Source code for angr.simos.simos

import logging
import struct

import angr  # for types

import claripy
from archinfo import ArchMIPS32, ArchS390X

from ..errors import (
from ..sim_state import SimState
from ..state_plugins import SimSystemPosix
from ..calling_conventions import default_cc
from ..procedures import SIM_PROCEDURES as P
from .. import sim_options as o
from import SimFileStream, SimFileBase

_l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] class SimOS: """ A class describing OS/arch-level configuration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, project: "angr.Project", name=None): self.arch = project.arch self.project = project = name self.return_deadend = None self.unresolvable_jump_target = None self.unresolvable_call_target = None self.function_initial_registers = None
[docs] def configure_project(self): """ Configure the project to set up global settings (like SimProcedures). """ self.return_deadend = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self.project.hook(self.return_deadend, P["stubs"]["CallReturn"]()) self.unresolvable_jump_target = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self.project.hook(self.unresolvable_jump_target, P["stubs"]["UnresolvableJumpTarget"]()) self.unresolvable_call_target = self.project.loader.extern_object.allocate() self.project.hook(self.unresolvable_call_target, P["stubs"]["UnresolvableCallTarget"]()) def irelative_resolver(resolver_addr): # autohooking runs before this does, might have provided this already # in that case, we want to advertise the _resolver_ address, since it is now # providing the behavior of the actual function if self.project.is_hooked(resolver_addr): return resolver_addr base_state = self.state_blank( addr=0, add_options={o.SYMBOL_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_MEMORY, o.SYMBOL_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_REGISTERS} ) prototype = "void *x(long)" if isinstance(self.arch, ArchS390X) else "void *x(void)" resolver = self.project.factory.callable( resolver_addr, concrete_only=True, base_state=base_state, prototype=prototype ) try: if isinstance(self.arch, ArchS390X): # On s390x ifunc resolvers expect hwcaps. val = resolver(0) else: val = resolver() except AngrCallableMultistateError: _l.error("Resolver at %#x failed to resolve! (multivalued)", resolver_addr) return None except AngrCallableError: _l.error("Resolver at %#x failed to resolve!", resolver_addr) return None return val.concrete_value self.project.loader.perform_irelative_relocs(irelative_resolver)
def _weak_hook_symbol(self, name, hook, scope=None): if scope is None: sym = self.project.loader.find_symbol(name) else: sym = scope.get_symbol(name) if sym is not None: addr, _ = self.prepare_function_symbol(name, basic_addr=sym.rebased_addr) if self.project.is_hooked(addr): if not self.project.hooked_by(addr).is_stub: return self.project.hook(addr, hook)
[docs] def state_blank( self, addr=None, initial_prefix=None, brk=None, stack_end=None, stack_size=1024 * 1024 * 8, stdin=None, thread_idx=None, permissions_backer=None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize a blank state. All parameters are optional. :param addr: The execution start address. :param initial_prefix: :param stack_end: The end of the stack (i.e., the byte after the last valid stack address). :param stack_size: The number of bytes to allocate for stack space :param brk: The address of the process' break. :return: The initialized SimState. Any additional arguments will be passed to the SimState constructor """ # TODO: move ALL of this into the SimState constructor if kwargs.get("mode", None) is None: kwargs["mode"] = self.project._default_analysis_mode if permissions_backer is not None: kwargs["permissions_map"] = permissions_backer[1] kwargs["default_permissions"] = 7 if permissions_backer[0] else 3 if kwargs.get("cle_memory_backer", None) is None: kwargs["cle_memory_backer"] = self.project.loader if kwargs.get("os_name", None) is None: kwargs["os_name"] = actual_stack_end = stack_end if stack_end is None: stack_end = self.arch.initial_sp if kwargs.get("permissions_map", None) is None: # just a dict of address ranges to permission bits permission_map = {} for obj in self.project.loader.all_objects: for seg in obj.segments: perms = 0 # bit values based off of protection bit values from sys/mman.h if seg.is_readable: perms |= 1 # PROT_READ if seg.is_writable: perms |= 2 # PROT_WRITE if seg.is_executable: perms |= 4 # PROT_EXEC permission_map[(seg.min_addr, seg.max_addr)] = perms kwargs["permissions_map"] = permission_map if self.project.loader.main_object.execstack: stack_perms = 1 | 2 | 4 # RWX else: stack_perms = 1 | 2 # RW state = SimState(self.project, stack_end=stack_end, stack_size=stack_size, stack_perms=stack_perms, **kwargs) if