Source code for angr.analyses.analysis

# ruff: noqa: F401
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import sys
import contextlib
from collections import defaultdict
from inspect import Signature
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Generic, cast
from import Callable
from types import NoneType
from itertools import chain
from traceback import format_exception

import logging
import time
import typing

from rich import progress

from angr.misc.plugins import PluginVendor, VendorPreset
from angr.misc.ux import deprecated
from angr.misc import telemetry

    from angr.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
    from angr.project import Project
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
    from .identifier import Identifier
    from .callee_cleanup_finder import CalleeCleanupFinder
    from .vsa_ddg import VSA_DDG
    from .cdg import CDG
    from .bindiff import BinDiff
    from .cfg import CFGEmulated
    from .cfg import CFBlanket
    from .cfg import CFG
    from .cfg import CFGFast
    from .static_hooker import StaticHooker
    from .ddg import DDG
    from .congruency_check import CongruencyCheck
    from .reassembler import Reassembler
    from .backward_slice import BackwardSlice
    from .binary_optimizer import BinaryOptimizer
    from .vfg import VFG
    from .loopfinder import LoopFinder
    from .disassembly import Disassembly
    from .veritesting import Veritesting
    from .code_tagging import CodeTagging
    from .boyscout import BoyScout
    from .variable_recovery import VariableRecoveryFast
    from .variable_recovery import VariableRecovery
    from .reaching_definitions import ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis
    from .complete_calling_conventions import CompleteCallingConventionsAnalysis
    from import Clinic
    from .propagator import PropagatorAnalysis
    from .calling_convention import CallingConventionAnalysis
    from .decompiler.decompiler import Decompiler
    from .xrefs import XRefsAnalysis

    AnalysisParams = ParamSpec("AnalysisParams")

l = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)
t = telemetry.get_tracer(name=__name__)

