Source code for angr.state_plugins.unicorn_engine

import binascii
import copy
import ctypes
import itertools
import logging
import os
import sys
import threading
import time

import cffi  # lmao

import archinfo
import claripy
import pyvex
from angr.engines.vex.claripy import ccall
from angr.sim_state import SimState

from .. import sim_options as options
from ..engines.vex.claripy.irop import operations as irop_ops
from ..errors import SimMemoryError, SimSegfaultError, SimUnicornError, SimUnicornUnsupport, SimValueError
from ..misc.testing import is_testing
from .plugin import SimStatePlugin

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
ffi = cffi.FFI()

    import unicorn
except ImportError:
    l.warning("Unicorn is not installed. Support disabled.")
    unicorn = None

[docs]class MEM_PATCH(ctypes.Structure): """ struct mem_update_t """
MEM_PATCH._fields_ = [("address", ctypes.c_uint64), ("length", ctypes.c_uint64), ("next", ctypes.POINTER(MEM_PATCH))]
[docs]class TRANSMIT_RECORD(ctypes.Structure): """ struct transmit_record_t """ _fields_ = [("fd", ctypes.c_uint32), ("data", ctypes.c_void_p), ("count", ctypes.c_uint32)]
[docs]class TaintEntityEnum: """ taint_entity_enum_t """ TAINT_ENTITY_REG = 0 TAINT_ENTITY_TMP = 1 TAINT_ENTITY_MEM = 2 TAINT_ENTITY_NONE = 3
[docs]class MemoryValue(ctypes.Structure): """ struct memory_value_t """ _MAX_MEM_ACCESS_SIZE = 8 _fields_ = [ ("address", ctypes.c_uint64), ("value", ctypes.c_uint8), ("is_value_set", ctypes.c_bool), ("is_value_symbolic", ctypes.c_bool), ]
[docs]class RegisterValue(ctypes.Structure): """ struct register_value_t """ _MAX_REGISTER_BYTE_SIZE = 32 _fields_ = [ ("offset", ctypes.c_uint64), ("value", ctypes.c_uint8 * _MAX_REGISTER_BYTE_SIZE), ("size", ctypes.c_int64), ]
[docs]class VEXStmtDetails(ctypes.Structure): """ struct sym_vex_stmt_details_t """ _fields_ = [ ("stmt_idx", ctypes.c_int64), ("has_memory_dep", ctypes.c_bool), ("memory_values", ctypes.POINTER(MemoryValue)), ("memory_values_count", ctypes.c_uint64), ]
[docs]class BlockDetails(ctypes.Structure): """ struct sym_block_details_ret_t """ _fields_ = [ ("block_addr", ctypes.c_uint64), ("block_size", ctypes.c_uint64), ("block_trace_ind", ctypes.c_int64), ("has_symbolic_exit", ctypes.c_bool), ("symbolic_vex_stmts", ctypes.POINTER(VEXStmtDetails)), ("symbolic_vex_stmts_count", ctypes.c_uint64), ("register_values", ctypes.POINTER(RegisterValue)), ("register_values_count", ctypes.c_uint64), ]
[docs]class STOP: """ enum stop_t """ STOP_NORMAL = 0 STOP_STOPPOINT = 1 STOP_ERROR = 2 STOP_SYSCALL = 3 STOP_EXECNONE = 4 STOP_ZEROPAGE = 5 STOP_NOSTART = 6 STOP_SEGFAULT = 7 STOP_ZERO_DIV = 8 STOP_NODECODE = 9 STOP_HLT = 10 STOP_VEX_LIFT_FAILED = 11 STOP_SYMBOLIC_PC = 12 STOP_SYMBOLIC_READ_ADDR = 13 STOP_SYMBOLIC_READ_SYMBOLIC_TRACKING_DISABLED = 14 STOP_SYMBOLIC_WRITE_ADDR = 15 STOP_SYMBOLIC_BLOCK_EXIT_CONDITION = 16 STOP_SYMBOLIC_BLOCK_EXIT_TARGET = 17 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_PUTI = 18 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_STOREG = 19 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_LOADG = 20 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_CAS = 21 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_LLSC = 22 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_DIRTY = 23 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_EXPR_GETI = 24 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_UNKNOWN = 25 STOP_UNSUPPORTED_EXPR_UNKNOWN = 26 STOP_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_WRITE_SIZE = 27 STOP_SYSCALL_ARM = 28 STOP_X86_CPUID = 29 stop_message = {} stop_message[STOP_NORMAL] = "Reached maximum steps" stop_message[STOP_STOPPOINT] = "Hit a stop point" stop_message[STOP_ERROR] = "Something wrong" stop_message[STOP_SYSCALL] = "Unable to handle syscall" stop_message[STOP_EXECNONE] = "Fetching empty page" stop_message[STOP_ZEROPAGE] = "Accessing zero page" stop_message[STOP_NOSTART] = "Failed to start" stop_message[STOP_SEGFAULT] = "Permissions or mapping error" stop_message[STOP_ZERO_DIV] = "Divide by zero" stop_message[STOP_NODECODE] = "Instruction decoding error" stop_message[STOP_HLT] = "hlt instruction encountered" stop_message[STOP_VEX_LIFT_FAILED] = "Failed to lift block to VEX" stop_message[STOP_SYMBOLIC_PC] = "Instruction pointer became symbolic" stop_message[STOP_SYMBOLIC_READ_ADDR] = "Attempted to read from symbolic address" stop_message[ STOP_SYMBOLIC_READ_SYMBOLIC_TRACKING_DISABLED ] = "Attempted to read symbolic data from memory but symbolic tracking is disabled" stop_message[STOP_SYMBOLIC_WRITE_ADDR] = "Attempted to write to symbolic address" stop_message[STOP_SYMBOLIC_BLOCK_EXIT_CONDITION] = "Guard condition of block's exit statement is symbolic" stop_message[STOP_SYMBOLIC_BLOCK_EXIT_TARGET] = "Target of default exit of block is symbolic" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_PUTI] = "Symbolic taint propagation for PutI statement not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_STOREG] = "Symbolic taint propagation for StoreG statement not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_LOADG] = "Symbolic taint propagation for LoadG statement not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_CAS] = "Symbolic taint propagation for CAS statement not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_LLSC] = "Symbolic taint propagation for LLSC statement not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_DIRTY] = "Symbolic taint propagation for Dirty statement not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_EXPR_GETI] = "Symbolic taint propagation for GetI expression not yet supported" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_UNKNOWN] = "Canoo propagate symbolic taint for unsupported VEX statement type" stop_message[STOP_UNSUPPORTED_EXPR_UNKNOWN] = "Cannot propagate symbolic taint for unsupported VEX expression" stop_message[STOP_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_WRITE_SIZE] = "Unicorn failed to determine size of memory write" stop_message[STOP_SYSCALL_ARM] = "ARM syscalls are currently not supported by SimEngineUnicorn" stop_message[STOP_X86_CPUID] = "Block executes cpuid which should be handled in VEX engine" symbolic_stop_reasons = { STOP_SYMBOLIC_PC, STOP_SYMBOLIC_READ_ADDR, STOP_SYMBOLIC_READ_SYMBOLIC_TRACKING_DISABLED, STOP_SYMBOLIC_WRITE_ADDR, STOP_SYMBOLIC_BLOCK_EXIT_CONDITION, STOP_SYMBOLIC_BLOCK_EXIT_TARGET, STOP_SYSCALL_ARM, STOP_X86_CPUID, } unsupported_reasons = { STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_PUTI, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_STOREG, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_LOADG, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_CAS, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_LLSC, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_DIRTY, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_STMT_UNKNOWN, STOP_UNSUPPORTED_EXPR_UNKNOWN, STOP_VEX_LIFT_FAILED, }
[docs] @staticmethod def name_stop(num): for item in dir(STOP): if item.startswith("STOP_") and getattr(STOP, item) == num: return item raise ValueError(num)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_stop_msg(stop_reason): if stop_reason in STOP.stop_message: return STOP.stop_message[stop_reason] return "Unknown stop reason"
[docs]class StopDetails(ctypes.Structure): """ struct stop_details_t """ _fields_ = [ ("stop_reason", ctypes.c_int), ("block_addr", ctypes.c_uint64), ("block_size", ctypes.c_uint64), ]
[docs]class SimOSEnum: """ enum simos_t """ SIMOS_CGC = 0 SIMOS_LINUX = 1 SIMOS_OTHER = 2
# # Memory mapping errors - only used internally #
[docs]class MemoryMappingError(Exception): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring pass
[docs]class AccessingZeroPageError(MemoryMappingError): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring pass
[docs]class FetchingZeroPageError(MemoryMappingError): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring pass
[docs]class SegfaultError(MemoryMappingError): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring pass
[docs]class MixedPermissonsError(MemoryMappingError): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring pass
