Source code for angr.analyses.veritesting

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import cmp_to_key

import networkx

from .. import SIM_PROCEDURES
from .. import options as o
from ..knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
from ..errors import AngrError, AngrCFGError
from ..sim_manager import SimulationManager
from ..utils.graph import shallow_reverse
from . import Analysis, CFGEmulated

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] class VeritestingError(Exception): pass
[docs] class CallTracingFilter: """ Filter to apply during CFG creation on a given state and jumpkind to determine if it should be skipped at a certain depth """ whitelist = { SIM_PROCEDURES["cgc"]["receive"], SIM_PROCEDURES["cgc"]["transmit"], SIM_PROCEDURES["posix"]["read"], SIM_PROCEDURES["libc"]["fgetc"], SIM_PROCEDURES["glibc"]["__ctype_b_loc"], SIM_PROCEDURES["libc"]["strlen"], SIM_PROCEDURES["libc"]["strcmp"], SIM_PROCEDURES["libc"]["atoi"], } cfg_cache = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, project, depth, blacklist=None): self.project = project self.blacklist = [] if blacklist is None else blacklist self._skipped_targets = set() self.depth = depth
[docs] def filter(self, call_target_state, jumpkind): """ The call will be skipped if it returns True. :param call_target_state: The new state of the call target. :param jumpkind: The Jumpkind of this call. :returns: True if we want to skip this call, False otherwise. """ ACCEPT = False REJECT = True l.debug("Filtering calling target %s", call_target_state.ip) # Currently we always skip the call, unless the target function satisfies one of the following conditions: # 1) It's a SimProcedure that are in the whitelist # 2) It's a function that has no loops, and no calls/syscalls, # 3) It's a function that has no loops, and only has calls to another function that will not be filtered out by # this filter # Generate a CFG ip = call_target_state.ip if self.depth >= 5: l.debug("Rejecting target %s - too deep, depth is %d", ip, self.depth) return REJECT try: addr = call_target_state.solver.eval_one(ip) except (SimValueError, SimSolverModeError): self._skipped_targets.add(-1) l.debug("Rejecting target %s - cannot be concretized", ip) return REJECT # Is it in our blacklist? if addr in self.blacklist: self._skipped_targets.add(addr) l.debug("Rejecting target 0x%x - blacklisted", addr) return REJECT # If the target is a SimProcedure, is it on our whitelist? if self.project.is_hooked(addr) and type(self.project._sim_procedures[addr][0]) in CallTracingFilter.whitelist: # accept! l.debug("Accepting target 0x%x, jumpkind %s", addr, jumpkind) return ACCEPT # If it's a syscall, let's see if the real syscall is inside our whitelist if jumpkind.startswith("Ijk_Sys"): call_target_state.history.jumpkind = jumpkind successors_ = self.project.factory.successors(call_target_state) try: next_run = successors_.artifacts["procedure"] except KeyError: l.warning("CallTracingFilter.filter(): except artifacts['procedure'] in %s. Reject.", successors_) return REJECT if type(next_run) in CallTracingFilter.whitelist: # accept! l.debug("Accepting target 0x%x, jumpkind %s", addr, jumpkind) return ACCEPT else: # reject l.debug("Rejecting target 0x%x - syscall %s not in whitelist", addr, type(next_run)) return REJECT cfg_key = (addr, jumpkind, self.project.filename) if cfg_key not in self.cfg_cache: new_blacklist = self.blacklist[::] new_blacklist.append(addr) tracing_filter = CallTracingFilter(self.project, depth=self.depth + 1, blacklist=new_blacklist) cfg = self.project.analyses[CFGEmulated].prep(kb=KnowledgeBase(self.project))( starts=((addr, jumpkind),), initial_state=call_target_state, context_sensitivity_level=0, call_depth=1, call_tracing_filter=tracing_filter.filter, normalize=True, ) self.cfg_cache[cfg_key] = (cfg, tracing_filter) try: cfg.force_unroll_loops(1) except AngrCFGError: # Exceptions occurred during loop unrolling # reject