Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.region_simplifiers.goto

# pylint:disable=unused-argument,arguments-differ
import logging

import ailment

from ..sequence_walker import SequenceWalker
from ..structuring.structurer_nodes import (
from .node_address_finder import NodeAddressFinder
from ..goto_manager import Goto

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs] class GotoSimplifier(SequenceWalker): """ Remove unnecessary Jump statements. This simplifier also has the side effect of detecting Gotos that can't be reduced in the structuring and eventual decompilation output. Because of this, when this analysis is run, gotos in decompilation will be detected and stored in the kb.gotos. See the _handle_irreducible_goto function below. TODO: Move the recording of Gotos outside this function """
[docs] def __init__(self, node, function=None, kb=None): handlers = { SequenceNode: self._handle_sequencenode, CodeNode: self._handle_codenode, MultiNode: self._handle_multinode, LoopNode: self._handle_loopnode, ConditionNode: self._handle_conditionnode, CascadingConditionNode: self._handle_cascadingconditionnode, ailment.Block: self._handle_block, } self._function = function self._kb = kb self.irreducible_gotos = set() super().__init__(handlers) self._node_addrs: set[int] = NodeAddressFinder(node).addrs self.walk(node)
def _handle_sequencenode(self, node, successor=None, **kwargs): """ :param SequenceNode node: :return: """ for n0, n1 in zip(node.nodes, node.nodes[1:] + [successor]): self._handle(n0, successor=n1) def _handle_codenode(self, node, successor=None, **kwargs): """ :param CodeNode node: :return: """ self._handle(node.node, successor=successor) def _handle_conditionnode(self, node, successor=None, **kwargs): """ :param ConditionNode node: :param successor: :return: """ if node.true_node is not None: self._handle(node.true_node, successor=successor) if node.false_node is not None: self._handle(node.false_node, successor=successor) def _handle_cascadingconditionnode(self, node: CascadingConditionNode, successor=None, **kwargs): for _, child_node in node.condition_and_nodes: self._handle(child_node, successor=successor) if node.else_node is not None: self._handle(node.else_node, successor=successor) def _handle_loopnode(self, node, successor=None, **kwargs): """ :param LoopNode node: :param successor: :return: """ self._handle( node.sequence_node, successor=node, # the end of a loop always jumps to the beginning of its body ) def _handle_multinode(self, node, successor=None, **kwargs): """ :param MultiNode node: :return: """ for n0, n1 in zip(node.nodes, node.nodes[1:] + [successor]): self._handle(n0, successor=n1) def _handle_block(self, block, successor=None, **kwargs): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """ This will also record irreducible gotos into the kb if found. :param ailment.Block block: :return: """ if not block.statements: return last_stmt = block.statements[-1] # goto label; if isinstance(last_stmt, ailment.Stmt.Jump): if isinstance(, ailment.Expr.Const): goto_target = if successor and goto_target == successor.addr: can_remove = True elif goto_target not in self._node_addrs: # the target block has been removed and is no longer exist. we assume this goto is useless can_remove = True else: can_remove = False self._handle_irreducible_goto(block, last_stmt) if can_remove: # we can remove this statement block.statements = block.statements[:-1] # if {goto label_1;} else {goto label_2;} elif isinstance(last_stmt, ailment.Stmt.ConditionalJump): if ( last_stmt.true_target and isinstance(last_stmt.true_target, ailment.Expr.Const) and isinstance(last_stmt.true_target.value, int) ): self._handle_irreducible_goto(block, last_stmt, branch_target=True) if ( last_stmt.false_target and isinstance(last_stmt.false_target, ailment.Expr.Const) and isinstance(last_stmt.false_target.value, int) ): self._handle_irreducible_goto(block, last_stmt, branch_target=False) def _handle_irreducible_goto( self, block, goto_stmt: ailment.Stmt.Jump | ailment.Stmt.ConditionalJump, branch_target=None ): if not self._function: l.debug("Unable to store a goto at %#x because simplifier is kb or functionless", block.addr) return # normal Goto Label if branch_target is None: dst_target = # true branch of a conditional jump elif branch_target: dst_target = goto_stmt.true_target # false branch of a conditional jump else: dst_target = goto_stmt.true_target src_ins_addr = goto_stmt.ins_addr if "ins_addr" in goto_stmt.tags else block.addr goto = Goto(block.addr, dst_target.value, src_idx=block.idx, dst_idx=None, src_ins_addr=src_ins_addr) l.debug("Storing %r goto", goto) self.irreducible_gotos.add(goto)