# # This annotation is added to constraints that Unicorn generates in aggressive concretization mode #
[docs]class AggressiveConcretizationAnnotation(claripy.SimplificationAvoidanceAnnotation): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
[docs] def __init__(self, addr): claripy.SimplificationAvoidanceAnnotation.__init__(self) self.unicorn_start_addr = addr
# # Because Unicorn leaks like crazy, we use one Uc object per thread... # _unicounter = itertools.count()
[docs]class Uniwrapper(unicorn.Uc if unicorn is not None else object): # pylint: disable=non-parent-init-called,missing-class-docstring
[docs] def __init__(self, arch, cache_key, thumb=False): l.debug("Creating unicorn state!") self.arch = arch self.cache_key = cache_key self.wrapped_mapped = set() self.wrapped_hooks = set() = None if thumb: uc_mode = arch.uc_mode_thumb else: uc_mode = arch.uc_mode unicorn.Uc.__init__(self, arch.uc_arch, uc_mode)
[docs] def hook_add(self, htype, callback, user_data=None, begin=1, end=0, arg1=0): h = unicorn.Uc.hook_add(self, htype, callback, user_data=user_data, begin=begin, end=end, arg1=arg1) # l.debug("Hook: %s,%s -> %s", htype, callback.__name__, h) self.wrapped_hooks.add(h) return h
[docs] def hook_del(self, h): # l.debug("Clearing hook %s", h) unicorn.Uc.hook_del(self, h) self.wrapped_hooks.discard(h) return h
[docs] def mem_map(self, addr, size, perms=7): # l.debug("Mapping %d bytes at %#x", size, addr) m = unicorn.Uc.mem_map(self, addr, size, perms=perms) self.wrapped_mapped.add((addr, size)) return m
[docs] def mem_map_ptr(self, addr, size, perms, ptr): m = unicorn.Uc.mem_map_ptr(self, addr, size, perms, ptr) self.wrapped_mapped.add((addr, size)) return m
[docs] def mem_unmap(self, addr, size): # l.debug("Unmapping %d bytes at %#x", size, addr) m = unicorn.Uc.mem_unmap(self, addr, size) self.wrapped_mapped.discard((addr, size)) return m
[docs] def mem_reset(self): # l.debug("Resetting memory.") for addr, size in self.wrapped_mapped: # l.debug("Unmapping %d bytes at %#x", size, addr) unicorn.Uc.mem_unmap(self, addr, size) self.wrapped_mapped.clear()
[docs] def hook_reset(self): # l.debug("Resetting hooks.") for h in self.wrapped_hooks: # l.debug("Clearing hook %s", h) unicorn.Uc.hook_del(self, h) self.wrapped_hooks.clear()
[docs] def reset(self): self.mem_reset()
# self.hook_reset() # l.debug("Reset complete.") _unicorn_tls = threading.local() _unicorn_tls.uc = None class _VexCacheInfo(ctypes.Structure): """ VexCacheInfo struct from vex """ _fields_ = [ ("num_levels", ctypes.c_uint), ("num_caches", ctypes.c_uint), ("caches", ctypes.c_void_p), ("icaches_maintain_coherence", ctypes.c_bool), ] class _VexArchInfo(ctypes.Structure): """ VexArchInfo struct from vex """ _fields_ = [ ("hwcaps", ctypes.c_uint), ("endness", ctypes.c_int), ("hwcache_info", _VexCacheInfo), ("ppc_icache_line_szB", ctypes.c_int), ("ppc_dcbz_szB", ctypes.c_uint), ("ppc_dcbzl_szB", ctypes.c_uint), ("arm64_dMinLine_lg2_szB", ctypes.c_uint), ("arm64_iMinLine_lg2_szB", ctypes.c_uint), ("x86_cr0", ctypes.c_uint), ] def _locate_lib(module: str, library: str) -> str: """ Attempt to find a native library without using pkg_resources, and only fall back to pkg_resources upon failures. This is because "import pkg_resources" is slow. :return: The full path of the native library. """ base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..") attempt = os.path.join(base_dir, library) if os.path.isfile(attempt): return attempt import pkg_resources # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel return pkg_resources.resource_filename(module, os.path.join(library)) def _load_native(): if sys.platform == "darwin": libfile = "angr_native.dylib" elif sys.platform in {"win32", "cygwin"}: libfile = "angr_native.dll" else: libfile = "" try: angr_path = _locate_lib("angr", os.path.join("lib", libfile)) h = ctypes.CDLL(angr_path) VexArch = ctypes.c_int uc_err = ctypes.c_int state_t = ctypes.c_void_p stop_t = ctypes.c_int uc_engine_t = ctypes.c_void_p def _setup_prototype(handle, func, restype, *argtypes): realname = "simunicorn_" + func _setup_prototype_explicit(handle, realname, restype, *argtypes) setattr(handle, func, getattr(handle, realname)) def _setup_prototype_explicit(handle, func, restype, *argtypes): getattr(handle, func).restype = restype getattr(handle, func).argtypes = argtypes # _setup_prototype_explicit(h, 'logSetLogLevel', None, ctypes.c_uint64) _setup_prototype( h, "alloc", state_t, uc_engine_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_bool, ) _setup_prototype(h, "dealloc", None, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "hook", None, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "unhook", None, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "start", uc_err, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64) _setup_prototype(h, "stop", None, state_t, stop_t) _setup_prototype(h, "sync", ctypes.POINTER(MEM_PATCH), state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "bbl_addrs", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "stack_pointers", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "bbl_addr_count", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "syscall_count", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "step", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "activate_page", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p) _setup_prototype(h, "set_last_block_details", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64) _setup_prototype(h, "set_stops", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)) _setup_prototype( h, "cache_page", ctypes.c_bool, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_uint64 ) _setup_prototype(h, "uncache_pages_touching_region", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64) _setup_prototype(h, "clear_page_cache", None, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "enable_symbolic_reg_tracking", None, state_t, VexArch, _VexArchInfo) _setup_prototype(h, "disable_symbolic_reg_tracking", None, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "symbolic_register_data", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)) _setup_prototype(h, "get_symbolic_registers", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)) _setup_prototype(h, "is_interrupt_handled", ctypes.c_bool, state_t) _setup_prototype( h, "set_cgc_syscall_details", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_uint64, ) _setup_prototype(h, "process_transmit", ctypes.POINTER(TRANSMIT_RECORD), state_t, ctypes.c_uint32) _setup_prototype(h, "set_tracking", None, state_t, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_bool) _setup_prototype(h, "executed_pages", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "in_cache", ctypes.c_bool, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64) _setup_prototype(h, "set_map_callback", None, state_t, unicorn.unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID_CB) _setup_prototype( h, "set_vex_to_unicorn_reg_mappings", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint64, ) _setup_prototype(h, "set_artificial_registers", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint64) _setup_prototype(h, "get_count_of_blocks_with_symbolic_vex_stmts", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t) _setup_prototype( h, "get_details_of_blocks_with_symbolic_vex_stmts", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(BlockDetails) ) _setup_prototype(h, "get_stop_details", StopDetails, state_t) _setup_prototype(h, "set_register_blacklist", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint64) _setup_prototype( h, "set_cpu_flags_details", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint64, ) _setup_prototype( h, "set_fd_bytes", state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64, ) _setup_prototype( h, "set_random_syscall_data", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint64, ) _setup_prototype( h, "set_vex_cc_reg_data", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint64, ) _setup_prototype(h, "get_count_of_writes_to_reexecute", ctypes.c_uint64, state_t) _setup_prototype( h, "get_concrete_writes_to_reexecute", None, state_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8), ) _setup_prototype( h, "set_fp_regs_fp_ops_vex_codes", None, state_t, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64), ctypes.c_uint32, )"native plugin is enabled") return h except (OSError, AttributeError) as e: l.warning('failed loading "%s", unicorn support disabled (%s)', libfile, e) raise ImportError("Unable to import native SimUnicorn support") from e try: _UC_NATIVE = _load_native() # _UC_NATIVE.logSetLogLevel(2) except ImportError: _UC_NATIVE = None
[docs]class Unicorn(SimStatePlugin): """ setup the unicorn engine for a state """ UC_CONFIG = {} # config cache for each arch
