove_fakeret(from_node, to_node) def _add_return_from(self, function_addr, from_node, to_node=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument if isinstance(from_node, self.address_types): # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck from_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(from_node) self._function_map[function_addr]._add_return_site(from_node) def _add_transition_to(self, function_addr, from_node, to_node, ins_addr=None, stmt_idx=None, is_exception=False): if isinstance(from_node, self.address_types): # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck from_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(from_node) if isinstance(to_node, self.address_types): # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck to_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(to_node) self._function_map[function_addr]._transit_to( from_node, to_node, ins_addr=ins_addr, stmt_idx=stmt_idx, is_exception=is_exception ) def _add_outside_transition_to( self, function_addr, from_node, to_node, to_function_addr=None, ins_addr=None, stmt_idx=None, is_exception=False ): if type(from_node) is int: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck from_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(from_node) if type(to_node) is int: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck try: to_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(to_node) except SimEngineError: # we cannot get the snippet, but we should at least tell the function that it's going to jump out here self._function_map[function_addr].add_jumpout_site(from_node) return self._function_map[function_addr]._transit_to( from_node, to_node, outside=True, ins_addr=ins_addr, stmt_idx=stmt_idx, is_exception=is_exception, ) if to_function_addr is not None: # mark it on the callgraph edge_data = {"type": "transition" if not is_exception else "exception"} if ( function_addr not in self.callgraph or to_function_addr not in self.callgraph[function_addr] or edge_data not in self.callgraph[function_addr][to_function_addr].values() ): self.callgraph.add_edge(function_addr, to_function_addr, **edge_data) def _add_return_from_call(self, function_addr, src_function_addr, to_node, to_outside=False): # Note that you will never return to a syscall if type(to_node) is int: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck to_node = self._kb._project.factory.snippet(to_node) func = self._function_map[function_addr] src_func = self._function_map[src_function_addr] func._return_from_call(src_func, to_node, to_outside=to_outside) # # Dict methods # def __contains__(self, item): if type(item) is int: # this is an address return item in self._function_map try: _ = self[item] return True except KeyError: return False def __getitem__(self, k) -> Function: if isinstance(k, self.function_address_types): f = self.function(addr=k) elif type(k) is str: f = self.function(name=k) else: raise ValueError("FunctionManager.__getitem__ does not support keys of type %s" % type(k)) if f is None: raise KeyError(k) return f def __setitem__(self, k, v): if isinstance(k, self.function_address_types): self._function_map[k] = v self._function_added(v) else: raise ValueError("FunctionManager.__setitem__ keys must be an int") def __delitem__(self, k): if isinstance(k, self.function_address_types): del self._function_map[k] if k in self.callgraph: self.callgraph.remove_node(k) self.function_addrs_set.discard(k) else: raise ValueError( f"FunctionManager.__delitem__ only accepts the following address types: " f"{self.function_address_types}" ) def __len__(self): return len(self._function_map) def __iter__(self): yield from sorted(self._function_map.keys())
[docs] def get_by_addr(self, addr) -> Function: return self._function_map.get(addr)
def _function_added(self, func: Function): """ A callback method for adding a new function instance to the manager. :param func: The Function instance being added. :return: None """ # Add the function address to the set of function addresses self.function_addrs_set.add(func.addr) # make sure all functions exist in the call graph self.callgraph.add_node(func.addr)
[docs] def contains_addr(self, addr): """ Decide if an address is handled by the function manager. Note: this function is non-conformant with python programming idioms, but its needed for performance reasons. :param int addr: Address of the function. """ return addr in self._function_map
[docs] def ceiling_func(self, addr): """ Return the function who has the least address that is greater than or equal to `addr`. :param int addr: The address to query. :return: A Function instance, or None if there is no other function after `addr`. :rtype: Function or None """ try: next_addr = self._function_map.ceiling_addr(addr) return self._function_map.get(next_addr) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def floor_func(self, addr): """ Return the function who has the greatest address that is less than or equal to `addr`. :param int addr: The address to query. :return: A Function instance, or None if there is no other function before `addr`. :rtype: Function or None """ try: prev_addr = self._function_map.floor_addr(addr) return self._function_map[prev_addr] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def function(self, addr=None, name=None, create=False, syscall=False, plt=None) -> Optional[Function]: """ Get a function object from the function manager. Pass either `addr` or `name` with the appropriate values. :param int addr: Address of the function. :param str name: Name of the function. :param bool create: Whether to create the function or not if the function does not exist. :param bool syscall: True to create the function as a syscall, False otherwise. :param bool or None plt: True to find the PLT stub, False to find a non-PLT stub, None to disable this restriction. :return: The Function instance, or None if the function is not found and create is False. :rtype: Function or None """ if addr is not None: try: f = self._function_map.get(addr) if plt is None or f.is_plt == plt: return f except KeyError: if create: # the function is not found f = self._function_map[addr] if name is not None: = name if syscall: f.is_syscall = True return f elif name is not None: for func in self._function_map.values(): if == name: if plt is None or func.is_plt == plt: return func return None
[docs] def dbg_draw(self, prefix="dbg_function_"): for func_addr, func in self._function_map.items(): filename = f"{prefix}{func_addr:#08x}.png" func.dbg_draw(filename)
[docs] def rebuild_callgraph(self): self.callgraph = networkx.MultiDiGraph() for func_addr in self._function_map.keys(): self.callgraph.add_node(func_addr) for func in self._function_map.values(): if func.block_addrs_set: for node in func.transition_graph.nodes(): if isinstance(node, Function): self.callgraph.add_edge(func.addr, node.addr)
KnowledgeBasePlugin.register_default("functions", FunctionManager)