Source code for angr.engines.procedure

import logging

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

from .engine import SuccessorsMixin

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ

[docs] class ProcedureMixin: """ A mixin for SimEngine which adds the ``process_procedure`` method for calling a SimProcedure and adding its results to a SimSuccessors. """
[docs] def process_procedure(self, state, successors, procedure, ret_to=None, arguments=None, **kwargs): successors.sort = "SimProcedure" # fill in artifacts successors.artifacts["is_syscall"] = procedure.is_syscall successors.artifacts["name"] = procedure.display_name successors.artifacts["no_ret"] = procedure.NO_RET successors.artifacts["adds_exits"] = procedure.ADDS_EXITS # Update state.scratch state.scratch.sim_procedure = procedure state.history.recent_block_count = 1 # prepare and run! if procedure.is_syscall: state._inspect("syscall", BP_BEFORE, syscall_name=procedure.display_name) cleanup_options = o.AUTO_REFS not in state.options and o.ADD_AUTO_REFS in state.options if cleanup_options: state.options.add(o.AST_DEPS) state.options.add(o.AUTO_REFS) # do it inst = procedure.execute(state, successors, ret_to=ret_to, arguments=arguments) successors.artifacts["procedure"] = inst if cleanup_options: state.options.discard(o.AST_DEPS) state.options.discard(o.AUTO_REFS) if procedure.is_syscall: state._inspect("syscall", BP_AFTER, syscall_name=procedure.display_name, simprocedure=inst) successors.description = "SimProcedure " + procedure.display_name if procedure.is_syscall: successors.description += " (syscall)" if procedure.is_stub: successors.description += " (stub)" successors.processed = True
[docs] class ProcedureEngine(ProcedureMixin, SuccessorsMixin): """ A SimEngine that you may use if you only care about processing SimProcedures. *Requires* the procedure kwarg to be passed to process. """
[docs] def process_successors(self, successors, procedure=None, **kwargs): if procedure is None: raise errors.SimEngineError("Must provide the procedure explicitly to use ProcedureEngine") self.process_procedure(self.state, successors, procedure, **kwargs)
from .. import sim_options as o from .. import errors from ..state_plugins.inspect import BP_BEFORE, BP_AFTER