[docs] def __init__( self, syscall_hooks=None, cache_key=None, unicount=None, symbolic_var_counts=None, symbolic_inst_counts=None, concretized_asts=None, always_concretize=None, never_concretize=None, concretize_at=None, concretization_threshold_memory=None, concretization_threshold_registers=None, concretization_threshold_instruction=None, cooldown_symbolic_stop=2, cooldown_unsupported_stop=2, cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks=100, cooldown_stop_point=1, max_steps=1000000, ): """ Initializes the Unicorn plugin for angr. This plugin handles communication with UnicornEngine. """ SimStatePlugin.__init__(self) self._syscall_pc = None self.jumpkind = "Ijk_Boring" self.error = None self.errno = 0 self.trap_ip = None self.cache_key = hash(self) if cache_key is None else cache_key # cooldowns to avoid thrashing in and out of unicorn # the countdown vars are the CURRENT counter that is counting down # when they hit zero execution will start # the cooldown vars are the settings for what the countdown should start at # the val is copied from cooldown to countdown on check fail self.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks = cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks self.cooldown_symbolic_stop = cooldown_symbolic_stop self.cooldown_unsupported_stop = cooldown_unsupported_stop self.cooldown_stop_point = cooldown_stop_point self.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = 0 self.countdown_symbolic_stop = 0 self.countdown_unsupported_stop = 0 self.countdown_stop_point = 0 # the default step limit self.max_steps = max_steps self.steps = 0 self._mapped = 0 self._uncache_regions = [] self._symbolic_offsets = None self.gdt = None # following variables are used in python level hook # we cannot see native hooks from python self.syscall_hooks = {} if syscall_hooks is None else syscall_hooks # native state in libsimunicorn self._uc_state = None self.stop_reason = None self.stop_details = None self.stop_message = None # this is the counter for the unicorn count self._unicount = next(_unicounter) if unicount is None else unicount # # Selective concretization stuff # # this is the number of times specific symbolic variables have kicked us out of unicorn self.symbolic_var_counts = {} if symbolic_var_counts is None else symbolic_var_counts # this is the number of times we've been kept out of unicorn at given instructions self.symbolic_inst_counts = {} if symbolic_inst_counts is None else symbolic_inst_counts # these are threshold for the number of times that we tolerate being kept out of unicorn # before we start concretizing self.concretization_threshold_memory = concretization_threshold_memory self.concretization_threshold_registers = concretization_threshold_registers self.concretization_threshold_instruction = concretization_threshold_instruction # these are sets of names of variables that should either always or never # be concretized self.always_concretize = set() if always_concretize is None else always_concretize self.never_concretize = set() if never_concretize is None else never_concretize self.concretize_at = set() if concretize_at is None else concretize_at # this is a record of the ASTs for which we've added concretization constraints self._concretized_asts = set() if concretized_asts is None else concretized_asts # the address to use for concrete transmits self.cgc_transmit_addr = None # the address for CGC receive self.cgc_receive_addr = None # the address for CGC random self.cgc_random_addr = None self.time = None self._bullshit_cb = ctypes.cast( unicorn.unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID_CB(self._hook_mem_unmapped), unicorn.unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID_CB )
@SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, _memo): u = Unicorn( syscall_hooks=dict(self.syscall_hooks), cache_key=self.cache_key, # unicount=self._unicount, symbolic_var_counts=dict(self.symbolic_var_counts), symbolic_inst_counts=dict(self.symbolic_inst_counts), concretized_asts=set(self._concretized_asts), always_concretize=set(self.always_concretize), never_concretize=set(self.never_concretize), concretize_at=set(self.concretize_at), concretization_threshold_memory=self.concretization_threshold_memory, concretization_threshold_registers=self.concretization_threshold_registers, concretization_threshold_instruction=self.concretization_threshold_instruction, cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks=self.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks, cooldown_symbolic_stop=self.cooldown_symbolic_stop, cooldown_unsupported_stop=self.cooldown_unsupported_stop, max_steps=self.max_steps, ) u.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = self.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks u.countdown_symbolic_stop = self.countdown_symbolic_stop u.countdown_unsupported_stop = self.countdown_unsupported_stop u.countdown_stop_point = self.countdown_stop_point u.cgc_receive_addr = self.cgc_receive_addr u.cgc_random_addr = self.cgc_random_addr u.cgc_transmit_addr = self.cgc_transmit_addr u._uncache_regions = list(self._uncache_regions) u.gdt = self.gdt return u
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks = max( self.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks, max(o.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks for o in others) ) self.cooldown_symbolic_stop = max(self.cooldown_symbolic_stop, max(o.cooldown_symbolic_stop for o in others)) self.cooldown_unsupported_stop = max( self.cooldown_unsupported_stop, max(o.cooldown_unsupported_stop for o in others) ) self.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = max( self.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks, max(o.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks for o in others) ) self.countdown_symbolic_stop = max(self.countdown_symbolic_stop, max(o.countdown_symbolic_stop for o in others)) self.countdown_unsupported_stop = max( self.countdown_unsupported_stop, max(o.countdown_unsupported_stop for o in others) ) self.countdown_stop_point = max(self.countdown_stop_point, max(o.countdown_stop_point for o in others)) # get a fresh unicount, just in case self._unicount = next(_unicounter) # keep these guys, since merging them sounds like a pain # self.symbolic_var_counts # self.symbolic_inst_counts # these are threshold for the number of times that we tolerate being kept out of unicorn # before we start concretizing def merge_nullable_min(*args): nonnull = [a for a in args if a is not None] if not nonnull: return None return min(nonnull) self.concretization_threshold_memory = merge_nullable_min( self.concretization_threshold_memory, *(o.concretization_threshold_memory for o in others) ) self.concretization_threshold_registers = merge_nullable_min( self.concretization_threshold_registers, *(o.concretization_threshold_registers for o in others) ) self.concretization_threshold_instruction = merge_nullable_min( self.concretization_threshold_instruction, *(o.concretization_threshold_instruction for o in others) ) # these are sets of names of variables that should either always or never # be concretized self.always_concretize.union(*[o.always_concretize for o in others]) self.never_concretize.union(*[o.never_concretize for o in others]) self.concretize_at.union(*[o.concretize_at for o in others]) # intersect these so that we know to add future constraints properly self._concretized_asts.intersection(*[o._concretized_asts for o in others]) # I guess always lie to the static analysis? return False
[docs] def widen(self, others): # pylint: disable=unused-argument l.warning("Can't widen the unicorn plugin!")