l.debug("Rejecting target %#x - loop unrolling failed", addr) return REJECT else: l.debug("Loading CFG from CFG cache") cfg, tracing_filter = self.cfg_cache[cfg_key] if cfg._loop_back_edges: # It has loops! self._skipped_targets.add(addr) l.debug("Rejecting target 0x%x - it has loops", addr) return REJECT sim_procedures = [n for n in cfg.graph.nodes() if n.simprocedure_name is not None] for sp_node in sim_procedures: if not self.project.is_hooked(sp_node.addr): # This is probably a PathTerminator # Just skip it for now continue if self.project._sim_procedures[sp_node.addr].procedure not in CallTracingFilter.whitelist: self._skipped_targets.add(addr) l.debug("Rejecting target 0x%x - contains SimProcedures outside whitelist", addr) return REJECT if len(tracing_filter._skipped_targets): # Bummer self._skipped_targets.add(addr) l.debug("Rejecting target 0x%x - should be skipped", addr) return REJECT # accept! l.debug("Accepting target 0x%x, jumpkind %s", addr, jumpkind) return ACCEPT
[docs] class Veritesting(Analysis): """ An exploration technique made for condensing chunks of code to single (nested) if-then-else constraints via CFG accurate to conduct Static Symbolic Execution SSE (conversion to single constraint) """ # A cache for CFG we generated before cfg_cache = {} # Names of all stashes we will return from Veritesting all_stashes = ("successful", "errored", "deadended", "deviated", "unconstrained")
[docs] def __init__( self, input_state, boundaries=None, loop_unrolling_limit=10, enable_function_inlining=False, terminator=None, deviation_filter=None, ): """ SSE stands for Static Symbolic Execution, and we also implemented an extended version of Veritesting (Avgerinos, Thanassis, et al, ICSE 2014). :param input_state: The initial state to begin the execution with. :param boundaries: Addresses where execution should stop. :param loop_unrolling_limit: The maximum times that Veritesting should unroll a loop for. :param enable_function_inlining: Whether we should enable function inlining and syscall inlining. :param terminator: A callback function that takes a state as parameter. Veritesting will terminate if this function returns True. :param deviation_filter: A callback function that takes a state as parameter. Veritesting will put the state into "deviated" stash if this function returns True. """ block = self.project.factory.block(input_state.addr) branches = block.vex.constant_jump_targets_and_jumpkinds # if we are not at a conditional jump, just do a normal step if list(branches.values()) != ["Ijk_Boring", "Ijk_Boring"]: self.result, self.final_manager = False, None return # otherwise do a veritesting step self._input_state = input_state.copy() self._boundaries = boundaries if boundaries is not None else [] self._loop_unrolling_limit = loop_unrolling_limit self._enable_function_inlining = enable_function_inlining self._terminator = terminator self._deviation_filter = deviation_filter # set up the cfg stuff self._cfg, self._loop_graph = self._make_cfg() self._loop_backedges = self._cfg._loop_back_edges self._loop_heads = {dst.addr for _, dst in self._loop_backedges}"Static symbolic execution starts at %#x", self._input_state.addr) l.debug( "The execution will terminate at the following addresses: [ %s ]", ", ".join([hex(i) for i in self._boundaries]), ) l.debug("A loop will be unrolled by a maximum of %d times.", self._loop_unrolling_limit) if self._enable_function_inlining: l.debug("Function inlining is enabled.") else: l.debug("Function inlining is disabled.") self.result, self.final_manager = self._veritesting()