stdin is not None and not isinstance(stdin, SimFileBase): if type(stdin) is type: stdin = stdin(name="stdin", has_end=False) else: if isinstance(stdin, claripy.Bits): num_bytes = len(stdin) // self.project.arch.byte_width else: num_bytes = len(stdin) _l.warning( "stdin is constrained to %d bytes (has_end=True). If you are only providing the first " "%d bytes instead of the entire stdin, please use " "stdin=SimFileStream(name='stdin', content=your_first_n_bytes, has_end=False).", num_bytes, num_bytes, ) stdin = SimFileStream(name="stdin", content=stdin, has_end=True) last_addr = self.project.loader.main_object.max_addr actual_brk = (last_addr - last_addr % 0x1000 + 0x1000) if brk is None else brk state.register_plugin("posix", SimSystemPosix(stdin=stdin, brk=actual_brk)) if initial_prefix is not None: for reg in state.arch.default_symbolic_registers: reg, state.solver.BVS( initial_prefix + "_" + reg, state.arch.bits, explicit_name=True, key=("reg", reg), eternal=True ), ) if state.arch.sp_offset is not None: state.regs.sp = stack_end for reg, val, is_addr, mem_region in state.arch.default_register_values: region_base = None # so pycharm does not complain if is_addr: if isinstance(mem_region, tuple): # unpack it mem_region, region_base = mem_region elif mem_region == "global": # Backward compatibility region_base = 0 else: raise AngrSimOSError('You must specify the base address for memory region "%s". ' % mem_region) # special case for stack_end overriding sp default if actual_stack_end is not None and state.arch.registers[reg][0] == state.arch.sp_offset: continue if o.ABSTRACT_MEMORY in state.options and is_addr: address = claripy.ValueSet(state.arch.bits, mem_region, region_base, val), address) else:, val) if addr is None: state.regs.ip = self.project.entry thread_name = self.project.loader.main_object.threads[thread_idx] if thread_idx is not None else None for reg, val in self.project.loader.main_object.thread_registers(thread_name).items(): if reg in ("fs", "gs", "cs", "ds", "es", "ss") and == "X86":, val >> 16) # oh boy big hack elif reg in state.arch.registers or reg in ("flags", "eflags", "rflags"):, val) elif reg == "fctrl": state.regs.fpround = (val & 0xC00) >> 10 elif reg == "fstat": state.regs.fc3210 = val & 0x4700 elif reg == "ftag": empty_bools = [((val >> (x * 2)) & 3) == 3 for x in range(8)] tag_chars = [claripy.BVV(0 if x else 1, 8) for x in empty_bools] for i, tag in enumerate(tag_chars): setattr(state.regs, "fpu_t%d" % i, tag) elif reg in ("fiseg", "fioff", "foseg", "fooff", "fop"): pass elif reg == "mxcsr": state.regs.sseround = (val & 0x600) >> 9 else: _l.error("What is this register %s I have to translate?", reg) if addr is not None: state.regs.ip = addr # set up the "root history" node state.scratch.ins_addr = addr state.scratch.bbl_addr = addr state.scratch.stmt_idx = 0 state.history.jumpkind = "Ijk_Boring" return state
[docs] def state_entry(self, **kwargs): return self.state_blank(**kwargs)
[docs] def state_full_init(self, **kwargs): return self.state_entry(**kwargs)
[docs] def state_call(self, addr, *args, **kwargs): cc = kwargs.pop("cc", default_cc(, state = kwargs.pop("base_state", None) toc = kwargs.pop("toc", None) ret_addr = kwargs.pop("ret_addr", self.return_deadend) stack_base = kwargs.pop("stack_base", None) alloc_base = kwargs.pop("alloc_base", None) grow_like_stack = kwargs.pop("grow_like_stack", True) prototype = angr.calling_conventions.SimCC.guess_prototype(args, kwargs.pop("prototype", None)).with_arch( self.arch ) if state is None: if stack_base is not None: kwargs["stack_end"] = (stack_base + 0x1000) & ~0xFFF state = self.state_blank(addr=addr, **kwargs) else: state = state.copy() state.regs.ip = addr cc.setup_callsite(state, ret_addr, args, prototype, stack_base, alloc_base, grow_like_stack) if == "PPC64" and toc is not None: state.regs.r2 = toc elif in ("MIPS32", "MIPS64"): state.regs.t9 = addr return state
[docs] def prepare_call_state(self, calling_state, initial_state=None, preserve_registers=(), preserve_memory=()): """ This function prepares a state that is executing a call instruction. If given an initial_state, it copies over all of the critical registers to it from the calling_state. Otherwise, it prepares the calling_state for action. This is mostly used to create minimalistic for CFG generation. Some ABIs, such as MIPS PIE and x86 PIE, require certain information to be maintained in certain registers. For example, for PIE MIPS, this function transfer t9, gp, and ra to the new state. """ if isinstance(self.arch, ArchMIPS32): if initial_state is not None: initial_state = self.state_blank() mips_caller_saves = ("s0", "s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7", "gp", "sp", "bp", "ra") preserve_registers = preserve_registers + mips_caller_saves + ("t9",) if initial_state is None: new_state = calling_state.copy() else: new_state = initial_state.copy() for reg in set(preserve_registers):, calling_state.registers.load(reg)) for addr, val in set(preserve_memory):, calling_state.memory.load(addr, val)) return new_state