[docs] class AnalysisLogEntry:
[docs] def __init__(self, message, exc_info=False): if exc_info: (e_type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info() self.exc_type = e_type self.exc_value = value self.exc_traceback = traceback else: self.exc_type = None self.exc_value = None self.exc_traceback = None self.message = message
[docs] def format(self) -> str: if self.exc_traceback is None: return self.message return "\n".join((*format_exception(self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.exc_traceback), "", self.message))
def __getstate__(self): return ( str(self.__dict__.get("exc_type")), str(self.__dict__.get("exc_value")), str(self.__dict__.get("exc_traceback")), self.message, ) def __setstate__(self, s): self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.exc_traceback, self.message = s def __repr__(self): if self.exc_type is None: msg_str = repr(self.message) if len(msg_str) > 70: msg_str = msg_str[:66] + "..." if msg_str[0] in ('"', "'"): msg_str += msg_str[0] return f"<AnalysisLogEntry {msg_str}>" msg_str = repr(self.message) if len(msg_str) > 40: msg_str = msg_str[:36] + "..." if msg_str[0] in ('"', "'"): msg_str += msg_str[0] return f"<AnalysisLogEntry {msg_str} with {self.exc_type.__name__}: {self.exc_value}>"
A = TypeVar("A", bound="Analysis")
[docs] class AnalysesHub(PluginVendor[A]): """ This class contains functions for all the registered and runnable analyses, """
[docs] def __init__(self, project): super().__init__() self.project = project
@deprecated() def reload_analyses(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return def _init_plugin(self, plugin_cls: type[A]) -> AnalysisFactory[A]: return AnalysisFactory(self.project, plugin_cls) def __getstate__(self): s = super().__getstate__() return (s, self.project) def __setstate__(self, sd): s, self.project = sd super().__setstate__(s) def __getitem__(self, plugin_cls: type[A]) -> AnalysisFactory[A]: return AnalysisFactory(self.project, plugin_cls)
[docs] class KnownAnalysesPlugin(typing.Protocol): Identifier: type[Identifier] CalleeCleanupFinder: type[CalleeCleanupFinder] VSA_DDG: type[VSA_DDG] CDG: type[CDG] BinDiff: type[BinDiff] CFGEmulated: type[CFGEmulated] CFB: type[CFBlanket] CFBlanket: type[CFBlanket] CFG: type[CFG] CFGFast: type[CFGFast] StaticHooker: type[StaticHooker] DDG: type[DDG] CongruencyCheck: type[CongruencyCheck] Reassembler: type[Reassembler] BackwardSlice: type[BackwardSlice] BinaryOptimizer: type[BinaryOptimizer] VFG: type[VFG] LoopFinder: type[LoopFinder] Disassembly: type[Disassembly] Veritesting: type[Veritesting] CodeTagging: type[CodeTagging] BoyScout: type[BoyScout] VariableRecoveryFast: type[VariableRecoveryFast] VariableRecovery: type[VariableRecovery] ReachingDefinitions: type[ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis] CompleteCallingConventions: type[CompleteCallingConventionsAnalysis] Clinic: type[Clinic] Propagator: type[PropagatorAnalysis] CallingConvention: type[CallingConventionAnalysis] Decompiler: type[Decompiler] XRefs: type[XRefsAnalysis]
[docs] class AnalysesHubWithDefault(AnalysesHub, KnownAnalysesPlugin): """ This class has type-hinting for all built-in analyses plugin """
[docs] class AnalysisFactory(Generic[A]):
[docs] def __init__(self, project: Project, analysis_cls: type[A]): self._project = project self._analysis_cls = analysis_cls self.__doc__ = "" self.__doc__ += analysis_cls.__doc__ or "" self.__doc__ += analysis_cls.__init__.__doc__ or "" self.__call__.__func__.__signature__ = Signature.from_callable(analysis_cls.__init__)
[docs] def prep( self, fail_fast=False, kb: KnowledgeBase | None = None, progress_callback: Callable | None = None, show_progressbar: bool = False, ) -> type[A]: @functools.wraps(self._analysis_cls.__init__) @t.start_as_current_span(self._analysis_cls.__name__) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): span = telemetry.get_current_span() sig = cast(Signature, self.__call__.__func__.__signature__) bound = sig.bind(None, *args, **kwargs) for name, val in chain(bound.arguments.items(), bound.arguments.get("kwargs", {}).items()): if name in ("kwargs", "self"): continue if isinstance(val, (str, bytes, bool, int, float, NoneType)): if val is None: span.set_attribute(f"arg.{name}.is_none", True) else: span.set_attribute(f"arg.{name}", val) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): listval = list(val) if not listval or ( isinstance(listval[0], (str, bytes, bool, int, float)) and all(type(sval) is type(listval[0]) for sval in listval) ): span.set_attribute(f"arg.{name}", listval) elif isinstance(val, dict): listval_keys = list(val) listval_values = list(val.values()) if not listval_keys or ( isinstance(listval_keys[0], (str, bytes, bool, int, float)) and all(type(sval) is type(listval_keys[0]) for sval in listval_keys) ): span.set_attribute(f"arg.{name}.keys", listval_keys) if not listval_values or ( isinstance(listval_values[0], (str, bytes, bool, int, float)) and all(type(sval) is type(listval_values[0]) for sval in listval_values) ): span.set_attribute(f"arg.{name}.values", listval_values) else: span.set_attribute(f"arg.{name}.unrepresentable", True) if self._project.filename is not None: span.set_attribute("project.binary_name", self._project.filename) span.set_attribute("project.arch_name", oself = object.__new__(self._analysis_cls) oself.named_errors = defaultdict(list) oself.errors = [] oself.log = [] oself._fail_fast = fail_fast oself._name = self._analysis_cls.__name__ oself.project = self._project oself.kb = kb or self._project.kb oself._progress_callback = progress_callback oself._show_progressbar = show_progressbar oself.__init__(*args, **kwargs) return oself return wrapper # type: ignore