def _veritesting(self) -> tuple[bool, SimulationManager]: """ Perform static symbolic execution starting from the given point. :returns: tuple of the success/failure of veritesting and the subsequent SimulationManager after execution """ s = self._input_state.copy() try: new_manager = self._execute_and_merge(s) except (ClaripyError, SimError, AngrError): if BYPASS_VERITESTING_EXCEPTIONS not in s.options: raise l.warning("Veritesting caught an exception.", exc_info=True) return False, SimulationManager(self.project, stashes={"deviated": [s]}) except VeritestingError as ex: l.warning("Exception occurred: %s", str(ex)) return False, SimulationManager(self.project, stashes={"deviated": [s]}) "Returning new paths: (successful: %s, deadended: %s, errored: %s, deviated: %s)", len(new_manager.successful), len(new_manager.deadended), len(new_manager.errored), len(new_manager.deviated), ) return True, new_manager def _execute_and_merge(self, state): """ Symbolically execute the program in a static manner. The basic idea is that we look ahead by creating a CFG, then perform a _controlled symbolic exploration_ based on the CFG, one path at a time. The controlled symbolic exploration stops when it sees a branch whose both directions are all feasible, or it shall wait for a merge from another path. A basic block will not be executed for more than *loop_unrolling_limit* times. If that is the case, a new state will be returned. :param SimState state: The initial state to start the execution. :returns: A list of new states. """ # Find all merge points merge_points = self._get_all_merge_points(self._cfg, self._loop_graph) l.debug("Merge points: %s", [hex(i[0]) for i in merge_points]) # # Controlled symbolic exploration # # Initialize the beginning state initial_state = state initial_state.globals["loop_ctrs"] = defaultdict(int) manager = SimulationManager( self.project, active_states=[initial_state], resilience=o.BYPASS_VERITESTING_EXCEPTIONS in initial_state.options, ) # Initialize all stashes for stash in self.all_stashes: manager.stashes[stash] = [] # immediate_dominators = cfg.immediate_dominators(cfg.get_any_node(ip_int)) while # Step one step forward l.debug("Steps %s with %d active states: [ %s ]", manager, len(, # Apply self.deviation_func on every single active state, and move them to deviated stash if needed if self._deviation_filter is not None: manager.stash(filter_func=self._deviation_filter, from_stash="active", to_stash="deviated") # Mark all those paths that are out of boundaries as successful manager.stash(filter_func=self.is_overbound, from_stash="active", to_stash="successful") manager.step(successor_func=self._get_successors) if self._terminator is not None and self._terminator(manager): for p in manager.stashes[stash]: self._unfuck(p) break # Stash all paths that we do not see in our CFG manager.stash(filter_func=self.is_not_in_cfg, to_stash="deviated") # Stash all paths that we do not care about manager.stash( filter_func=lambda state: ( state.history.jumpkind not in ("Ijk_Boring", "Ijk_Call", "Ijk_Ret", "Ijk_NoHook") and not state.history.jumpkind.startswith("Ijk_Sys") ), to_stash="deadended", ) if manager.deadended: l.debug("Now we have some deadended paths: %s", manager.deadended) # Stash all possible states that we should merge later for merge_point_addr, merge_point_looping_times in merge_points: manager.stash( lambda s: s.addr == merge_point_addr, # pylint:disable=cell-var-from-loop to_stash="_merge_%x_%d" % (merge_point_addr, merge_point_looping_times), ) # Try to merge a set of previously stashed paths, and then unstash them if not manager = self._join_merge_points(manager, merge_points) if any(len(manager.stashes[stash_name]) for stash_name in self.all_stashes): # Remove all stashes other than errored or deadended for stash in list(manager.stashes): if stash not in self.all_stashes: manager.drop(stash=stash) for stash in manager.stashes: manager.apply(self._unfuck, stash=stash) return manager def _join_merge_points(self, manager, merge_points): """ Merges together the appropriate execution points and unstashes them from the intermidiate merge_x_y stashes to pruned (dropped), deadend or active stashes param SimulationManager manager: current simulation context being stepped through param [(int, int)] merge_points: list of