Source code for angr.knowledge_plugins.cfg.cfg_manager

from functools import reduce

from archinfo.arch_arm import is_arm_arch

from ..plugin import KnowledgeBasePlugin
from .cfg_model import CFGModel

[docs] class CFGManager(KnowledgeBasePlugin): """ This is the CFG manager, it manages CFGs """
[docs] def __init__(self, kb): super().__init__(kb=kb) self.cfgs = {}
def __repr__(self): return "<CFGManager with %d CFGs>" % len(self.cfgs) def __contains__(self, ident): return ident in self.cfgs def __getitem__(self, ident) -> CFGModel: if ident not in self.cfgs: if self._kb is not None and self._kb._project is not None: is_arm = is_arm_arch(self._kb._project.arch) else: is_arm = False self.cfgs[ident] = CFGModel(ident, cfg_manager=self, is_arm=is_arm) return self.cfgs[ident] def __setitem__(self, ident, model): self.cfgs[ident] = model
[docs] def new_model(self, prefix): if prefix not in self.cfgs: return self[prefix] # find a unique ident i = 0 while True: ident = prefix + "_%d" % i if ident not in self.cfgs: break i += 1 return self[ident]
[docs] def copy(self): cm = CFGManager(self._kb) cm.cfgs = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1].copy()), self.cfgs.items())) return cm
[docs] def get_most_accurate(self) -> CFGModel | None: """ :return: The most accurate CFG present in the CFGManager, or None if it does not hold any. """ less_accurate_to_most_accurate = ["CFGFast", "CFGEmulated"] # Try to get the most accurate first, then default to the next, ... all the way down to `None`. # Equivalent to `self.cfgs.get(<LAST>, self.cfgs.get(<SECOND LAST>, ... self.cfgs.get(<FIRST>, None)))`. return reduce(lambda acc, cfg: self.cfgs.get(cfg, acc), less_accurate_to_most_accurate, None)
# # Pickling # def __getstate__(self): return { "_kb": self._kb, "cfgs": self.cfgs, } def __setstate__(self, state): self._kb = state["_kb"] self.cfgs = state["cfgs"]
KnowledgeBasePlugin.register_default("cfgs", CFGManager)