Source code for angr.utils.formatting

import sys
from import Sequence, Callable

if sys.platform == "win32":
    import colorama  # pylint:disable=import-error

ansi_color_enabled: bool = False

[docs] def setup_terminal(): """ Check if we are running in a TTY. If so, make sure the terminal supports ANSI escape sequences. If not, disable colorized output. Sets global `ansi_color_enabled` to True if colorized output should be enabled by default. """ isatty = ( hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty() and hasattr(sys.stderr, "isatty") and sys.stderr.isatty() ) if sys.platform == "win32" and isatty: if not isinstance(sys.stdout, colorama.ansitowin32.StreamWrapper): colorama.init() global ansi_color_enabled # pylint:disable=global-statement ansi_color_enabled = isatty
[docs] def ansi_color(s: str, color: str | None) -> str: """ Colorize string `s` by wrapping in ANSI escape sequence for given `color`. This function does not consider whether escape sequences are functional or not; it is up to the caller to determine if its appropriate. Check global `ansi_color_enabled` value in this module. """ if color is None: return s codes = { "black": "30m", "bright_black": "90m", "gray": "90m", # alias 'bright black' "blue": "34m", "bright_blue": "94m", "cyan": "36m", "bright_cyan": "96m", "green": "32m", "bright_green": "92m", "magenta": "35m", "bright_magenta": "95m", "red": "31m", "bright_red": "91m", "white": "37m", "bright_white": "97m", "yellow": "33m", "bright_yellow": "93m", } return "\u001b[" + codes[color] + s + "\u001b[0m"
[docs] def add_edge_to_buffer( buf: Sequence[str], ref: Sequence[str], start: int, end: int, formatter: Callable[[str], str] | None = None, dashed: bool = False, ascii_only: bool | None = None, ): """ Draw an edge by adding Unicode box and arrow glyphs to beginning of each line in a list of lines. :param buf: Output buffer, used to render formatted edges. :param ref: Reference buffer, used to calculate edge depth. :param start: Start line. :param end: End line, where arrow points. :param formatter: Optional callback function used to format the edge before writing it to output buffer. :param dashed: Render edge line dashed instead of solid. :param ascii_only: Render edge using ASCII characters only. If unspecified, guess by stdout encoding. :return: """ abs_start = min(start, end) abs_end = max(start, end) max_depth = max(map(len, ref[abs_start : abs_end + 1])) descending = start < end if ascii_only is None: # Guess whether we should only use ASCII characters based on stdout encoding ascii_only = getattr(sys.stdout, "encoding", None) != "utf-8" if ascii_only: chars = { "start_cap": "-", "start_corner": "+", "end_cap": ">", "end_corner": "+", "horizontal": "+" if dashed else "-", "vertical": "+" if dashed else "|", "spin": "@ ", } else: chars = { "start_cap": "╴", "start_corner": "╭" if descending else "╰", "end_cap": "▸", "end_corner": "╰" if descending else "╭", "horizontal": "╌" if dashed else "─", "vertical": "╎" if dashed else "│", "spin": "⟳ ", } def handle_line(i, edge_str): if formatter is not None: edge_str = formatter(edge_str) buf[i] = edge_str + buf[i] if start == end: handle_line(start, chars["spin"]) else: handle_line( start, (chars["start_corner"] + chars["horizontal"] * (max_depth - len(ref[start])) + chars["start_cap"]) ) handle_line(end, (chars["end_corner"] + chars["horizontal"] * (max_depth - len(ref[end])) + chars["end_cap"])) for i in range(abs_start + 1, abs_end): handle_line(i, chars["vertical"] + " " * (1 + max_depth - len(ref[i])))