def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) del d["_bullshit_cb"] del d["_uc_state"] del d["cache_key"] del d["_unicount"] return d def __setstate__(self, s): self.__dict__.update(s) self._bullshit_cb = ctypes.cast( unicorn.unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID_CB(self._hook_mem_unmapped), unicorn.unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_INVALID_CB ) self._unicount = next(_unicounter) self._uc_state = None self.cache_key = hash(self) _unicorn_tls.uc = None
[docs] def set_state(self, state): SimStatePlugin.set_state(self, state) if self._is_mips32: self._unicount = next(_unicounter)
@property def _reuse_unicorn(self): return not self._is_mips32 @property def uc(self): new_id = next(_unicounter) is_thumb = self.state.arch.qemu_name == "arm" and self.state.arch.is_thumb(self.state.addr) if ( not hasattr(_unicorn_tls, "uc") or _unicorn_tls.uc is None or _unicorn_tls.uc.arch != self.state.arch or _unicorn_tls.uc.cache_key != self.cache_key ): _unicorn_tls.uc = Uniwrapper(self.state.arch, self.cache_key, thumb=is_thumb) elif != self._unicount: if not self._reuse_unicorn: _unicorn_tls.uc = Uniwrapper(self.state.arch, self.cache_key, thumb=is_thumb) else: # l.debug("Reusing unicorn state!") _unicorn_tls.uc.reset() else: # l.debug("Reusing unicorn state!") pass = new_id self._unicount = new_id return _unicorn_tls.uc
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_uc(): _unicorn_tls.uc = None
@property def _uc_regs(self): return self.state.arch.uc_regs @property def _uc_prefix(self): return self.state.arch.uc_prefix @property def _uc_const(self): return self.state.arch.uc_const def _setup_unicorn(self): if self.state.arch.uc_mode is None: raise SimUnicornUnsupport("unsupported architecture %r" % self.state.arch)
[docs] def set_last_block_details(self, details): _UC_NATIVE.set_last_block_details(self._uc_state, details["addr"], details["curr_count"], details["tot_count"])
[docs] def set_stops(self, stop_points): _UC_NATIVE.set_stops( self._uc_state, ctypes.c_uint64(len(stop_points)), (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(stop_points))(*(ctypes.c_uint64(sp) for sp in stop_points)), )
[docs] def set_tracking(self, track_bbls, track_stack): _UC_NATIVE.set_tracking(self._uc_state, track_bbls, track_stack)
[docs] def hook(self): # l.debug('adding native hooks') _UC_NATIVE.hook(self._uc_state) # prefer to use native hooks self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_MEM_UNMAPPED, self._hook_mem_unmapped, None, 1) arch = self.state.arch.qemu_name if arch == "x86_64": self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_INTR, self._hook_intr_x86, None, 1, 0) self.uc.hook_add( unicorn.UC_HOOK_INSN, self._hook_syscall_x86_64, None, arg1=self._uc_const.UC_X86_INS_SYSCALL ) elif arch == "i386": self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_INTR, self._hook_intr_x86, None, 1, 0) elif arch == "mips": self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_INTR, self._hook_intr_mips, None, 1, 0) elif arch == "mipsel": self.uc.hook_add(unicorn.UC_HOOK_INTR, self._hook_intr_mips, None, 1, 0) elif arch == "arm": # EDG says: Unicorn's ARM support has no concept of interrupts. # This is because interrupts are not a part of the ARM ISA per se, and interrupt controllers # are left to the vendor to provide. # TODO: This is not true for CortexM. Revisit when Tobi's NVIC implementation gets upstreamed. pass else: raise SimUnicornUnsupport
def _hook_intr_mips(self, uc, intno, user_data): self.trap_ip = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.mips_const.UC_MIPS_REG_PC) if intno == 17: # EXCP_SYSCALL sysno = uc.reg_read(self._uc_regs["v0"]) pc = uc.reg_read(self._uc_regs["pc"]) l.debug("hit sys_%d at %#x", sysno, pc) self._syscall_pc = pc self._handle_syscall(uc, user_data) else: l.warning("unhandled interrupt %d", intno) _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_ERROR) def _hook_intr_x86(self, uc, intno, user_data): if _UC_NATIVE.is_interrupt_handled(self._uc_state): return if self.state.arch.bits == 32: self.trap_ip = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_EIP) else: self.trap_ip = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_RIP) # if intno == 0: # divide by zero _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_ZERO_DIV) elif intno == 0x80: if self.state.arch.bits == 32: self._hook_syscall_i386(uc, user_data) else: self._hook_syscall_x86_64(uc, user_data) else: l.warning("unhandled interrupt %d", intno) _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_ERROR) def _hook_syscall_x86_64(self, uc, user_data): sysno = uc.reg_read(self._uc_regs["rax"]) pc = uc.reg_read(self._uc_regs["rip"]) l.debug("hit sys_%d at %#x", sysno, pc) self._syscall_pc = pc + 2 # skip syscall instruction self._handle_syscall(uc, user_data) def _hook_syscall_i386(self, uc, user_data): sysno = uc.reg_read(self._uc_regs["eax"]) pc = uc.reg_read(self._uc_regs["eip"]) l.debug("hit sys_%d at %#x", sysno, pc) self._syscall_pc = pc if not self._quick_syscall(sysno): self._handle_syscall(uc, user_data) def _quick_syscall(self, sysno): if sysno in self.syscall_hooks: self.syscall_hooks[sysno](self.state) return True else: return False def _handle_syscall(self, uc, user_data): # pylint:disable=unused-argument # unicorn does not support syscall, we should giveup emulation # and send back to SimProcedure. (ignore is always False)"stop emulation") self.jumpkind = "Ijk_Sys_syscall" _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_SYSCALL) def _concretize(self, d): cd = self.state.solver.eval_to_ast(d, 1)[0] if hash(d) not in self._concretized_asts: constraint = (d == cd).annotate(AggressiveConcretizationAnnotation(self.state.regs.ip)) self.state.add_constraints(constraint) self._concretized_asts.add(hash(d)) return cd def _symbolic_passthrough(self, d): if not d.symbolic: return d elif options.UNICORN_AGGRESSIVE_CONCRETIZATION in self.state.options: return self._concretize(d) elif len(d.variables & self.never_concretize) > 0: return d elif d.variables.issubset(self.always_concretize): return self._concretize(d) elif self.state.solver.eval(self.state.ip) in self.concretize_at: return self._concretize(d) else: return d def _report_symbolic_blocker(self, d, from_where): if options.UNICORN_THRESHOLD_CONCRETIZATION in self.state.options: if self.concretization_threshold_instruction is not None: addr = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.ip) count = self.symbolic_inst_counts.get(addr, 0) l.debug("... inst count for %s: %d", addr, count) self.symbolic_inst_counts[addr] = count + 1 if count >= self.concretization_threshold_instruction: self.concretize_at.add(addr) threshold = ( self.concretization_threshold_memory if from_where == "mem" else self.concretization_threshold_registers ) if threshold is None: return for v in d.variables: old_count = self.symbolic_var_counts.get(v, 0) l.debug("... %s: %d", v, old_count) self.symbolic_var_counts[v] = old_count + 1 if old_count >= threshold: self.always_concretize.add(v) def _process_value(self, d, from_where): """ Pre-process an AST for insertion into unicorn. :param d: the AST :param from_where: the ID of the memory region it comes from ('mem' or 'reg') :returns: the value to be inserted into Unicorn, or None """ if len(d.annotations): l.debug("Blocking annotated AST.") return None elif not d.symbolic: return d else: l.debug("Processing AST with variables %s.", d.variables) dd = self._symbolic_passthrough(d) if not dd.symbolic: if d.symbolic: l.debug("... concretized") return dd elif from_where == "reg" and options.UNICORN_SYM_REGS_SUPPORT in self.state.options: l.debug("... allowing symbolic register") return dd else: l.debug("... denied") return None def _hook_mem_unmapped(self, uc, access, address, size, value, user_data): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ This callback is called when unicorn needs to access data that's not yet present in