Source code for angr.state_plugins.inspect

# TODO: SimValue being able to compare two symbolics for is_solution
from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from angr.sim_state import SimState
from .plugin import SimStatePlugin

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

event_types = {

inspect_attributes = {
    # vex_lift
    # mem_read
    # mem_write
    # reg_read
    # reg_write
    # tmp_read
    # tmp_write
    # expr
    # statement
    # instruction
    # irsb
    # constraints
    # call
    # exit
    "backtrace",  # unused?
    # symbolic_variable
    # address_concretization
    # syscall
    # simprocedure
    # dirty
    # engine_process
    # memory mapping

NO_OVERRIDE = object()

BP_BEFORE = "before"
BP_AFTER = "after"
BP_BOTH = "both"

BP_IPDB = "ipdb"
BP_IPYTHON = "ipython"

[docs] class BP: """ A breakpoint. """
[docs] def __init__(self, when=BP_BEFORE, enabled=None, condition=None, action=None, **kwargs): if len({k.replace("_unique", "") for k in kwargs} - set(inspect_attributes)) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid inspect attribute(s) {kwargs} passed in. " f"Should be one of {inspect_attributes}, or their _unique option." ) self.kwargs = kwargs self.enabled = True if enabled is None else enabled self.condition = condition self.action = action self.when = when
[docs] def check(self, state, when): """ Checks state `state` to see if the breakpoint should fire. :param state: The state. :param when: Whether the check is happening before or after the event. :return: A boolean representing whether the checkpoint should fire. """ ok = self.enabled and (when == self.when or self.when == BP_BOTH) if not ok: return ok l.debug("... after enabled and when: %s", ok) for a in [_ for _ in self.kwargs if not _.endswith("_unique")]: current_expr = getattr(state.inspect, a) needed = self.kwargs.get(a, None) l.debug("... checking condition %s", a) if current_expr is None and needed is None: l.debug("...... both None, True") c_ok = True elif current_expr is not None and needed is not None: if state.solver.solution(current_expr, needed): l.debug("...... is_solution!") c_ok = True else: l.debug("...... not solution...") c_ok = False if c_ok and self.kwargs.get(a + "_unique", True): l.debug("...... checking uniqueness") if not state.solver.unique(current_expr): l.debug("...... not unique") c_ok = False else: l.debug("...... one None, False") c_ok = False ok = ok and c_ok if not ok: return ok l.debug("... after condition %s: %s", a, ok) ok = ok and (self.condition is None or self.condition(state)) l.debug("... after condition func: %s", ok) return ok
[docs] def fire(self, state): """ Trigger the breakpoint. :param state: The state. """ if self.action is None or self.action == BP_IPDB: __import__("ipdb").set_trace() elif self.action == BP_IPYTHON: import IPython shell = IPython.terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed() shell.mainloop( display_banner="This is an ipython shell for you to happily debug your state!\n" + "The state can be accessed through the variable 'state'. You can\n" + "make modifications, then exit this shell to resume your analysis." ) else: self.action(state)
def __repr__(self): return "<BP {}-action with conditions {!r}, {} condition func, {} action func>".format( self.when, self.kwargs, "no" if self.condition is None else "with", "no" if self.action is None else "with", )
[docs] class SimInspector(SimStatePlugin): """ The breakpoint interface, used to instrument execution. For usage information, look here: """ BP_AFTER = BP_AFTER BP_BEFORE = BP_BEFORE BP_BOTH = BP_BOTH
[docs] def __init__(self): SimStatePlugin.__init__(self) self._breakpoints = {} for t in event_types: self._breakpoints[t] = [] self.action_attrs_set = False # action() will set it to True if the kwargs passed in have been set as # attributes to self. for i in inspect_attributes: setattr(self, i, None)
def __dir__(self): return sorted(set(dir(super()) + dir(inspect_attributes) + dir(self.__class__))) def _set_inspect_attrs(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in inspect_attributes: raise ValueError(f"Invalid inspect attribute {k} passed in. Should be one of: {inspect_attributes}") # l.debug("... setting %s", k) setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def action(self, event_type, when, **kwargs): """ Called from within the engine when events happens. This function checks all breakpoints registered for that event and fires the ones whose conditions match. """ self._set_inspect_attrs(**kwargs) self.action_attrs_set = True for bp in self._breakpoints[event_type]: if not self.action_attrs_set: self._set_inspect_attrs(**kwargs) self.action_attrs_set = True if bp.check(self.state, when): self.action_attrs_set = False
[docs] def make_breakpoint(self, event_type, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates and adds a breakpoint which would trigger on `event_type`. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`BP` constructor. :return: The created breakpoint, so that it can be removed later. """ bp = BP(*args, **kwargs) self.add_breakpoint(event_type, bp) return bp
b = make_breakpoint
[docs] def add_breakpoint(self, event_type, bp): """ Adds a breakpoint which would trigger on `event_type`. :param event_type: The event type to trigger on :param bp: The breakpoint :return: The created breakpoint. """ if event_type not in event_types: raise ValueError( "Invalid event type {} passed in. Should be one of: {}".format(event_type, ", ".join(event_types)) ) self._breakpoints[event_type].append(bp)
[docs] def remove_breakpoint(self, event_type, bp=None, filter_func=None): """ Removes a breakpoint. :param bp: The breakpoint to remove. :param filter_func: A filter function to specify whether each breakpoint should be removed or not. """ if bp is None and filter_func is None: raise ValueError('remove_breakpoint(): You must specify either "bp" or "filter".') try: if bp is not None: self._breakpoints[event_type].remove(bp) else: self._breakpoints[event_type] = [b for b in self._breakpoints[event_type] if not filter_func(b)] except ValueError: # the breakpoint is not found l.error("remove_breakpoint(): Breakpoint %s (type %s) is not found.", bp, event_type)
@SimStatePlugin.memo def copy(self, memo): # pylint: disable=unused-argument c = SimInspector() for i in inspect_attributes: setattr(c, i, getattr(self, i)) for t, a in self._breakpoints.items(): c._breakpoints[t].extend(a) return c
[docs] def downsize(self): """ Remove previously stored attributes from this plugin instance to save memory. This method is supposed to be called by breakpoint implementors. A typical workflow looks like the following : >>> # Add `attr0` and `attr1` to `self.state.inspect` >>> self.state.inspect(xxxxxx, attr0=yyyy, attr1=zzzz) >>> # Get new attributes out of SimInspect in case they are modified by the user >>> new_attr0 = self.state._inspect.attr0 >>> new_attr1 = self.state._inspect.attr1 >>> # Remove them from SimInspect >>> self.state._inspect.downsize() """ for k in inspect_attributes: if hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, None)
def _combine(self, others): for t in event_types: seen = {id(e) for e in self._breakpoints[t]} for o in others: for b in o._breakpoints[t]: if id(b) not in seen: self._breakpoints[t].append(b) seen.add(id(b)) return False
[docs] def merge(self, others, merge_conditions, common_ancestor=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return self._combine(others)
[docs] def widen(self, others): return self._combine(others)
[docs] def set_state(self, state): super().set_state(state) state.supports_inspect = True
SimState.register_default("inspect", SimInspector)