Source code for angr.analyses.decompiler.decompilation_options

# decompilation options
from import Callable
from collections import defaultdict

from .structuring import structurer_class_from_name
from .structuring.phoenix import MultiStmtExprMode

[docs] class DecompilationOption: """ Describes a decompilation option. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, description, value_type, cls, param, value_range=None, category="General", default_value=None, clears_cache=True, candidate_values: list | None = None, convert: Callable | None = None, ): self.NAME = name self.DESCRIPTION = description self.value_type = value_type self.cls = cls self.param = param self.value_range = value_range self.category = category self.default_value = default_value self.clears_cache = clears_cache self.candidate_values = candidate_values self.convert = convert
def __repr__(self): return f"<DecOption [{self.category}] {self.NAME} ({self.cls}.{self.param})>"
O = DecompilationOption options = [ O( "Aggressively remove dead memdefs", "Allow the decompiler to aggressively remove memory definitions (such as stack variables) that are deemed dead." " Generally, enabling this option will generate cleaner pseudocode; However, due to limitations of static " "analysis, angr may miss certain uses to a memory definition, which may cause the removal of a memory " "definition that is actually in use, and consequently lead to incorrect decompilation output.", bool, "clinic", "remove_dead_memdefs", category="Data flows", default_value=False, ), O( "Display exception edges (experimental)", "Decompile and display exception handling code. Enabling this option generally degrades the readability of the " "pseudo code. This is still an experimental feature.", bool, "clinic", "exception_edges", category="Graph", default_value=False, ), O( "Rewrite ITE expressions into diamond-shaped control-flow regions", "Rewrite ITE expressions into diamond-shaped control-flow regions, which usually result in better decompilation" " output.", bool, "clinic", "rewrite_ites_to_diamonds", category="Graph", default_value=True, ), O( "Leave the largest loop successor tree outside the loop region", "During region identification, treating the largest successor tree of a loop as a member of the loop body " "sometimes leads to seemingly unnatural and gigantic loops. Enabling this option will treat such successor " "trees not as a member of the loop body.", bool, "region_identifier", "largest_successor_tree_outside_loop", category="Graph", default_value=True, ), O( "Simplify switches by undoing switch clustering", "Undoing switch clustering that modern compilers employ. Switch clustering will split a switch into " "multiple pieces and transform (or lower) them piece-by-piece for better performance (and lower readability).", bool, "region_simplifier", "simplify_switches", category="Graph", default_value=True, ), O( "Simplify if-else to remove terminating else scopes", "Removes terminating else scopes to make the code appear more flat.", bool, "region_simplifier", "simplify_ifelse", category="Graph", default_value=True, ), O( "Show casts", "Disabling this option will blindly remove all C typecast constructs from pseudocode output.", bool, "codegen", "show_casts", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=False, ), O( "Comment gotos", "Disabling this option will uncomment gotos currently shown in output.", bool, "codegen", "comment_gotos", category="Display", default_value=False, clears_cache=False, ), O( "Braces on own lines", 'Highly controversial. Disable this to see "} else {".', bool, "codegen", "braces_on_own_lines", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=False, ), O( "Use compound assignment operators", 'Reduce statements "a = a + b" to "a += b".', bool, "codegen", "use_compound_assignments", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=False, ), O( "Show local types", "When decompilation generates typedefs, show them before the function body", bool, "codegen", "show_local_types", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=False, ), O( "Show externs", "Declare global variables used in this function with the `extern` keyword.", bool, "codegen", "show_externs", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=False, ), O( "Show demangled name", "Demangles names in higher-level languages like C++", bool, "codegen", "show_demangled_name", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=True, ), O( "Show disambiguated names", "Disambiguate function names when they conflict with variables and other functions", bool, "codegen", "show_disambiguated_name", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=True, ), O( "Structuring algorithm", "Select a structuring algorithm. Currently supports Dream and Phoenix.", type, "recursive_structurer", "structurer_cls", category="Structuring", default_value="Phoenix", candidate_values=["Dream", "Phoenix"], clears_cache=True, convert=structurer_class_from_name, ), O( "Improve structuring algorithm", "If applicable in deeper structurer, like Phoenix, improves decompilation output", bool, "recursive_structurer", "improve_structurer", category="Structuring", default_value=True, clears_cache=True, ), O( "C-style null compares", "Rewrites the (x == 0) => (!x) && (x != 0) => (x)", bool, "codegen", "cstyle_null_cmp", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=True, ), O( "Simplified else", "Removes redundant else scopes", bool, "codegen", "simplify_else_scope", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=True, ), O( "C-style if statements", "Omits braces for single statement if blocks that have no else", bool, "codegen", "cstyle_ifs", category="Display", default_value=True, clears_cache=True, ), O( "Multi-expression statements generation", "Should the structuring algorithm generate multi-expression statements? If so, under what conditions?", type, "recursive_structurer", "use_multistmtexprs", category="Structuring", default_value=MultiStmtExprMode.MAX_ONE_CALL.value, candidate_values=[op.value for op in MultiStmtExprMode], clears_cache=True, convert=MultiStmtExprMode, ), ] # NOTE: if you add a codegen option here, please add it to reapply_options options_by_category = defaultdict(list) PARAM_TO_OPTION = {} for o in options: options_by_category[o.category].append(o) PARAM_TO_OPTION[o.param] = o # # Option Helpers #
[docs] def get_structurer_option() -> DecompilationOption | None: for opt in options: if opt.cls == "recursive_structurer" and opt.param == "structurer_cls": return opt return None