memory. """ start = address & ~0xFFF needed_pages = 2 if address - start + size > 0x1000 else 1 attempt_pages = 10 for pageno in range(attempt_pages): page_addr = (start + pageno * 0x1000) & ((1 << self.state.arch.bits) - 1) if page_addr == 0: if pageno >= needed_pages: break if options.UNICORN_ZEROPAGE_GUARD in self.state.options: self.error = "accessing zero page (%#x)" % access l.warning(self.error) _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_ZEROPAGE) return False"mmap [%#x, %#x] because %d", page_addr, page_addr + 0xFFF, access) try: self._map_one_page(uc, page_addr) except SegfaultError: # this is the unicorn segfault error. idk why this would show up _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_SEGFAULT) return False except SimSegfaultError: _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_SEGFAULT) return False except unicorn.UcError as e: if e.errno != 11: self.error = str(e) _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_ERROR) return False"...already mapped :)") break except SimMemoryError as e: if pageno >= needed_pages:"...never mind") break self.error = str(e) _UC_NATIVE.stop(self._uc_state, STOP.STOP_ERROR) return False return True def _map_one_page(self, _uc, addr): # allow any SimMemory errors to propagate upward. they will be caught immediately above perm = self.state.memory.permissions(addr) if perm.op != "BVV": perm = 7 elif options.ENABLE_NX not in self.state.options: perm = perm.args[0] | 4 else: perm = perm.args[0] # this should return two memoryviews # if they are writable they are direct references to the state backing store and can be mapped directly data, bitmap = self.state.memory.concrete_load(addr, 0x1000, with_bitmap=True, writing=(perm & 2) != 0) if not bitmap: raise SimMemoryError("No bytes available in memory? when would this happen...") if bitmap.readonly: # old-style mapping, do it via copy self.uc.mem_map(addr, 0x1000, perm) # huge hack. why doesn't ctypes let you pass memoryview as void*? unicorn.unicorn._uc.uc_mem_write( self.uc._uch, addr, ctypes.cast(int(ffi.cast("uint64_t", ffi.from_buffer(data))), ctypes.c_void_p), len(data), ) # self.uc.mem_write(addr, data) self._mapped += 1 _UC_NATIVE.activate_page(self._uc_state, addr, int(ffi.cast("uint64_t", ffi.from_buffer(bitmap))), None) else: # new-style mapping, do it directly self.uc.mem_map_ptr(addr, 0x1000, perm, int(ffi.cast("uint64_t", ffi.from_buffer(data)))) self._mapped += 1 _UC_NATIVE.activate_page( self._uc_state, addr, int(ffi.cast("uint64_t", ffi.from_buffer(bitmap))), int(ffi.cast("unsigned long", ffi.from_buffer(data))), ) def _get_details_of_blocks_with_symbolic_vex_stmts(self): def _get_reg_values(register_values): for register_value in register_values: # Convert the register value in bytes to number of appropriate size and endianness reg_name = self.state.arch.register_size_names[(register_value.offset, register_value.size)] if self.state.arch.register_endness == archinfo.Endness.LE: reg_value = int.from_bytes(register_value.value, "little") else: reg_value = int.from_bytes(register_value.value, "big") reg_value = reg_value & (pow(2, register_value.size * 8) - 1) yield (reg_name, reg_value) def _get_memory_values(memory_values): for memory_value in memory_values: yield { "address": memory_value.address, "value": bytes([memory_value.value]), "symbolic": memory_value.is_value_symbolic, } def _get_vex_stmt_details(symbolic_stmts): for instr in symbolic_stmts: instr_entry = {"stmt_idx": instr.stmt_idx, "mem_dep": []} if instr.has_memory_dep: instr_entry["mem_dep"] = _get_memory_values(instr.memory_values[: instr.memory_values_count]) yield instr_entry block_count = _UC_NATIVE.get_count_of_blocks_with_symbolic_vex_stmts(self._uc_state) if block_count == 0: return block_details_list = (BlockDetails * block_count)() _UC_NATIVE.get_details_of_blocks_with_symbolic_vex_stmts(self._uc_state, block_details_list) for block_det in block_details_list: entry = { "block_addr": block_det.block_addr, "block_size": block_det.block_size, "block_hist_ind": block_det.block_trace_ind, "has_symbolic_exit": block_det.has_symbolic_exit, } entry["registers"] = _get_reg_values(block_det.register_values[: block_det.register_values_count]) entry["stmts"] = _get_vex_stmt_details(block_det.symbolic_vex_stmts[: block_det.symbolic_vex_stmts_count]) yield entry
[docs] def uncache_region(self, addr, length): self._uncache_regions.append((addr, length))
[docs] def clear_page_cache(self): self._uncache_regions = [] # this is no longer needed, everything has been uncached _UC_NATIVE.clear_page_cache()
@property def _is_mips32(self): """ There seems to be weird issues with unicorn-engine support on MIPS32 code (see commit 01126bf7). As a result, we test if the current architecture is MIPS32 in several places, and if so, we perform some extra steps, like re-creating the thread-local UC object. :return: True if the current architecture is MIPS32, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return == "MIPS32"
[docs] def setup(self, syscall_data=None, fd_bytes=None): if self._is_mips32 and options.COPY_STATES not in self.state.options: # we always re-create the thread-local UC object for MIPS32 even if COPY_STATES is disabled in state # options. this is to avoid some weird bugs in unicorn (e.g., it reports stepping 1 step while in reality it # did not step at all). self.delete_uc() self._setup_unicorn() try: self.set_regs() except SimValueError: # reset the state and re-raise self.uc.reset() raise if self.state.os_name == "CGC": simos_val = SimOSEnum.SIMOS_CGC elif self.state.os_name == "Linux": simos_val = SimOSEnum.SIMOS_LINUX else: simos_val = SimOSEnum.SIMOS_OTHER # tricky: using unicorn handle from unicorn.Uc object handle_symb_addrs = options.UNICORN_HANDLE_SYMBOLIC_ADDRESSES in self.state.options handle_symb_conds = options.UNICORN_HANDLE_SYMBOLIC_CONDITIONS in self.state.options handle_symbolic_syscalls = options.UNICORN_HANDLE_SYMBOLIC_SYSCALLS in self.state.options self._uc_state = _UC_NATIVE.alloc( self.uc._uch, self.cache_key, simos_val, handle_symb_addrs, handle_symb_conds, handle_symbolic_syscalls ) if ( options.UNICORN_SYM_REGS_SUPPORT in self.state.options and options.UNICORN_AGGRESSIVE_CONCRETIZATION not in self.state.options ): vex_archinfo = copy.deepcopy(self.state.arch.vex_archinfo) vex_archinfo["hwcache_info"]["caches"] = 0 vex_archinfo["hwcache_info"] = _VexCacheInfo(**vex_archinfo["hwcache_info"]) _UC_NATIVE.enable_symbolic_reg_tracking( self._uc_state, getattr(pyvex.pvc, self.state.arch.vex_arch), _VexArchInfo(**vex_archinfo), ) if self._symbolic_offsets: l.debug("Symbolic offsets: %s", self._symbolic_offsets) tmp_sym_regs_off = (ctypes.c_uint64(offset) for offset in self._symbolic_offsets) sym_regs_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(self._symbolic_offsets))(*tmp_sym_regs_off) _UC_NATIVE.symbolic_register_data(self._uc_state, len(self._symbolic_offsets), sym_regs_array) else: _UC_NATIVE.symbolic_register_data(self._uc_state, 0, None) # set (cgc, for now) transmit and receive syscall handler if self.state.has_plugin("cgc"): cgc_transmit_addr = 0 cgc_receive_addr = 0 cgc_random_addr = 0 if options.UNICORN_HANDLE_CGC_TRANSMIT_SYSCALL in self.state.options: if self.cgc_transmit_addr is None: l.error("You haven't set the address for concrete transmits!!!!!!!!!!!") else: cgc_transmit_addr = self.cgc_transmit_addr if options.UNICORN_HANDLE_CGC_RECEIVE_SYSCALL in self.state.options: if self.cgc_receive_addr is None: l.error("You haven't set the address for receive syscall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") else: cgc_receive_addr = self.cgc_receive_addr if options.UNICORN_HANDLE_CGC_RANDOM_SYSCALL in self.state.options and syscall_data is not None: if self.cgc_random_addr is None: l.error("You haven't set the address for random syscall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") elif "random" not in syscall_data or not syscall_data["random"]: