Source code for angr.analyses.loop_analysis

# pylint:disable=missing-class-docstring,no-self-use
import logging

from angr.analyses import ForwardAnalysis, visitors
from ..block import SootBlockNode
from ..errors import AngrLoopAnalysisError
from . import register_analysis
from .analysis import Analysis

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] class VariableTypes: Iterator = "Iterator" HasNext = "HasNext" Next = "Next"
[docs] class AnnotatedVariable: __slots__ = ["variable", "type"]
[docs] def __init__(self, variable, type_): self.variable = variable self.type = type_
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.variable}//{self.type}" def __eq__(self, other): return type(other) is AnnotatedVariable and other.type == self.type and other.variable == self.variable
[docs] class Condition: Equal = "==" NotEqual = "!="
[docs] def __init__(self, op, val0, val1): self.op = op self.val0 = val0 self.val1 = val1
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.val0} {self.op} {self.val1}"
[docs] @classmethod def from_opstr(cls, opstr): mapping = { "eq": cls.Equal, "==": cls.Equal, "ne": cls.NotEqual, "!=": cls.NotEqual, } return mapping.get(opstr, None)
[docs] class SootBlockProcessor:
[docs] def __init__(self, state, block, loop, defuse): self.state = state self.block = block self.loop = loop self.defuse = defuse
[docs] def process(self): if not isinstance(self.block, SootBlockNode): raise AngrLoopAnalysisError("Got an unexpected type of block %s." % type(self.block)) if not self.block.stmts: return None for stmt in self.block.stmts: func_name = "_handle_%s" % (stmt.__class__.__name__) if hasattr(self, func_name): getattr(self, func_name)(stmt) return self.state
def _stmt_inside_loop(self, stmt_idx): """ Test whether a statement is inside the loop body or not. :param stmt_idx: :return: """ # TODO: This is slow. Fix the performance issue for node in self.loop.body_nodes: if node.addr.stmt_idx <= stmt_idx < node.addr.stmt_idx + node.size: return True return False def _expr(self, expr): func_name = "_handle_%s" % (expr.__class__.__name__) if hasattr(self, func_name): return getattr(self, func_name)(expr) return expr # # Statement handlers # def _handle_AssignStmt(self, stmt): left_op, right_op = stmt.left_op, stmt.right_op expr = self._expr(right_op) if expr is not None: try: from pysoot.sootir.soot_value import SootLocal except ImportError: l.error("Please install PySoot before analyzing Java byte code.") raise if isinstance(left_op, SootLocal): # Log a def for the local variable self.state.locals[] = expr def _handle_IfStmt(self, stmt): target = # is it jumping outside the loop? if not self._stmt_inside_loop(target): cond = Condition( Condition.from_opstr(stmt.condition.op), self._expr(stmt.condition.value1), self._expr(stmt.condition.value2), ) self.state.add_loop_exit_stmt(stmt.label, condition=cond) # # Expression handlers # def _handle_SootLocal(self, expr): local_name = # First try state.locals try: return self.state.locals[local_name] except KeyError: pass # Then try defuse graph try: def_ = self.defuse.defs[local_name] expr = def_.evaluated except KeyError: pass return expr def _handle_SootIntConstant(self, expr): return expr.value def _handle_SootInterfaceInvokeExpr(self, expr): full_method = expr.class_name + "." + expr.method_name mapping = { "java.util.Set.iterator": VariableTypes.Iterator, "java.util.Iterator.hasNext": VariableTypes.HasNext, "": VariableTypes.Next, } base_var = self._expr(expr.base) if base_var is None: return None # Try to annotate the variable when applicable try: try: from pysoot.sootir.soot_value import SootValue except ImportError: l.error("Please install PySoot before analyzing Java byte code.") raise var_type = mapping[full_method] if isinstance(base_var, (SootValue, AnnotatedVariable)): annotated_var = AnnotatedVariable(base_var, var_type) return annotated_var except KeyError: pass return None
[docs] class LoopAnalysisState:
[docs] def __init__(self, block): self.block = block self.induction_variables = {} self.locals = {} self.loop_exit_stmts = set()
def __repr__(self): return "<LoopAnalysisState %s>" % self.block.addr
[docs] def copy(self): state = LoopAnalysisState(block=self.block) state.induction_variables = self.induction_variables.copy() state.locals = self.locals.copy() state.loop_exit_stmts = self.loop_exit_stmts.copy() return state
[docs] def merge(self, state): s = self.copy() # TODO: Induction variables s.locals.update(state.locals) s.loop_exit_stmts |= state.loop_exit_stmts return s
[docs] def add_loop_exit_stmt(self, stmt_idx, condition=None): self.loop_exit_stmts.add((condition, stmt_idx))
[docs] class LoopAnalysis(ForwardAnalysis, Analysis): """ Analyze a loop and recover important information about the loop (e.g., invariants, induction variables) in a static manner. """
[docs] def __init__(self, loop, defuse): visitor = visitors.LoopVisitor(loop) ForwardAnalysis.__init__(self, order_jobs=True, allow_merging=True, allow_widening=False, graph_visitor=visitor) self.loop = loop self.defuse = defuse self._traversed = set() self._last_state = None self.loop_exit_stmts = None self.locals = None self.bounded = None # Whether this loop is bounded self._analyze()
# # Main analysis routines # def _pre_analysis(self): pass def _pre_job_handling(self, job): pass def _initial_abstract_state(self, node): state = LoopAnalysisState(node) return state def _merge_states(self, node, *states): merged = states[0] for other in states[1:]: if other is not None: merged = merged.merge(other) return merged def _run_on_node(self, node, state): if node in self._traversed: return False, state self._traversed.add(node) state = state.copy() processor = SootBlockProcessor(state, node, self.loop, self.defuse) state = processor.process() self._last_state = state return True, state def _intra_analysis(self): pass def _post_analysis(self): self.loop_exit_stmts = self._last_state.loop_exit_stmts self.locals = self._last_state.locals self._last_state = None # Is it bounded? self.bounded = self._is_bounded() def _is_bounded(self): """ Checks whether this loop is bounded. We basically does a bunch of pattern matching. :return: True if this loop is bounded, False is this loop is not bounded, None otherwise (undetermined). :rtype: bool or None """ b = self._is_bounded_iterator_based() if b is not None: return b # Cannot determine return None def _is_bounded_iterator_based(self): """ Iterator based check. With respect to a certain variable/value A, - there must be at least one exit condition being A//Iterator//HasNext == 0 - there must be at least one local that ticks the iterator next: A//Iterator//Next """ # Condition 0 def check_0(cond): return ( isinstance(cond, Condition) and cond.op == Condition.Equal and cond.val1 == 0 and isinstance(cond.val0, AnnotatedVariable) and cond.val0.type == VariableTypes.HasNext ) check_0_results = [(check_0(stmt[0]), stmt[0]) for stmt in self.loop_exit_stmts] check_0_conds = [cond for r, cond in check_0_results if r] # remove all False ones if not check_0_conds: return None the_iterator = check_0_conds[0].val0.variable # Condition 1 def check_1(local): return ( isinstance(local, AnnotatedVariable) and local.type == VariableTypes.Next and local.variable == the_iterator ) if not any([check_1(local) for local in self.locals.values()]): return None return True
register_analysis(LoopAnalysis, "LoopAnalysis")