Source code for angr.analyses.cfg_slice_to_sink.cfg_slice_to_sink

from typing import Any
from functools import reduce

from .transitions import merge_transitions

[docs] class CFGSliceToSink: """ The representation of a slice of a CFG. """
[docs] def __init__(self, target, transitions=None): """ :param angr.knowledge_plugins.functions.function.Function target: The targeted sink, to which every path in the slice leads. :param Dict[int,List[int]] transitions: A mapping representing transitions in the graph. Indexes are source addresses and values a list of destination addresses, for which there exists a transition in the slice from source to destination. """ self._target = target self._transitions = transitions or {}
@property def transitions(self): """ :return Dict[int,List[int]]: The transitions in the slice. """ return self._transitions @property def transitions_as_tuples(self): """ :return List[Tuple[int,int]]: The list of transitions as pairs of (source, destination). """ return reduce( lambda acc, source: acc + [(source, destination) for destination in self._transitions[source]], self._transitions.keys(), [], ) @property def target(self): """ :return angr.knowledge_plugins.functions.function.Function: The targeted sink function, from which the slice is constructed. """ return self._target @property def _origins(self): return set(self._transitions.keys()) @property def _destinations(self): return set(reduce(lambda acc, destinations: acc + destinations, self._transitions.values(), [])) @property def nodes(self) -> list[int]: """ :return: The complete list of addresses present in the slice. """ return list(self._origins | self._destinations) @property def entrypoints(self): """ Entrypoints are all source addresses that are not the destination address of any transition. :return List[int]: The list of entrypoints addresses. """ return sorted(list(self._origins - self._destinations))
[docs] def add_transitions(self, transitions): """ Add the given transitions to the current slice. :param Dict[int,List[int]] transitions: The list of transitions to be added to `self.transitions`. :return Dict[int,List[int]]: Return the updated list of transitions. """ self._transitions = merge_transitions(transitions, self._transitions) return self._transitions
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Test if a given slice does not contain any transition. :return bool: True if the <CFGSliceToSink> instance does not contain any transitions. False otherwise. """ return not bool(self._transitions)
[docs] def path_between(self, source: int, destination: int, visited: set[Any] | None = None) -> bool: """ Check the existence of a path in the slice between two given node adresses. :param source: The source address. :param destination: The destination address. :param visited: Used to avoid infinite recursion if loops are present in the slice. :return: True if there is a path between the source and the destination in the CFG, False if not, or if we have been unable to decide (because of loops). """ _visited = set() if visited is None else visited if source not in self._transitions or source in _visited: return False _visited.add(source) direct_successors = self._transitions[source] if destination in direct_successors: return True else: return any(map(lambda s: self.path_between(s, destination, _visited), direct_successors))