address and loop counters of execution points to merge returns SimulationManager: new manager with edited stashes """ merged_anything = False for merge_point_addr, merge_point_looping_times in merge_points: if merged_anything: break stash_name = "_merge_%x_%d" % (merge_point_addr, merge_point_looping_times) if stash_name not in manager.stashes: continue stash_size = len(manager.stashes[stash_name]) if stash_size == 0: continue if stash_size == 1:"Skipping merge of 1 state in stash %s.", stash_size) manager.move(stash_name, "active") continue # let everyone know of the impending disaster"Merging %d states in stash %s", stash_size, stash_name) # Try to prune the stash, so unsatisfiable states will be thrown away manager.prune(from_stash=stash_name, to_stash="pruned") if "pruned" in manager.stashes and len(manager.pruned): l.debug("... pruned %d paths from stash %s", len(manager.pruned), stash_name) # Remove the pruned stash to save memory manager.drop(stash="pruned") # merge things callstack by callstack while len(manager.stashes[stash_name]): r = manager.stashes[stash_name][0] manager.move( stash_name, "merge_tmp", lambda p: p.callstack == r.callstack # pylint:disable=cell-var-from-loop ) old_count = len(manager.merge_tmp) l.debug("... trying to merge %d states.", old_count) # merge the loop_ctrs new_loop_ctrs = defaultdict(int) for m in manager.merge_tmp: for head_addr, looping_times in m.globals["loop_ctrs"].items(): new_loop_ctrs[head_addr] = max(looping_times, m.globals["loop_ctrs"][head_addr]) manager.merge(stash="merge_tmp") for m in manager.merge_tmp: m.globals["loop_ctrs"] = new_loop_ctrs new_count = len(manager.stashes["merge_tmp"]) l.debug("... after merge: %d states.", new_count) merged_anything |= new_count != old_count if len(manager.merge_tmp) > 1: l.warning("More than 1 state after Veritesting merge.") manager.move("merge_tmp", "active") elif any( loop_ctr >= self._loop_unrolling_limit + 1 for loop_ctr in manager.one_merge_tmp.globals["loop_ctrs"].values() ): l.debug("... merged state is overlooping") manager.move("merge_tmp", "deadended") else: l.debug("... merged state going to active stash") manager.move("merge_tmp", "active") return manager # # Path management #
[docs] def is_not_in_cfg(self, s): """ Returns if s.addr is not a proper node in our CFG. :param SimState s: The SimState instance to test. :returns bool: False if our CFG contains p.addr, True otherwise. """ n = self._cfg.model.get_any_node(s.addr, is_syscall=s.history.jumpkind.startswith("Ijk_Sys")) if n is None: return True if n.simprocedure_name == "PathTerminator": return True return False
def _get_successors(self, state): """ Gets the successors to the current state by step, saves copy of state and finally stashes new unconstrained states to manager. :param SimState state: Current state to step on from :returns SimSuccessors: The SimSuccessors object """ size_of_next_irsb = self._cfg.model.get_any_node(state.addr).size return self.project.factory.successors(state, size=size_of_next_irsb)
[docs] def is_overbound(self, state): """ Filter out all states that run out of boundaries or loop too many times. param SimState state: SimState instance to check returns bool: True if outside of mem/loop_ctr boundary """ ip = state.addr if ip in self._boundaries: l.debug("... terminating Veritesting due to overbound") return True try: # If the address is not in the list (which could mean it is # not at the top of a block), check directly in the blocks # (Blocks are repeatedly created for every check, but with # the IRSB cache in angr lifter it should be OK.) if set(self._boundaries).intersection(set(self.project.factory.block(ip).instruction_addrs)): return True except (AngrError, SimError): pass if ( ip in self._loop_heads # This is the beginning of the loop or state.history.jumpkind == "Ijk_Call" # We also wanna catch recursive function calls ): state.globals["loop_ctrs"][ip] += 1 if state.globals["loop_ctrs"][ip] >= self._loop_unrolling_limit + 1: l.debug("... terminating Veritesting due to overlooping") return True l.debug("... accepted") return False