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> A: fail_fast = kwargs.pop("fail_fast", False) kb = kwargs.pop("kb", self._project.kb) progress_callback = kwargs.pop("progress_callback", None) show_progressbar = kwargs.pop("show_progressbar", False) w = self.prep( fail_fast=fail_fast, kb=kb, progress_callback=progress_callback, show_progressbar=show_progressbar ) r = w(*args, **kwargs) # clean up so that it's always pickleable r._progressbar = None return r
[docs] class Analysis: """ This class represents an analysis on the program. :ivar project: The project for this analysis. :type project: angr.Project :ivar KnowledgeBase kb: The knowledgebase object. :ivar _progress_callback: A callback function for receiving the progress of this analysis. It only takes one argument, which is a float number from 0.0 to 100.0 indicating the current progress. :ivar bool _show_progressbar: If a progressbar should be shown during the analysis. It's independent from _progress_callback. :ivar progress.Progress _progressbar: The progress bar object. """ project: Project kb: KnowledgeBase _fail_fast: bool _name: str errors: list[AnalysisLogEntry] = [] named_errors: defaultdict[str, list[AnalysisLogEntry]] = defaultdict(list) _progress_callback = None _show_progressbar = False _progressbar = None _task = None _PROGRESS_WIDGETS = [ progress.TaskProgressColumn(), progress.BarColumn(), progress.TextColumn("Elapsed Time:"), progress.TimeElapsedColumn(), progress.TextColumn("Time:"), progress.TimeRemainingColumn(), progress.TextColumn("{task.description}"), ] @contextlib.contextmanager def _resilience(self, name=None, exception=Exception): try: yield except exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except if self._fail_fast: raise else: error = AnalysisLogEntry("exception occurred", exc_info=True) l.error("Caught and logged %s with resilience: %s", error.exc_type.__name__, error.exc_value) if name is None: self.errors.append(error) else: self.named_errors[name].append(error) def _initialize_progressbar(self): """ Initialize the progressbar. :return: None """ self._progressbar = progress.Progress(*self._PROGRESS_WIDGETS) self._task = self._progressbar.add_task(total=100, description="") self._progressbar.start() def _update_progress(self, percentage, text=None, **kwargs): """ Update the progress with a percentage, including updating the progressbar as well as calling the progress callback. :param float percentage: Percentage of the progressbar. from 0.0 to 100.0. :param kwargs: Other parameters that will be passed to the progress_callback handler. :return: None """ if self._show_progressbar: if self._progressbar is None: self._initialize_progressbar() self._progressbar.update(self._task, completed=percentage) if text is not None and self._progressbar: self._progressbar.update(self._task, description=text) if self._progress_callback is not None: self._progress_callback(percentage, text=text, **kwargs) # pylint:disable=not-callable def _finish_progress(self): """ Mark the progressbar as finished. :return: None """ if self._show_progressbar: if self._progressbar is None: self._initialize_progressbar() if self._progressbar is not None: self._progressbar.update(self._task, completed=100) self._progressbar.stop() self._progressbar = None if self._progress_callback is not None: self._progress_callback(100.0) # pylint:disable=not-callable @staticmethod def _release_gil(ctr, freq, sleep_time=0.001): """ Periodically calls time.sleep() and releases the GIL so other threads (like, GUI threads) have a much better chance to be scheduled, and other critical components (like the GUI) can be kept responsiveness. This is, of course, a hack before we move all computational intensive tasks to pure C++ implementations. :param int ctr: A number provided by the caller. :param int freq: How frequently time.sleep() should be called. time.sleep() is called when ctr % freq == 0. :param sleep_time: Number (or fraction) of seconds to sleep. :return: None """ if ctr != 0 and ctr % freq == 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) if "_progressbar" in d: del d["_progressbar"] if "_progress_callback" in d: del d["_progress_callback"] if "_statusbar" in d: del d["_statusbar"] return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self._name} Analysis Result at {id(self):#x}>"
default_analyses = VendorPreset() AnalysesHub.register_preset("default", default_analyses)