l.error("No syscall data specified for replaying random syscall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") else: cgc_random_addr = self.cgc_random_addr values = (ctypes.c_uint64(item[0]) for item in syscall_data["random"]) sizes = (ctypes.c_uint64(item[1]) for item in syscall_data["random"]) values_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(syscall_data["random"]))(*values) sizes_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(syscall_data["random"]))(*sizes) _UC_NATIVE.set_random_syscall_data( self._uc_state, values_array, sizes_array, len(syscall_data["random"]) ) _UC_NATIVE.set_cgc_syscall_details( self._uc_state, 2, cgc_transmit_addr, 3, cgc_receive_addr, 7, cgc_random_addr ) # set memory map callback so we can call it explicitly _UC_NATIVE.set_map_callback(self._uc_state, self._bullshit_cb) # activate gdt page, which was written/mapped during set_regs if self.gdt is not None: _UC_NATIVE.activate_page(self._uc_state, self.gdt.addr, bytes(0x1000), None) # Pass all concrete fd bytes to native interface so that it can handle relevant syscalls if fd_bytes is not None: for fd_num, fd_data in fd_bytes.items(): # fd_data is a tuple whose first element is fd data and second is taints for each fd byte fd_bytes_p = int(ffi.cast("uint64_t", ffi.from_buffer(memoryview(fd_data[0])))) fd_taint_p = int(ffi.cast("uint64_t", ffi.from_buffer(memoryview(fd_data[1])))) read_pos = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.posix.fd.get(fd_num).read_pos) _UC_NATIVE.set_fd_bytes(self._uc_state, fd_num, fd_bytes_p, fd_taint_p, len(fd_data[0]), read_pos) else:"Input fds concrete data not specified. Handling some syscalls in native interface could fail.") # Initialize list of artificial VEX registers artificial_regs_list = (ctypes.c_uint64(offset) for offset in self.state.arch.artificial_registers_offsets) artifical_regs_count = len(self.state.arch.artificial_registers_offsets) artificial_regs_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * artifical_regs_count)(*artificial_regs_list) _UC_NATIVE.set_artificial_registers(self._uc_state, artificial_regs_array, artifical_regs_count) # Initialize VEX register offset to unicorn register ID mappings and VEX register offset to name map vex_reg_offsets = [] unicorn_reg_ids = [] reg_sizes = [] for vex_reg_offset, (unicorn_reg_id, reg_size) in self.state.arch.vex_to_unicorn_map.items(): vex_reg_offsets.append(ctypes.c_uint64(vex_reg_offset)) unicorn_reg_ids.append(ctypes.c_uint64(unicorn_reg_id)) reg_sizes.append(ctypes.c_uint64(reg_size)) vex_reg_offsets_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(vex_reg_offsets))(*vex_reg_offsets) unicorn_reg_ids_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(unicorn_reg_ids))(*unicorn_reg_ids) reg_sizes_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(reg_sizes))(*reg_sizes) _UC_NATIVE.set_vex_to_unicorn_reg_mappings( self._uc_state, vex_reg_offsets_array, unicorn_reg_ids_array, reg_sizes_array, len(vex_reg_offsets) ) # VEX to unicorn mappings for VEX flag registers if self.state.arch.cpu_flag_register_offsets_and_bitmasks_map: flag_vex_offsets = [] flag_bitmasks = [] flag_uc_regs = [] for flag_offset, (uc_reg, bitmask) in self.state.arch.cpu_flag_register_offsets_and_bitmasks_map.items(): flag_vex_offsets.append(ctypes.c_uint64(flag_offset)) flag_bitmasks.append(ctypes.c_uint64(bitmask)) flag_uc_regs.append(ctypes.c_uint64(uc_reg)) flag_vex_offsets_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(flag_vex_offsets))(*flag_vex_offsets) flag_bitmasks_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(flag_bitmasks))(*flag_bitmasks) flag_uc_regs_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(flag_uc_regs))(*flag_uc_regs) _UC_NATIVE.set_cpu_flags_details( self._uc_state, flag_vex_offsets_array, flag_uc_regs_array, flag_bitmasks_array, len(flag_vex_offsets) ) elif"ARM"): l.warning("Flag registers for %s not set in native unicorn interface.", # Initialize list of blacklisted registers blacklist_regs_offsets = (ctypes.c_uint64(offset) for offset in self.state.arch.reg_blacklist_offsets) blacklist_regs_count = len(self.state.arch.reg_blacklist_offsets) if blacklist_regs_count > 0: blacklist_regs_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * blacklist_regs_count)(*blacklist_regs_offsets) _UC_NATIVE.set_register_blacklist(self._uc_state, blacklist_regs_array, blacklist_regs_count) # Initialize VEX CC registers data if len(self.state.arch.vex_cc_regs) > 0: cc_regs_offsets = [] cc_regs_sizes = [] for cc_reg in self.state.arch.vex_cc_regs: cc_regs_offsets.append(ctypes.c_uint64(cc_reg.vex_offset)) cc_regs_sizes.append(ctypes.c_uint64(cc_reg.size)) cc_regs_offsets_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(cc_regs_offsets))(*cc_regs_offsets) cc_regs_sizes_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(cc_regs_offsets))(*cc_regs_sizes) _UC_NATIVE.set_vex_cc_reg_data( self._uc_state, cc_regs_offsets_array, cc_regs_sizes_array, len(cc_regs_offsets) ) # Set floating point operations VEX codes if options.UNSUPPORTED_FORCE_CONCRETIZE in self.state.options: fp_op_codes = [ctypes.c_uint64(pyvex.irop_enums_to_ints[]) for op in irop_ops.values() if op._float] fp_op_codes_array = (ctypes.c_uint64 * len(fp_op_codes))(*fp_op_codes) fp_reg_start_offset, fp_regs_size = self.state.arch.registers["fpu_regs"] _UC_NATIVE.set_fp_regs_fp_ops_vex_codes( self._uc_state, fp_reg_start_offset, fp_regs_size, fp_op_codes_array, len(fp_op_codes) )
[docs] def start(self, step=None): self.jumpkind = "Ijk_Boring" self.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = self.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks for addr, length in self._uncache_regions: l.debug("Un-caching writable page region @ %#x of length %x", addr, length) _UC_NATIVE.uncache_pages_touching_region(self._uc_state, addr, length) self._uncache_regions = [] addr = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.ip)"started emulation at %#x (%d steps)", addr, self.max_steps if step is None else step) self.time = time.time() self.errno = _UC_NATIVE.start(self._uc_state, addr, self.max_steps if step is None else step) self.time = time.time() - self.time
[docs] def get_recent_bbl_addrs(self): steps = _UC_NATIVE.step(self._uc_state) bbl_addrs = _UC_NATIVE.bbl_addrs(self._uc_state) return bbl_addrs[:steps]
[docs] def get_stop_details(self): return _UC_NATIVE.get_stop_details(self._uc_state)
[docs] def finish(self, succ_state): # do the superficial synchronization # If succ_state is not None, synchronize it instead of self.state. Needed when handling symbolic exits in native # interface. self.get_regs(succ_state) if succ_state: state = succ_state unicorn_obj = succ_state.unicorn unicorn_obj.time = self.time unicorn_obj.jumpkind = self.jumpkind unicorn_obj._syscall_pc = self._syscall_pc else: unicorn_obj = self state = self.state unicorn_obj.steps = _UC_NATIVE.step(self._uc_state) unicorn_obj.stop_details = _UC_NATIVE.get_stop_details(self._uc_state) unicorn_obj.stop_reason = unicorn_obj.stop_details.stop_reason unicorn_obj.stop_message = STOP.get_stop_msg(unicorn_obj.stop_reason) if unicorn_obj.stop_reason in ( STOP.symbolic_stop_reasons | STOP.unsupported_reasons ) or unicorn_obj.stop_reason in {STOP.STOP_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_WRITE_SIZE, STOP.STOP_VEX_LIFT_FAILED}: stop_block_addr = unicorn_obj.stop_details.block_addr stop_block_size = unicorn_obj.stop_details.block_size unicorn_obj.stop_message += f". Block 0x{stop_block_addr:02x}(size: {stop_block_size})." # figure out why we stopped if unicorn_obj.stop_reason == STOP.STOP_NOSTART and unicorn_obj.steps > 0: # unicorn just does quits without warning if it sees hlt. detect that. if (state.memory.load(state.ip, 1) == 0xF4).is_true(): unicorn_obj.stop_reason = STOP.STOP_HLT else: raise SimUnicornError("Got STOP_NOSTART but steps > 0. This indicates a serious unicorn bug.") addr = state.solver.eval(state.ip) "finished