@staticmethod def _unfuck(s): """ Deletes the loop counter from state's information dictionary :param SimState s: SimState instance to update :returns SimState: same SimState with deleted loop counter """ del s.globals["loop_ctrs"] return s # # Merge point determination # def _make_cfg(self): """ Builds a CFG from the current function. Saved in cfg_cache. returns (CFGEmulated, networkx.DiGraph): Tuple of the CFG and networkx representation of it """ state = self._input_state ip_int = state.addr # if the cfg is cached, simply return the cached cfg cfg_key = (ip_int, state.history.jumpkind, self.project.filename) if cfg_key in self.cfg_cache: cfg, cfg_graph_with_loops = self.cfg_cache[cfg_key] return cfg, cfg_graph_with_loops if self._enable_function_inlining: call_tracing_filter = CallTracingFilter(self.project, depth=0) filter = call_tracing_filter.filter # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin else: filter = None # To better handle syscalls, we make a copy of all registers if they are not symbolic cfg_initial_state = self.project.factory.blank_state(mode="fastpath") # FIXME: This is very hackish # FIXME: And now only Linux-like syscalls are supported if == "X86": if not state.solver.symbolic(state.regs.eax): cfg_initial_state.regs.eax = state.regs.eax elif == "AMD64": if not state.solver.symbolic(state.regs.rax): cfg_initial_state.regs.rax = state.regs.rax # generate the cfg and perform loop unrolling cfg = self.project.analyses[CFGEmulated].prep(kb=KnowledgeBase(self.project))( starts=((ip_int, state.history.jumpkind),), context_sensitivity_level=0, call_depth=1, call_tracing_filter=filter, initial_state=cfg_initial_state, normalize=True, ) cfg_graph_with_loops = networkx.DiGraph(cfg.graph) cfg.force_unroll_loops(self._loop_unrolling_limit) # cache the generated cfg self.cfg_cache[cfg_key] = (cfg, cfg_graph_with_loops) return cfg, cfg_graph_with_loops @staticmethod def _post_dominate(reversed_graph, n1, n2): """ Checks whether `n1` post-dominates `n2` in the *original* (not reversed) graph. :param networkx.DiGraph reversed_graph: The reversed networkx.DiGraph instance. :param networkx.Node n1: Node 1. :param networkx.Node n2: Node 2. :returns bool: True/False. """ ds = networkx.immediate_dominators(reversed_graph, n1) return n2 in ds def _get_all_merge_points(self, cfg, graph_with_loops): """ Return all possible merge points in this CFG. :param CFGEmulated cfg: The control flow graph, which must be acyclic. :returns [(int, int)]: A list of merge points (address and number of times looped). """ graph = networkx.DiGraph(cfg.graph) reversed_cyclic_graph = shallow_reverse(graph_with_loops) # Remove all "FakeRet" edges fakeret_edges = [ (src, dst) for src, dst, data in graph.edges(data=True) if data["jumpkind"] in ("Ijk_FakeRet", "Ijk_Exit") ] graph.remove_edges_from(fakeret_edges) # Remove all "FakeRet" edges from cyclic_graph as well fakeret_edges = [ (src, dst) for src, dst, data in reversed_cyclic_graph.edges(data=True) if data["jumpkind"] in ("Ijk_FakeRet", "Ijk_Exit") ] reversed_cyclic_graph.remove_edges_from(fakeret_edges) # Perform a topological sort sorted_nodes = networkx.topological_sort(graph) nodes = [n for n in sorted_nodes if graph.in_degree(n) > 1 and n.looping_times == 0] # Reorder nodes based on post-dominance relations nodes = sorted( nodes, key=cmp_to_key( lambda n1, n2: ( 1 if self._post_dominate(reversed_cyclic_graph, n1, n2) else (-1 if self._post_dominate(reversed_cyclic_graph, n2, n1) else 0) ) ), ) return [(n.addr, n.looping_times) for n in nodes]
from angr.analyses import AnalysesHub AnalysesHub.register_default("Veritesting", Veritesting) from ..errors import SimValueError, SimSolverModeError, SimError from ..sim_options import BYPASS_VERITESTING_EXCEPTIONS from claripy import ClaripyError