Source code for angr.analyses.cfg.indirect_jump_resolvers.resolver

import typing

from ....errors import SimMemoryError

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .... import Project

[docs] class IndirectJumpResolver:
[docs] def __init__(self, project, timeless=False, base_state=None): self.project: "Project" = project self.timeless = timeless self.base_state = base_state
[docs] def filter(self, cfg, addr, func_addr, block, jumpkind): """ Check if this resolution method may be able to resolve the indirect jump or not. :param int addr: Basic block address of this indirect jump. :param int func_addr: Address of the function that this indirect jump belongs to. :param block: The basic block. The type is determined by the backend being used. It's pyvex.IRSB if pyvex is used as the backend. :param str jumpkind: The jumpkind. :return: True if it is possible for this resolution method to resolve the specific indirect jump, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def resolve(self, cfg, addr, func_addr, block, jumpkind, func_graph_complete: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Resolve an indirect jump. :param cfg: The CFG analysis object. :param int addr: Basic block address of this indirect jump. :param int func_addr: Address of the function that this indirect jump belongs to. :param block: The basic block. The type is determined by the backend being used. It's pyvex.IRSB if pyvex is used as the backend. :param str jumpkind: The jumpkind. :param func_graph_complete: True if the function graph is complete at this point (except for nodes that this indirect jump node dominates). :return: A tuple of a boolean indicating whether the resolution is successful or not, and a list of resolved targets (ints). :rtype: tuple """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _is_target_valid(self, cfg, target): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """ Check if the resolved target is valid. :param cfg: The CFG analysis object. :param int target: The target to check. :return: True if the target is valid. False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if self.base_state is not None: try: if self.base_state.solver.is_true((self.base_state.memory.permissions(target) & 4) == 4): return True except SimMemoryError: pass return False if cfg._addr_in_exec_memory_regions(target): # the jump target is executable return True if self.project.is_hooked(target): # the jump target is hooked return True return False