[docs] def prepare_function_symbol(self, symbol_name, basic_addr=None): """ Prepare the address space with the data necessary to perform relocations pointing to the given symbol Returns a 2-tuple. The first item is the address of the function code, the second is the address of the relocation target. """ if basic_addr is None: basic_addr = self.project.loader.extern_object.get_pseudo_addr(symbol_name) return basic_addr, basic_addr
[docs] def handle_exception(self, successors, engine, exception): # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument """ Perform exception handling. This method will be called when, during execution, a SimException is thrown. Currently, this can only indicate a segfault, but in the future it could indicate any unexpected exceptional behavior that can't be handled by ordinary control flow. The method may mutate the provided SimSuccessors object in any way it likes, or re-raise the exception. :param successors: The SimSuccessors object currently being executed on :param engine: The engine that was processing this step :param exception: The actual exception object """ raise exception
# Dummy stuff to allow this API to be used freely # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use
[docs] def syscall(self, state, allow_unsupported=True): return None
[docs] def syscall_abi(self, state) -> str: return None
[docs] def syscall_cc(self, state) -> angr.calling_conventions.SimCCSyscall | None: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def is_syscall_addr(self, addr): return False
[docs] def syscall_from_addr(self, addr, allow_unsupported=True): return None
[docs] def syscall_from_number(self, number, allow_unsupported=True, abi=None): return None
[docs] def setup_gdt(self, state, gdt): """ Write the GlobalDescriptorTable object in the current state memory :param state: state in which to write the GDT :param gdt: GlobalDescriptorTable object :return: """ + 8, gdt.table) state.regs.gdt = gdt.gdt state.regs.cs = gdt.cs state.regs.ds = gdt.ds = = state.regs.fs = gdt.fs =
[docs] def generate_gdt(self, fs, gs, fs_size=0xFFFFFFFF, gs_size=0xFFFFFFFF): """ Generate a GlobalDescriptorTable object and populate it using the value of the gs and fs register :param fs: value of the fs segment register :param gs: value of the gs segment register :param fs_size: size of the fs segment register :param gs_size: size of the gs segment register :return: gdt a GlobalDescriptorTable object """ A_PRESENT = 0x80 A_DATA = 0x10 A_DATA_WRITABLE = 0x2 A_PRIV_0 = 0x0 A_DIR_CON_BIT = 0x4 F_PROT_32 = 0x4 S_GDT = 0x0 S_PRIV_0 = 0x0 GDT_ADDR = 0x4000 GDT_LIMIT = 0x1000 normal_entry = self._create_gdt_entry( 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, A_PRESENT | A_DATA | A_DATA_WRITABLE | A_PRIV_0 | A_DIR_CON_BIT, F_PROT_32 ) stack_entry = self._create_gdt_entry(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, A_PRESENT | A_DATA | A_DATA_WRITABLE | A_PRIV_0, F_PROT_32) fs_entry = self._create_gdt_entry( fs, fs_size, A_PRESENT | A_DATA | A_DATA_WRITABLE | A_PRIV_0 | A_DIR_CON_BIT, F_PROT_32 ) gs_entry = self._create_gdt_entry( gs, gs_size, A_PRESENT | A_DATA | A_DATA_WRITABLE | A_PRIV_0 | A_DIR_CON_BIT, F_PROT_32 ) table = normal_entry + stack_entry + fs_entry + gs_entry gdt = GDT_ADDR << 16 | GDT_LIMIT selector = self._create_selector(1, S_GDT | S_PRIV_0) cs = selector ds = selector es = selector selector = self._create_selector(2, S_GDT | S_PRIV_0) ss = selector selector = self._create_selector(3, S_GDT | S_PRIV_0) fs = selector selector = self._create_selector(4, S_GDT | S_PRIV_0) gs = selector global_descriptor_table = GlobalDescriptorTable(GDT_ADDR, GDT_LIMIT, table, gdt, cs, ds, es, ss, fs, gs) return global_descriptor_table
@staticmethod def _create_selector(idx, flags): to_ret = flags to_ret |= idx << 3 return to_ret @staticmethod def _create_gdt_entry(base, limit, access, flags): to_ret = limit & 0xFFFF to_ret |= (base & 0xFFFFFF) << 16 to_ret |= (access & 0xFF) << 40 to_ret |= ((limit >> 16) & 0xF) << 48 to_ret |= (flags & 0xFF) << 52 to_ret |= ((base >> 24) & 0xFF) << 56 return struct.pack("<Q", to_ret)
[docs] class GlobalDescriptorTable:
[docs] def __init__(self, addr, limit, table, gdt_sel, cs_sel, ds_sel, es_sel, ss_sel, fs_sel, gs_sel): self.addr = addr self.limit = limit self.table = table self.gdt = gdt_sel self.cs = cs_sel self.ds = ds_sel = es_sel = ss_sel self.fs = fs_sel = gs_sel