emulation at %#x after %d steps: %s", addr, unicorn_obj.steps, STOP.name_stop(unicorn_obj.stop_reason), ) # should this be in destroy? _UC_NATIVE.disable_symbolic_reg_tracking(self._uc_state) # synchronize memory contents - head is a linked list of memory updates head = _UC_NATIVE.sync(self._uc_state) p_update = head while bool(p_update): update = p_update.contents address, length = update.address, update.length if ( unicorn_obj.gdt is not None and unicorn_obj.gdt.addr <= address < unicorn_obj.gdt.addr + unicorn_obj.gdt.limit ): l.warning("Emulation touched fake GDT at %#x, discarding changes", unicorn_obj.gdt.addr) else: s = bytes(self.uc.mem_read(address, int(length))) l.debug("...changed memory: [%#x, %#x] = %s", address, address + length, binascii.hexlify(s)), s) p_update = # process the concrete transmits i = 0 stdout = state.posix.get_fd(1) stderr = state.posix.get_fd(2) while True: record = _UC_NATIVE.process_transmit(self._uc_state, i) if not bool(record): break string = ctypes.string_at(, record.contents.count) if record.contents.fd == 1: stdout.write_data(string) elif record.contents.fd == 2: stderr.write_data(string) i += 1 # Re-execute concrete writes count_of_writes_to_reexecute = _UC_NATIVE.get_count_of_writes_to_reexecute(self._uc_state) if count_of_writes_to_reexecute > 0: write_addrs = (ctypes.c_uint64 * count_of_writes_to_reexecute)() write_values = (ctypes.c_uint8 * count_of_writes_to_reexecute)() _UC_NATIVE.get_concrete_writes_to_reexecute(self._uc_state, write_addrs, write_values) for address, value in zip(write_addrs, write_values):, value, 1) if unicorn_obj.stop_reason in {STOP.STOP_NORMAL, STOP.STOP_SYSCALL}: unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = 0 elif unicorn_obj.stop_reason == STOP.STOP_STOPPOINT: unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = 0 unicorn_obj.countdown_stop_point = unicorn_obj.cooldown_stop_point elif unicorn_obj.stop_reason in STOP.symbolic_stop_reasons: unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = 0 unicorn_obj.countdown_symbolic_stop = unicorn_obj.cooldown_symbolic_stop elif unicorn_obj.stop_reason in STOP.unsupported_reasons: unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = 0 unicorn_obj.countdown_unsupported_stop = unicorn_obj.cooldown_unsupported_stop elif unicorn_obj.stop_reason == STOP.STOP_UNKNOWN_MEMORY_WRITE_SIZE: # Skip one block in case of unknown memory write size unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = 0 unicorn_obj.countdown_unsupported_stop = 2 else: unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = unicorn_obj.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks # TODO: make this tunable if not is_testing and unicorn_obj.time != 0 and unicorn_obj.steps / unicorn_obj.time < 10: "Unicorn stepped %d block%s in %fsec (%f blocks/sec), enabling cooldown", unicorn_obj.steps, "" if unicorn_obj.steps == 1 else "s", unicorn_obj.time, unicorn_obj.steps / unicorn_obj.time, ) unicorn_obj.countdown_nonunicorn_blocks = unicorn_obj.cooldown_nonunicorn_blocks else: "Unicorn stepped %d block%s in %f sec (%f blocks/sec)", unicorn_obj.steps, "" if unicorn_obj.steps == 1 else "s", unicorn_obj.time, unicorn_obj.steps / unicorn_obj.time if unicorn_obj.time != 0 else float("nan"), ) # get the address list out of the state if options.UNICORN_TRACK_BBL_ADDRS in state.options: bbl_addrs = _UC_NATIVE.bbl_addrs(self._uc_state) # bbl_addr_count = _UC_NATIVE.bbl_addr_count(self._uc_state) # why is bbl_addr_count unused? if unicorn_obj.steps: state.history.recent_bbl_addrs = bbl_addrs[: unicorn_obj.steps] # get the stack pointers if options.UNICORN_TRACK_STACK_POINTERS in state.options: stack_pointers = _UC_NATIVE.stack_pointers(self._uc_state) state.scratch.stack_pointer_list = stack_pointers[: unicorn_obj.steps] # syscall counts state.history.recent_syscall_count = _UC_NATIVE.syscall_count(self._uc_state) # executed page set state.scratch.executed_pages_set = set() while True: page = _UC_NATIVE.executed_pages(self._uc_state) if page == 2**64 - 1: break state.scratch.executed_pages_set.add(page)
[docs] def destroy(self, succ_state): # l.debug("Unhooking.") _UC_NATIVE.unhook(self._uc_state) self.uc.hook_reset() # l.debug('deallocting native state %#x', self._uc_state) _UC_NATIVE.dealloc(self._uc_state) self._uc_state = None # there's something we're not properly resetting for syscalls, so # we'll clear the state when they happen if self.stop_reason not in {STOP.STOP_NORMAL, STOP.STOP_STOPPOINT}: # If succ_state is not None, reset its unicorn object too if succ_state: succ_state.unicorn.delete_uc() self.delete_uc() # l.debug("Resetting the unicorn state.") self.uc.reset()
[docs] def set_regs(self): """setting unicorn registers""" uc = self.uc self._symbolic_offsets = set() if self.state.arch.qemu_name == "x86_64": fs = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.regs.fs) gs = self.state.solver.eval( self.write_msr(fs, 0xC0000100) self.write_msr(gs, 0xC0000101) elif self.state.arch.qemu_name == "i386": fs = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.regs.fs) << 16 gs = self.state.solver.eval( << 16 self.setup_gdt(fs, gs) elif self.state.arch.qemu_name == "mips": # ulr ulr = self.state.regs._ulr uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_MIPS_REG_CP0_USERLOCAL, self.state.solver.eval(ulr)) self.setup_flags() for r, c in self._uc_regs.items(): if r in self.state.arch.reg_blacklist: continue v = self._process_value(getattr(self.state.regs, r), "reg") if v is None: raise SimValueError("setting a symbolic register") # l.debug('setting $%s = %#x', r, self.state.solver.eval(v)) uc.reg_write(c, self.state.solver.eval(v)) start, size = self.state.arch.registers[r] if v.symbolic: symbolic_reg_offsets = set(range(start, start + size)) # Process subregisters in decreasing order of their size so that smaller subregisters' taint status # isn't clobbered by larger subregisters subregs = sorted( self.state.arch.get_register_by_name(r).subregisters, key=lambda x: x[-1], reverse=True ) for subreg in subregs: if not getattr(self.state.regs, subreg[0]).symbolic: for subreg_offset in range(start + subreg[1], start + subreg[1] + subreg[2]): symbolic_reg_offsets.discard(subreg_offset) self._symbolic_offsets.update(symbolic_reg_offsets) # TODO: Support ARM hardfloat synchronization if in {"X86", "AMD64"}: # sync the fp clerical data c3210 = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.regs.fc3210) top = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.regs.ftop[2:0]) rm = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.regs.fpround[1:0]) control = 0x037F | (rm << 10) status = (top << 11) | c3210 uc.reg_write(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FPCW, control) uc.reg_write(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FPSW, status) for rn in ("fc3210", "ftop", "fpround"): start, size = self.state.arch.registers[rn] self._symbolic_offsets.difference_update(range(start, start + size)) # we gotta convert the 64-bit doubles values to 80-bit extended precision! uc_offset = unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FP0 vex_offset = self.state.arch.registers["fpu_regs"][0] vex_tag_offset = self.state.arch.registers["fpu_tags"][0] tag_word = 0 for _ in range(8): tag = self.state.solver.eval(self.state.registers.load(vex_tag_offset, size=1)) tag_word <<= 2 if tag == 0: tag_word |= 3 # unicorn doesn't care about any value other than 3 for setting else: val = self._process_value(self.state.registers.load(vex_offset, size=8), "reg") if val is None: raise SimValueError("setting a symbolic fp register") if val.symbolic: self._symbolic_offsets.difference_update( b for b, vb in enumerate(val.chop(8), start) if vb.symbolic ) val = self.state.solver.eval(val) sign = bool(val & 0x8000000000000000) exponent = (val & 0x7FF0000000000000) >> 52 mantissa = val & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF if exponent not in {0, 0x7FF}: # normal value exponent = exponent - 1023 + 16383 mantissa <<= 11 mantissa |= 0x8000000000000000 # set integer part bit, implicit to double elif exponent == 0: # zero or subnormal value mantissa = 0 elif exponent == 0x7FF: # nan or infinity exponent = 0x7FFF if mantissa != 0: mantissa = 0x8000000000000000 else: mantissa = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if sign: exponent |= 0x8000 uc.reg_write(uc_offset, (exponent, mantissa)) uc_offset += 1 vex_offset += 8 vex_tag_offset += 1 uc.reg_write(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FPTAG, tag_word)
