Source code for angr.utils.algo

from typing import Any
from import Callable

[docs] def binary_insert(lst: list, elem: Any, key: Callable, lo: int = 0, hi: int | None = None) -> None: """ Insert an element into a sorted list, and keep the list sorted. The major difference from bisect.bisect_left is that this function supports a key method, so user doesn't have to create the key array for each insertion. :param list lst: The list. Must be pre-ordered. :param object element: An element to insert into the list. :param func key: A method to get the key for each element in the list. :param int lo: Lower bound of the search. :param int hi: Upper bound of the search. :return: None """ if lo < 0: raise ValueError("lo must be a non-negative number") if hi is None: hi = len(lst) while lo < hi: mid = (lo + hi) // 2 if key(lst[mid]) < key(elem): lo = mid + 1 else: hi = mid lst.insert(lo, elem)