[docs] def setup_flags(self): uc = self.uc # Save any symbolic VEX CC registers saved_cc_regs = {} for reg in self.state.arch.vex_cc_regs: reg_val = getattr(self.state.regs, if reg_val.symbolic: saved_cc_regs[] = reg_val setattr(self.state.regs,, self.state.solver.eval(reg_val)) if saved_cc_regs: vex_offset = self.state.arch.registers["cc_op"][0] self._symbolic_offsets.update(range(vex_offset, vex_offset + self.state.arch.bytes * 4)) if self.state.arch.qemu_name in ["i386", "x86_64"]: flags = self._process_value(self.state.regs.eflags, "reg") if flags is None: raise SimValueError("symbolic eflags") uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_EFLAGS, self.state.solver.eval(flags)) elif self.state.arch.qemu_name == "arm": flags = self._process_value(self.state.regs.flags, "reg") if flags is None: raise SimValueError("symbolic cpsr") uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_ARM_REG_CPSR, self.state.solver.eval(flags)) # Restore saved symbolic VEX CC registers for reg_name, saved_reg_val in saved_cc_regs.items(): setattr(self.state.regs, reg_name, saved_reg_val)
[docs] def setup_gdt(self, fs, gs): gdt = self.state.project.simos.generate_gdt(fs, gs) uc = self.uc uc.mem_map(gdt.addr, gdt.limit) uc.mem_write(gdt.addr + 8, gdt.table) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_GDTR, (0, gdt.addr, gdt.limit, 0x0)) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_CS, gdt.cs) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_DS, gdt.ds) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_ES, uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_SS, uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_FS, gdt.fs) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_GS, # if programs want to access this memory....... let them # uc.mem_unmap(GDT_ADDR, GDT_LIMIT) self.gdt = gdt
# do NOT call either of these functions in a callback, lmao
[docs] def read_msr(self, msr=0xC0000100): setup_code = b"\x0f\x32" BASE = 0x100B000000 uc = self.uc uc.mem_map(BASE, 0x1000) uc.mem_write(BASE, setup_code) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_RCX, msr) uc.emu_start(BASE, BASE + len(setup_code)) uc.mem_unmap(BASE, 0x1000) a = uc.reg_read(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_RAX) d = uc.reg_read(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_RDX) return (d << 32) + a
[docs] def write_msr(self, val, msr=0xC0000100): setup_code = b"\x0f\x30" BASE = 0x100B000000 uc = self.uc uc.mem_map(BASE, 0x1000) uc.mem_write(BASE, setup_code) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_RCX, msr) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_RAX, val & 0xFFFFFFFF) uc.reg_write(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_RDX, val >> 32) uc.emu_start(BASE, BASE + len(setup_code)) uc.mem_unmap(BASE, 0x1000)
[docs] def get_regs(self, succ_state): """ loading registers from unicorn. If succ_state is not None, update it instead of self.state. Needed when handling symbolic exits in native interface """ if succ_state: state = succ_state else: state = self.state # first, get the ignore list (in case of symbolic registers) saved_registers = [] if options.UNICORN_SYM_REGS_SUPPORT in state.options: highest_reg_offset, reg_size = max(state.arch.registers.values()) symbolic_list = (ctypes.c_uint64 * (highest_reg_offset + reg_size))() num_regs = _UC_NATIVE.get_symbolic_registers(self._uc_state, symbolic_list) # If any VEX cc_dep registers are symbolic, mark VEX cc_op register as symbolic so that it would be saved # and restored for future use if needed symbolic_list = symbolic_list[:num_regs] for reg in state.arch.vex_cc_regs[1:]: if reg.vex_offset in symbolic_list: cc_op_reg = state.arch.vex_cc_regs[0] if cc_op_reg.vex_offset not in symbolic_list: symbolic_list.extend(range(cc_op_reg.vex_offset, cc_op_reg.vex_offset + cc_op_reg.size)) break # we take the approach of saving off the symbolic regs and then writing them back cur_group = None last = None for i in sorted(symbolic_list): if cur_group is None: cur_group = i elif i != last + 1 or cur_group // state.arch.bytes != i // state.arch.bytes: l.debug("Restoring symbolic register %d", cur_group) saved_registers.append((cur_group, state.registers.load(cur_group, last - cur_group + 1))) cur_group = i last = i if cur_group is not None: l.debug("Restoring symbolic register %d", cur_group) saved_registers.append((cur_group, state.registers.load(cur_group, last - cur_group + 1))) # now we sync registers out of unicorn for r, c in self._uc_regs.items(): if r in state.arch.reg_blacklist: continue v = self.uc.reg_read(c) # l.debug('getting $%s = %#x', r, v) setattr(state.regs, r, v) # some architecture-specific register fixups if in {"X86", "AMD64"}: # update the eflags state.regs.eflags = state.solver.BVV(self.uc.reg_read(self._uc_const.UC_X86_REG_EFLAGS), state.arch.bits) # sync the fp clerical data status = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FPSW) c3210 = status & 0x4700 top = (status & 0x3800) >> 11 control = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FPCW) rm = (control & 0x0C00) >> 10 state.regs.fpround = rm state.regs.fc3210 = c3210 state.regs.ftop = top # sync the stx registers # we gotta round the 80-bit extended precision values to 64-bit doubles! uc_offset = unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FP0 vex_offset = state.arch.registers["fpu_regs"][0] vex_tag_offset = state.arch.registers["fpu_tags"][0] + 7 tag_word = self.uc.reg_read(unicorn.x86_const.UC_X86_REG_FPTAG) for _ in range(8): if tag_word & 3 == 3:, 0, size=1) else:, 1, size=1) mantissa, exponent = self.uc.reg_read(uc_offset) sign = bool(exponent & 0x8000) exponent = exponent & 0x7FFF if exponent not in {0, 0x7FFF}: # normal value exponent = exponent - 16383 + 1023 if exponent <= 0: # underflow to zero exponent = 0 mantissa = 0 elif exponent >= 0x7FF: # overflow to infinity exponent = 0x7FF mantissa = 0 elif exponent == 0: # zero or subnormal value mantissa = 0 elif exponent == 0x7FFF: # nan or infinity exponent = 0x7FF if mantissa != 0: mantissa = 0xFFFF val = 0x8000000000000000 if sign else 0 val |= exponent << 52 val |= (mantissa >> 11) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF # the mantissa calculation is to convert from the 64-bit mantissa to 52-bit # additionally, extended precision keeps around an high bit that we don't care about # so 11-shift, not 12, val, size=8) uc_offset += 1 vex_offset += 8 tag_word >>= 2 vex_tag_offset -= 1 # TODO: ARM hardfloat # now, we restore the symbolic registers if options.UNICORN_SYM_REGS_SUPPORT in state.options: for o, r in saved_registers:, r)
def _check_registers(self, report=True): """check if this state might be used in unicorn (has no concrete register)""" for r in self.state.arch.uc_regs.keys(): v = getattr(self.state.regs, r) processed_v = self._process_value(v, "reg") if processed_v is None or processed_v.symbolic: #'detected symbolic register %s', r) if report: self._report_symbolic_blocker(v, "reg") return False if self.state.arch.vex_conditional_helpers: flags = ccall._get_flags(self.state) processed_flags = self._process_value(flags, "reg") if processed_flags is None or processed_flags.symbolic: #"detected symbolic rflags/eflags") if report: self._report_symbolic_blocker(flags, "reg") return False # l.debug('passed quick check') return True
SimState.register_default("unicorn", Unicorn)